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oh, thank goodness

that's the teen stage that corresponds to the Maskutchi body

that fruit is still problematic, though


found another of Tekelitchi's kids in the app today, and his features look adorable on the Maskutchi body too!



maskutchi body at last! as expected, the fruit stuck, but we'll work with it


alright, egg with maskutchi features, that works

(i would have went with the twin with the Maskutchi body, but like with Lovelitchi's, something about those eyes puts me off, i don't want to risk them)



eggo time


alright, egg with maskutchi features, that works

(i would have went with the twin with the Maskutchi body, but like with Lovelitchi's, something about those eyes puts me off, i don't want to risk them)
Yeah, I don't blame you - the twin looks shifty as hell. :p They remind me of Feathers McGraw, the penguin villain from the Wallace & Gromit short, The Wrong Trousers. :lol:



fruit bird!

unfortunately, we've officially lost all Maskutchi genetics, but oh well, it's a nice enough detour i suppose


Maskutchi was giving me grief and being troublesome to pair with at the Tama Party, and i saw a cute Nonopotchi, so i decided to go for that instead since i haven't had that body type yet, even though those eyes unsettle me slightly



this may have been a mistake, as i won't be able to directly propose to Maskutchi this generation, but i can always try getting the genes indirectly again



it looks like Freezitchi will probably be another bird, but this time maybe with a ribbon?


and here's the surprise update i mentioned a few days ago, i am now running an Angelgotch! i feel it's obvious what my goal for this one is, and luckily having run one of these a long time ago, i still remember exactly what to do to end up with Ginjirotenshi, so the only real barrier is the possibility of my current sleep schedule causing care misses during the child stage, haha

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Freezitchi's adult stage! it's a lot like the Nonopotchi parent, somehow those eyes are a little less unsettling on the chubby, vacant penguin body


Tamatenshi! from this point forwards, i have to pay significantly less attention to it until it evolves again in order to get Ginjirotenshi. sorry, Tamatenshi


Freezitchi married a very cute Tamagotchi who looks almost like a stylized drawing of Maskutchi

(it actually took a couple proposals to get this to happen because we kept missing each other)



this resulted in twins, Pennetchi and Fettutchi! exciting

(i ended up with Pennetchi because i was thinking about how Nonopotchi is a penguin but "Pentchi" wouldn't fit if they inherit the Maskutchi body instead, so i thought about penne and then from there my brain was on pasta)



yes! that's the teen stage that corresponds to Maskutchi again, so it's likely we'll get the Maskutchi body back this generation

also, minor update on the Angelgotch, it reset itself suddenly last night, most likely because i didn't have the back screwed on tight enough (i don't have a screwdriver suitable for such small screws at the moment and i didn't want to strip them), so it's back to Marutenshi for now

minor setback, i'm confident now that i can get Ginjirotenshi again easily, and i taped the back a bit so hopefully it won't reset accidentally this time



Pennetchi and Fettutchi evolved, and turned out very cute! the Maskutchi body improves the appeal of any generic eyelashy eyes tenfold, i think

i will probably marry one of them to Maskutchi later or tomorrow



Tamatenshi will be an adult again tomorrow morning, but i caught him doing something funny today, the pictures are a bit blurry because i was rushing to catch it in time

i guess i called him back early from the gym
