Anyone Else Take Naps with Tamas?


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Mar 22, 2017
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While I do hear that some of us tamaholics have to squeeze in our virtual pets at odd hours of the day just to keep up with things, I reckon some of you have them incorporated into your daily lives. So I was wondering, how do you guys, gals, and attack helicopters (hi Mom!) deal with your virtual pets when you have to take a nap? Do you pause them or just leave them running while you sleep?

Back when I was reigniting my love of Vpets, I would pause them if I ever needed to take an odd nap because I didn't want to lose sleep worrying about them. Now, as my sleep schedule has gone kinda off the rails, I feel more inclined to take naps and simply put my virtual pets on the dresser above my bed and try to wake up every 1-2 hours - or whenever I have a moment of consciousnesses - to check them. Like today when I more or less took a 2 and a half hour nap after lunch. Of course, if I had any Vpet I was neglecting I'd just pause them. Also due to sometimes staying up past midnight, I get a little sad when they're all sleeping and there's no one to keep me company - unless I made enough noise to wake up my family, whereupon I wouldn't want any company.

I keep mine next to me on the bed while I take a nap, with the sound on, unpaused. It's not the first time I'm waken up by them (I'm a very light sleeper), even just the poop noise from the ON wakes me up usually. I tend to their needs all drowsy and go back to sleep again knowing they're happy and safe at least  :lol:  Last Saturday I had a late night (got home at 6am), and I knew my Tama will wake up in a couple of hours. I stayed in bed till around 3pm, but was woken up around 4 times by my Tama during that time.

I got a really good chuckle from that one, Eggiweg XD I've seen quite a few people drawing a natural connection between raising Vpets and being maternal/paternal, some even calling their tamas their children. When me and my grandma were talking about tamas and I was describing the baby stage to her, she kept agreeing and mentioning how it's similar to human babies with how they only sleep for 4 hours and need to be fed constantly (having raised four boys, she'd know). I found the parallel quite fascinating because I don't know much about that stuff. 321Boom's post in particular sounds very much like there might be some screaming babies in there XD I wonder what people would think of me if I told them I just tossed my baby on the dresser and took a long nap XD

If people talked about babies like they do tamas, things would start to get really sci-fi. Like, "Oh, my baby didn't have any sound so I took it apart and soldered the sound wires back in place. Now it's beeping just fine! Had to make sure the screws were extra tight because I don't want a baby with missing pixels". "I was bored so I did a shell transplant with my baby and now its got that cute little roof from the V5 babies. Had to also take of his battery cover and clean out some corrosion. The previous owner must have been oblivious to battery leakage when that can just total a baby". "I don't play with my babies; I put them in a cabinet so they'll stay in mint condition". "All of these newbies don't know that you don't have to constantly run your baby; just clock pause them". "I sent off my baby to an artist to get a custom shell and now its got Kusatchis all over it". "I fed my baby too much and he turned into Kuchipachi. Just going to marry him off when the matchmaker comes and try for Mametchi again".


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