Another Sims 2 topic


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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2006
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Okay you know the Boolprop cheat yes?

It worked do you get them to.....

1.Turn into vampires

2.Get younger

3.Turn off the cheat

4.Re name

5.Stop it from crashing

I tryed it and didn't really understand it. I get too worried it will crash!

It was good fun.I made them starve,pee their pants,get intrested in something they didn't have a clue.Oh and one minute to people were enimies.But I used the cheats to make them freinds.Fun!

Any thing else Boolprop can do?

Please let me know


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It wont Crash :3

Turn off Cheat, re-open up the cheat window and type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled off"

Vampires: Shift Click > More > Become Vampire.

Get younger: Select Spawn > More > Sim Modder.

Re name: Spawn > Tombstone L and D > Rename Sim.

Boolprop can make them have FULL Stats. Really helpful on dates/outings or if your trying to make them get really fit.

You can also make Dates Dream Dates. Spawn a Tombstone L and D during a date, then Click "More" until you see a "Set Score...". Select Great (Dont click "Dream", nothing works.), then do something in "Wants", like Flirt or Talk to. It will rise, then immediatly end the date. Ta dah! Dream Date!

You don't need to make a whole new topic for another Sims2 question. Just ask it in the topic you already made. A guide will probably close this.

Oh I forgot I had that post still open....oh well


It wont Crash :3
Turn off Cheat, re-open up the cheat window and type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled off"

Vampires: Shift Click > More > Become Vampire.

Get younger: Select Spawn > More > Sim Modder.

Re name: Spawn > Tombstone L and D > Rename Sim.

Boolprop can make them have FULL Stats. Really helpful on dates/outings or if your trying to make them get really fit.

You can also make Dates Dream Dates. Spawn a Tombstone L and D during a date, then Click "More" until you see a "Set Score...". Select Great (Dont click "Dream", nothing works.), then do something in "Wants", like Flirt or Talk to. It will rise, then immediatly end the date. Ta dah! Dream Date!
Awesum! I know more!

- boolprop allow45DgreeAngleOfRotation true/false <---that can turn objects in 45 dgree angles by using the keys < and >!

-changeLotZoning residential/community/apartmentbase/greek/dorm/secretsociety <---this can make your lot in to any lot you want!

-slowMotion 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 <---this can make your sims' time become slower than normal!

-Ctrl+Alt <---you can place 2 things or more on the same wall! Your supposed 2 hold down the keys!

That's all 4 now! i have like 3-4 pages of cheats left! <_< :unsure: :(

BTW: yeah, i kinda made a topic similair 2 this 1 sara8! But that's no problem! :D :D :D

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