Anybody like Pokemon?


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i really used to like pokemon when i was younger but now i dont have that much of a chance to watch it anymore, love playing the games though
This is common. Most people has a intrest in pokmeon like that. I feel like that sometimes.

yea i know what you mean, it seems like all the thinks that we liked when we were little are either gone or have changed to much for our liking

mee too, they keep changing the shows of today because what kids like is getting more different every day, i remember the first power rangers and i thought that was cool but the new one is set on earth with a bunch of aliens from other planets trying to get a mystic crown

I love Pokemon! :) '

My favorite is Vileplume. (Not a common favorite, eh? XD) I've been training mine in LeafGreen version lately. Can't wait for Diamond version!

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I love Pokemon.

I have all of the games, and thousands of cards. I have tons of plushies and other things, too, like figures.

If I list one of my favorites, I'll start to list like 10 others. xD Well, I love Pikachu and all of it's evolutions. Same with Meowth, Skitty, Eevee, and Vulpix. As I said before, I have tons of favorites. Cat-like ones are my favorites, though. No wonder, being the cat-girl that I am. xD



I love the games, but I don't like the voices in the new shows. Ash sounds constipated x.x
I hate that, too. :[

I kind of stopped watching the shows. I always missed them because I was doing something else.

I still love the movies, though. :]



I love the games, but I don't like the voices in the new shows. Ash sounds constipated x.x
Oh god! *screams on the floor laughing* I thought I was the only one who noticed that! :) I'm getting Pokemon Diamond or Either Pearl when It comes out in April or so!

I like Vileplume also because he/she is a grass type that is one of my favortie types! I love Blaizken to, but I sorta dislike the movies 10 out of 100%.

Watch out wwefan0704 those pokemon can turn evil on their trainers.

I love Kirlia spin on Pokemon Colusseum and XD Gale Of Darkness.


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