Anyone else like me?


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Dec 13, 2009
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Is there anyone else out there, who feels the same as I do? I can't make friends with a Tama. I also don't have the urge to sneak them into school. And most of all, it's how horribly I treat them.

If there's something I want to know, I will go to great Tama-killing lengths to find it out. I will leave my TMGC+C unpaused at home when I'm at school. I have never got my V6 up higher than 3rd Generation because I kill it all the time. Any 1st Generation character with slow growth is reset. If I get the wrong character, I reset it unless the generation is high. Once I even broke one in a V6 debugging experiment.

Another issue is my pausing. Pausing isn't one of those few-and-far-between things for me, I always pause them. I pause them when I go out. I pause them when I do homework. I pause them sometimes for whole weekends and holidays. Any of my Tamas is likely to get paused then unpaused at least 10 times per week, if I'm running it.

AND my logging. I have about 10 logs along with about 10 real life diaries and they are all what I call "failures". I can't keep a diary.

I can't love a Tama and that is what bugs me and drives me further and further, seeking something I won't find. How to get attached. Tamas don't mean as much as one dollar to me. I don't see, on the screen, a real pet - all I see is a black, hopeless, lifeless, pastless and futureless pixel figure. While when I look at a pet, I see all the pain and sadness I have felt in the past. 8 pets I've had since my 5th bithday and today. One lasted less than 6 months before it died. It's odd, because my Tamas have lasted me longer than any pet I've ever had, yet I get so attached to a real pet but a not a Tama? All my instincts (along with my mom!), when I ask them if I can make friends with a Tama, the answer is always "NO WAY!".

Does anyone else have these issues? Does anyone know how to solve them?

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I can get attached to a Tama but not to the extent I am to my robotic dogs.

I do however pause a lot when I'm taking care of a Tama. Not so much because I don't care about them but for their own good. There's no sense in the tama being hungry or unhappy if I am otherwise occupied and cannot give them the attention they need.

I can't really give you any advice on how to befriend Tamas. Some can't see past their artificiality. This may be your problem. If it is there's little you can do to change it. Some people can't befriend Tamas or other objects. They can't identify with them enough to do so. Others can. There's nothing wrong with either thought process.

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How attached (or not) you are to something is your prerogative. I don't see anything wrong with pausing your Tamagotchis (I do it whenever I need) or not being able to keep a log. You get busy, life happens, there are more important things. It's normal. If you're not attached to them or if they don't mean as much to you as it does for the next person, it's okay.

Though I have a soft spot for Tamagotchis (I have since the ''s a nostalgia thing), I won't shy away from doing things to them in the name of logging, discovery, and sharing my findings with others. I've neglected my Tamagotchis, ramped up the care misses, let a couple get mauled by predators (namely on the Oceangotch and Morino), got my +C so sick that it had to go to the hospital, so that I could take pictures and show everyone in my log, pretty much everything short of killing my Tamagotchis, so you're not alone. :p

Some people feel a special connection to a Tamagotchi because maybe they weren't allowed to have pets (or were allergic) and so they opted for a virtual pet instead. Some see them completely as an electronic/computer/toy/etc. while others appreciate the nurturing qualities a Tamagotchi evokes in a person but still keep a clear divide between what's real and what's not real. Wherever you fall in the spectrum of attachment and non-attachment, just know that it's fine and you're probably not the only one who feels that way. I don't have specific advice for you but in general, I'd like to encourage you to do what makes you feel happy. The rest will fall into place. :)

P.S. I do have a suggestion for easier logging if you're interested. Instead of creating 10 different logs all over the place, might I suggest that you pick one as your main log and talk about all your currently-running Tamagotchis there? Most people seem to do it that way. You don't ever have to worry about "bumping" your own log from inactivity because you can come back to it whenever you want (even after months or years of not logging).

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For me, when I'm not "addicted" to anything, I feel this big empty hole inside. Making bracelets, La La Loopsy dolls, imaginary unicorns, Kooky Pens... it always has to be SOMETHING. It's always taking care of something, too. I can't have a real pet, so Tamas are a really good subsitute. I never get attatched to a tama character, but if I had to give up Tamas right here and now I think I might go insane. I get a little jumpy when I only have one or none on me, and take them with me EVERYWHERE (no. seriously.) in a purse. People ask, "why do you always carry that purse around?" and I just give a shrug because they'll think I'm a freak if they realize how addicted I really am.

If you want to get into them, STOP PAUSING THEM (I say that in the nicest way I can). Maybe not entirely, but don't do it for days at a time. If it's going to be for a few hours, set them to sleep so they can still grow. Start taking them with you wherever you go. In a pocket. In a wallet. In a hat. In a purse. Whatever, just take them with you so you feel a better bond with them. Start one log, a universal log for whichever Tama you happen to be running.

If you really want to get into them, try for perfect care characters all the time, do different experiments, stop resetting and CARE about your tamas when they die or run away.

Have fun. :)

I'm like that too. Gotta be addicted to something or I get more depressed than I usually am. Robot dogs fill the void nicely, but other VPets are nice too. Like you I take some robot dogs everywhere ( only replace purse with backpack ) and I actually have terrible anxiety attacks when I can't have them with me. I wish I could find my working Tamas. I'd take them too.

I'm not actually that much of a bad carer. My tamas are paused for long times,that's true,but I would never try and kill them on purpose. I'm on 4th Gen now,so I'm not bad. Not bad at all.

For me, when I'm not "addicted" to anything, I feel this big empty hole inside. Making bracelets, La La Loopsy dolls, imaginary unicorns, Kooky Pens... it always has to be SOMETHING. It's always taking care of something, too. I can't have a real pet, so Tamas are a really good subsitute. I never get attatched to a tama character, but if I had to give up Tamas right here and now I think I might go insane. I get a little jumpy when I only have one or none on me, and take them with me EVERYWHERE (no. seriously.) in a purse. People ask, "why do you always carry that purse around?" and I just give a shrug because they'll think I'm a freak if they realize how addicted I really am.

If you want to get into them, STOP PAUSING THEM (I say that in the nicest way I can). Maybe not entirely, but don't do it for days at a time. If it's going to be for a few hours, set them to sleep so they can still grow. Start taking them with you wherever you go. In a pocket. In a wallet. In a hat. In a purse. Whatever, just take them with you so you feel a better bond with them. Start one log, a universal log for whichever Tama you happen to be running.

If you really want to get into them, try for perfect care characters all the time, do different experiments, stop resetting and CARE about your tamas when they die or run away.

Have fun. :)
I really tried. I have been trying for years just as hard as I have been trying to get all my spelling tests right at school (which is pretty hard). But one person who you can guess always stands in my way: MY MOM.

I do try to stop pausing them, and I am succeeding with my V4 and 4.5, which have been unpauased for 3 days in a row. Today is school, and I am planning my second ever sneak-in.

I can't take Tamas everywhere with me because of my mom's rules. Yes. It is all coming back to me, all the arguments when I was 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11. When I got addicted. My mom killing all my Tamas. Keeping them in a rubbish bag in the attic for a week when I got too addicted. Taking my whole collection away unpaused then returning them dead. Resetting my V4 while I was at school. I have just learned that it won't stay till 10th generation if I do those things (take them everywhere, stop pausing), so I just give up and admit defeat. I agree, that's just being afraid of my mom. But for all the yelling and screaming and even crying (from my little sister, not me!) that 13 little toys have caused in my house, I really can't be blamed.

There was the one V4.5 death where my mom said clearly but without words "YOU SHOULD NOT CARE IT IS JUST PIXELS". My poor Diana, a UraYoungVioletchi and the daughter of Isis, my first 4.5 character, was dead on the screen. We were at an airport at the time, and I was like "mom, it's something I actually CARE about! It's NOT just pixels to ME!" but she didn't take any notice of me.

Thanks for the advice, all of you!

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It's very brave of you to admit to tama-slaughtering on a website where there are hoards of people utterly devoted to their pets :rolleyes:

At various intervals, I experience points when my interest in tamagotchi is waning and I leave them lying around on pause, or sometimes not even paused and they wilt away before i rip the battery out of them and pop it back in my box for another day.

I'm sure it happens to everyone, you can't permanantly be switched on, ready to love tamagotchi 24/7.

And as for leaving them on pause a lot, so do I, for my active social life and exams B)

If you want to get into them, STOP PAUSING THEM (I say that in the nicest way I can). Maybe not entirely, but don't do it for days at a time. If it's going to be for a few hours, set them to sleep so they can still grow. Start taking them with you wherever you go. In a pocket. In a wallet. In a hat. In a purse. Whatever, just take them with you so you feel a better bond with them. Start one log, a universal log for whichever Tama you happen to be running.

If you really want to get into them, try for perfect care characters all the time, do different experiments, stop resetting and CARE about your tamas when they die or run away.
OMG it's working! Your advice is actually working! I memorised your tips (don't pause too much, take them everywhere, start a log, try for perfect care characters, do different experiments, stop resetting, care about Tamas) and it's working! I am starting to feel a better bond with 2 of my favourite Tamas: my V4 and 4.5. I think I like the school/work/skill point idea which really reached its peak at those two versions. I love having to work out the right games to get the right skill points, and play the Work games. Sneaking them into school can be stressful, but it is definitely worthwhile. Unlike at previous times, when Tamas were pretty dull, lifeless, pixles, not cute and definitely not something worth taking everywhere to me, I actually see a bit of personality in my V4 and 4.5 and that's exactly what I was trying to seek out using this topic. Thank you so much!

OMG it's working! Your advice is actually working! I memorised your tips (don't pause too much, take them everywhere, start a log, try for perfect care characters, do different experiments, stop resetting, care about Tamas) and it's working! I am starting to feel a better bond with 2 of my favourite Tamas: my V4 and 4.5. I think I like the school/work/skill point idea which really reached its peak at those two versions. I love having to work out the right games to get the right skill points, and play the Work games. Sneaking them into school can be stressful, but it is definitely worthwhile. Unlike at previous times, when Tamas were pretty dull, lifeless, pixles, not cute and definitely not something worth taking everywhere to me, I actually see a bit of personality in my V4 and 4.5 and that's exactly what I was trying to seek out using this topic. Thank you so much!
That's great! I really hope you don't get in trouble (DO NOT PLAY WITH THEM IN CLASS- my teacher always caught me and gave it to my mom, and I'm guessing you don't want that...), and that's fantastic that you are starting to like them again! :) Enjoy!

That's great! I really hope you don't get in trouble (DO NOT PLAY WITH THEM IN CLASS- my teacher always caught me and gave it to my mom, and I'm guessing you don't want that...), and that's fantastic that you are starting to like them again! :) Enjoy!
I'm doing an good job of sneaking Tamas into school :) I told my parents I was putting them in my coat pocket and not taking care of them, but that's not exactly true. At morning tea and lunch, I go to the girls toilets with my coat on, lock myself in and take care of my Tamas. I used to play them in class - and my friend actually guessed what I was doing, because I spent half the lesson peering into this tiny pencil case. Another time, someone heard the keychain rattling and climbed over the toilet door to see what I was doing!

And, you're right about my mom, she would be more likely to throw the Tama out if she found out I was sneaking it into school than she would be likely to know her 1x table if I tested her.

Anyway, I have only paused my V4 and 4.5 once so far in this generation, which was when my friend came over and they both got care misses because she stayed too long and I couldn't tend to them. So far, so good! And my "obstacle" AKA mom is kind of giving up. She does say I need to pause them more and take breaks for a few days, but I don't. I just pause them and when she's gone I unpause them again.

I'm doing an good job of sneaking Tamas into school :) I told my parents I was putting them in my coat pocket and not taking care of them, but that's not exactly true. At morning tea and lunch, I go to the girls toilets with my coat on, lock myself in and take care of my Tamas. I used to play them in class - and my friend actually guessed what I was doing, because I spent half the lesson peering into this tiny pencil case. Another time, someone heard the keychain rattling and climbed over the toilet door to see what I was doing!

And, you're right about my mom, she would be more likely to throw the Tama out if she found out I was sneaking it into school than she would be likely to know her 1x table if I tested her.

Anyway, I have only paused my V4 and 4.5 once so far in this generation, which was when my friend came over and they both got care misses because she stayed too long and I couldn't tend to them. So far, so good! And my "obstacle" AKA mom is kind of giving up. She does say I need to pause them more and take breaks for a few days, but I don't. I just pause them and when she's gone I unpause them again.
Glad you're enjoying them! :)

I try not to pause my tamagotchis but it's really quite tricky because school really gets in the way!!!! :angry:

I pause my tamas all of time. Their on pause right now because of my end of year tests. Though I am on summer break now. >_>

I must admit, sometimes i do get a bit too carried away with my tamagotchis and then eventually it just drives my parents insane and they take them off me [but i of course take the battries of them first] I haven't paused my tamas in a loooonng time! The last time i paused them was around two months ago when i just couldn't be bothered anymore XD. Anyway, i agree with Violetchiluvur3 and if her tips are working then maybe you are on the right track!!! I have read through your posts and i think it sucks that your mum can't stand your tamas! My parents make fun of them but in a nice way for example my Dad calls Mametchi Mamemetchi! It's really funny and always cracks me up! And my mum occasionally attempts to care for them like cleaning up their poop, curing them if their sick etc.


It's really hard to stay committed to something like a virtual pet if you have more important things to worry about like school, family, homework and other stuff, but if you can at least keep them unpaused for a bit longer than usual then maybe, it won't be so hard. I know what it's like school-wise I'm always sneaking my tams into school, but i do find it difficult to keep track of thier health and get on with my school work. And also try not to reset them too much even if you get a character you don't want just accept him/her and continue to show it you care [That's what i do when i get a character i don't particularly like i just keep on with it, and show it as much love as possible!]


So despite what your parents, friends may think you can still keep a tamagotchi and love them and so on. I have managed perfectly fine for the past few years and it really isn't that hard!! Plus you could also try doing more research and start a log about only 1 or 2 of your tamas that your running so that your not trying to make a million logs at once!!!


Hope i helped!


Is there anyone else out there, who feels the same as I do? I can't make friends with a Tama. I also don't have the urge to sneak them into school. And most of all, it's how horribly I treat them.

Same here. I don't sneak them into school since I'm at high school now and it would be too embarrasing, so they're either paused, asleep or suffering (by accident.)

If there's something I want to know, I will go to great Tama-killing lengths to find it out. I will leave my TMGC+C unpaused at home when I'm at school. I have never got my V6 up higher than 3rd Generation because I kill it all the time. Any 1st Generation character with slow growth is reset. If I get the wrong character, I reset it unless the generation is high. Once I even broke one in a V6 debugging experiment.

I do get my tamas up to high gens, but they get neglected a lot. They're swimming in poo with a skull above their head a lot of the time. If it's not in my log, I just reset it if it's not an adult I like. I neglect them sometimes on purpose to experiment for different characters or other times by accident since I do have other things to do other than play tamas all the time. I'm doing a good job right now keeping my log going.

Another issue is my pausing. Pausing isn't one of those few-and-far-between things for me, I always pause them. I pause them when I go out. I pause them when I do homework. I pause them sometimes for whole weekends and holidays. Any of my Tamas is likely to get paused then unpaused at least 10 times per week, if I'm running it.

Same here again, except I set them to sleep rather than pausing them. I do pause them on holidays and homework, though. I don't take my tamagotchis out anywhere with me.

AND my logging. I have about 10 logs along with about 10 real life diaries and they are all what I call "failures". I can't keep a diary.

I can't love a Tama and that is what bugs me and drives me further and further, seeking something I won't find. How to get attached. Tamas don't mean as much as one dollar to me. I don't see, on the screen, a real pet - all I see is a black, hopeless, lifeless, pastless and futureless pixel figure. While when I look at a pet, I see all the pain and sadness I have felt in the past. 8 pets I've had since my 5th bithday and today. One lasted less than 6 months before it died. It's odd, because my Tamas have lasted me longer than any pet I've ever had, yet I get so attached to a real pet but a not a Tama? All my instincts (along with my mom!), when I ask them if I can make friends with a Tama, the answer is always "NO WAY!".

Same here. I don't get attatched or dependent on them. I see them more as machines than a real pet. Flesh and blood pets are better in my opinion than tamagotchis. I look at it in the same way. Just a bunch of moving pixels that you can interact with. Nothing more. I'm not saying I find tamas boring, I'm just saying I don't see them as real things. I can't have pets because I'm physically disabled and unable to look after them properly, so the only pets I have are fish. But I still prefer to look at them than look at my tamagotchi bouncing around.

Does anyone else have these issues? Does anyone know how to solve them?

I'm honestly not sure how you could solve them. Maybe you could spend a lot of time with your tamagotchi or find others who like to talk about tamagotchis. Maybe you could do drawings of tamagotchis. That certainly makes me feel better about being a tamagotchi fan. I'm in the same boat as you in terms on what I think about tamas.

I go through phases when I play with them, and then put them away in a box and forget about them for months. Then somehow I open the box and start them up, and the cycle repeats.

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