The point of running it in a sandbox would be to get actual footage of what it looks like(while theoretically keeping the computer safe), not to recreate what we'd imagine it to be or look like (^~^; )ゞ If I do decide to fuss with the file in any capacity I'll be sure to be very careful.
The other doesn't even look like an ascii, but regardless, I'll need to do my own research to ensure everything is up to my sourcing standards if I do a video on it. Thanks for the initial lead, however!
Also, you might wanna double check the rules on double posting. TT let's ya edit for a couple hours, so quick little follow ups don't get registered as a certain kind of canned meat and make extra work for our lovely and hard working mods

Edit: I might be thinking of a virtual machine over a sandbox. I'm not the most techy, I'd deffo get my partner to help me (^~^; )ゞ