Any teachers you hate?


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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This year most of my teachers are evil. Since I've heard of lots of evil teachers in my school (and experienced them) I bet everyone's had them!!!

Lately, my social studies teacher put something on a test that he called "an easy 100" and it wasn't even in our textbooks. NOBODY got a 100! I want to sue him so badly!!!

Our math teacher underestimates 8th grade just because he used to teach high school. He's teaches us stuff that we learned in, like, 5th grade and he acts all surprised that we learned it already!!! (I'm not kidding!)

Most teachers think they're cool, but...I'm sorry, theyre not!

I go to a charter/hippie school =3

I looveee all my teachers. seriously. they're so chill.

My social Studies/history teachers husband comes in every few day and brings bagels 8D

we call him the Bagel King.

My science teacher plays music just before we go into class. He dances as well.

My english teacher is just soo chill and she never gets mad.

My acting teacher is the most amazing guy i've ever met. he makes sex jokes to make you more confident on stage...hahha. only for the 7th graders and up though x3

and lastly: I could never hate my hippie schools teacher. They're so cool, they named our school after a TREE:)

Well, I complain about my teachers when I actually have them for class. But when I look back on past teachers, I really appriciate nearly everyone one of them, in their own way.

Substitute teachers are >=[. Huntr understands me... Me and my friends wrote a letter of complaint about a sub and got the whole class to sign it once XD. She made a guy cry because he neede to sharpen his pencil during a math test.

Edit: I'll sue the teacher with my pwnage Phoenix Wright skills.

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My music teacher is amazing. She lets us bring in iPods and she gets music off ours to put on hers so she can play it during class. We get to play instruments every lesson, and she lets us go outside and play with the year 11's : D (That's good. Katie and I hang out with Luke)

My maths teacher is a cranky old man who I don't like at all.

My social studies teacher is awesome. I talk to him about bands and music and stuff :) He was in a competition and his team name was the emos, and he was wearing eyeliner LOL.

My drama teacher is hilarious. He's just so cool.

My science teacher is annoying.

My PE teacher says "very well done" all the time, so we say it to annoy him.

They're all pretty cool, I guess. In their own, old people ways.

The only teacher I'd ever want to sue (XD) is my grade 4 teacher. She was a psycho-path. (no offense....)

They fired her. D:

This year, my teachers are ok, I hate them sometimes, when they load us with homework, or act grumpy.. they aren't the best of teachers.

Not like my amazing teacher last year, he was so good... funny, he actually made sense, he was Italian.. Dx

I woman who grabbed me out of my chair by my collar and dragged me downstairs to my mum who was waiting in the playground with the other mums and cut my wrist with her nails just to tell my mum I was talking while she was :s I was only 7 xD But a few days later she moved to HongHonk..?

And my year 7 math teacher who threw a can at my friends head becase he thought it was her who threw it and it cut her forehead and she had to get stiches and then our headtacher came up to get him when one of the boys left to tell her what happend and he said "I want to kill you all > :mellow: "

Probably more but those are probably me just being a moaner and stuff :mellow:

Lets list my teachers!

-Maths - Hate her. She confiscated my glitter glue and hates me.

-Science - He actually smells like a fat man who ran a marathon, sweated so bad and didn't shower ever. Eww. Plus he gave me a bad report where I do all my science homework, got the highest score in the class and do all my work to a high standard. He looks like a ****.

-Social Studies. - She loves me, I love her. She thinks my badges are epic.

-English - Neutral. Shes fine. Not a stand out but not mean.

-P.E - Shes epic! She jumped in the pool with her clothes on.

-EVS - Epic. We eat, sing, dance and get good reports!

-ECS - He gives us lollies for doing things. My most productive class.

-Drama - Shes awesome.

But my year 6 teacher thought we needed to learn blends. Sh makes a Shaa sound. Think of words that start with 'sh' then a epic kid (My boyf later on that year and my longest relationship...) says "Sh!t like what your teaching us" Seriously. We learn't blends in kindergarten. I actually didn't learn anything from her. The only thing I learn't that year was from my extentsion maths teacher.

Main class teacher: Little midget dude. He's so small and makes us do the worst work, yet cracks us up with his little jokes. I'll miss him when I go to high school.

Councellor: She's British. That makes her awesome. Her accent is amazing.

Principal: Longgggggg hair, she has. Its blonde. And she's weird, but yeah, she's fine.

Gym teacher: I love her! She's so understanding and awesome.

Tbh, every teacher at my school. owo

I can't stand them, all they do is tell you off for nothing.

Just a great excuse for when they're in a bad mood.

Well, now that I have more time, I'll guess I'll go through all my teachers. owo

Honors English - Mr. M is a creepy old guy. He's a pervert and he's very strict, but he's funny. xD

Web Publishing - My favorite class, because we do nothing. xD But Mrs. M is nice, though I don't really know her well.

Honors Biology - Mrs. S is one of my favorite teachers! She teaches everything so well, and makes the lessons so easy to understand. She also doesn't try to control everything we do. She lets the class do their own thing, but is always their to help if you need it. And she doesn't grade tough either.

Honors History - Ms. B loves projects, which I don't particularly care for, but she's an easy teacher and is sweet.

Honors Geometry - Mrs. L doesn't teach the subject well at all in my opinion, but I still respect her.

Chorus - Mrs. C is amazing! And somehow she really likes me, haha. :]

Japanese I - Sensei is awesome. She's probably the funniest teacher I've ever had. xD

I have really good teachers this year overall, but the curriculm is toughhh. ]:

My least favorite teacher probably was my seventh grade history teacher. He never did ANYTHING. It was the most boring class in my life, and I didn't learn a thing.

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