I once punched a much-older neighbor boy in the stomach for turning a turtle over on it's back in front of me in my yard. He never came back over again.
Clearly I am against animal cruelty. My goal is to educate people on proper animal care and to introduce them to animals in a way so that they will appreciate the animal for what it is. It slays me when someone says "Eeeew! Why would you like reptiles?? They're not CUDDLY!" or "Fish are disgusting and awful, they eat each other. CANNIBALS!!!"
1. Reptiles are not MEANT to be cuddly. They are amazing animals, so different from us. Don't try to compare them to your family dog or cat, look at them for what they are.
2. Fish do eat each other. That is very natural, and rather common in nature. The fish that died is giving life to the others, and the live fish are cleaning up their environment to keep the group healthy. They aren't "cannibals", that's too human a concept to be applied to other creatures.
Cruelty either stems from misunderstanding the species, or not caring about animals' lives. Cruelty through misunderstanding can be corrected, and that's what I'm trying to do. You guys can do this, too.

Cruelty through lack or caring and respect is the one kind that cannot be stopped. The only thing that can be done is to catch the criminals and help the animals who have suffered as a result. At least it's something.
**If you really want to stop animal cruelty, you guys can help. Start by reading all that you can about wild and domesticated animals. What they need, how they behave, etc. This way, you can tell people the right information when you have the opportunity. Even if it's just a friend or family member, you're still helping an animal. Stay away from PETA, they're embarrassing to animal lovers worldwide. <_< Just start by being informed and being able to provide the information when the situation calls for it. You're doing more than you may realize.
