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If you now tell me how do you get a Kusatchi? :angry: :angry: :angry:
Try not feeding it enough... if you're lucky it'll evolve into Kusatchi... I also heard a rumor about getting Nazotchi by not feeding it any snacks, but I dunno...

If you now tell me how do you get a Kusatchi? :eek: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:
You need to neglect it a bit and keep it's hungry hearts on two. Or at least, that's how I got it. :p

I have had two kusatchis before on my first two version two tamagotchis.

I don't think that there are exact ways of getting different tamagotchi characters because my friend took bad care of her tamagotchi and she got a mimitchi. :(

Anyway, good luck on trying to get a kusatchi! :D

Tip: Try experimenting with your tamagotchi by looking after it different ways. That way you won't get the same characters all of the time. :p



-sk8er girl-

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