Anime people over real human beings


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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2011
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Has anyone ever had a serious crush on an Anime guy (if you are a girl), or an Anime girl (if you are a guy).............and you love Anime so much ......that you prefer your Anime crush over a real human being crush?

Ohh, yes. I have huge crushes on Cloud Strife, Zack Fair and Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII as well as Noctis from Final Fantasy Versus XIII and L from Death Note. XD /nerddd

There's nothing wrong with preferring a crush on anime characters. Crushes on real humans can be hurtful whereas anime characters are a safer option :)

I used to get a new anime crush every single day. :'D

On the old topic for Fictional Character Crushes I think I was the one that posted on there the most.

I've kind of grown out of that phase now; I don't watch anime as much and I'm starting to prefer 3D humans instead.

It's actually called toonphilia.

Yeah, it happens pretty often to me. But I don't "love anime very much", I actually am not a huge fan anymore. But I do get weird butterflies in my stomach when I see an anime character I like since I am a kid.

I'm deeply in love with Ikemen Mametchi, and I have a big crush on Spacytchi and Kuromametchi. I don't like any actual people though...except maybe...forget it. o_O

Oh geez, yup this applies to me. Big time.

Usually characters from anime and video games.

My justification is that fake people can't hurt you like real people

and once you realize how gorgeous anime people are, real people just seem bland.~

I have never devolped a crush on an Anime/fictional character, but I can't say I haven't had certain "feelings" about one.

A long time ago I was obsessed with Vocaloids and I had weird switching around crushes in there. Now that I'm only a listener rather an obsessive freak, I don't have any! :3

Literally me when I was younger. I was in LOVE with Sasuke from Naruto, and Light & L from Death Note. :B

sort of

more like homestuck characters

and let's players but they're real

//backflips into the sun sobbing grossly

When I was 7 I told my mom I was going to marry Ash Ketcchum.

awkward. :mellow:

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Even though I have a boyfriend, I'm quite fond of Calliope from Homestuck and Link from The Legend of Zelda. n//n

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