Animal Crossing


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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Sweater Town
Hello! :) Welcome to the Animal Crossing thread! In this thread, you can post anything Animal Crossing!

For example, you can post about things going on in your town, post your dream address, ect.

And please make sure that whatever you post doesn't violate TamaTalk's rules! :)

For starters, I'm going to make one of my rooms blue themed! :)

What about you guys? :)

EDIT: My dream address if anyone wants to visit my dream town!

5100 - 5076 - 5753

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ACNL is my favourite! ^u^

I've been playing since it came out, my dream address is 4500 2291 8781 if anyone wants to visit my town!

I have all of the games, and played the one for Gamecube since I was a little kid. I love all of the games so much. c:

ACNL is my favourite! ^u^

I've been playing since it came out, my dream address is 4500 2291 8781 if anyone wants to visit my town!

I have all of the games, and played the one for Gamecube since I was a little kid. I love all of the games so much. c:
Me to :) . Except that, the GameCube one got lost, and I can't play City Folk on my Wii anymore :( .

I haven't played in months and at this point I'm afraid to go back...
I'm in the same boat tbh I've been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening too much, so...

But I have played ACNL, it's the only Animal Crossing game I've played, and, again, I haven't played in a long time, but I quite enjoyed it when I played it.

I used to be addicted to ACNL but now I'm at this point where I've gotten out of going on it on a daily basis.

I feel like if I go back on it, it'll become a slight addiction again, which wouldn't be good for my exams...

Qr codes! :)





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I haven't played in a couple of months, but I'm probably gonna continue working on reorganizing my town when I start playing again. Need to fix my trees and flowers.

I play AC:NL whenever I can, but with a bunch of tests coming up (JUNIOR YEAR UUGH) I haven't had time to play. When I went on for the first time in a long time last night, my absolute favorite character moved away! *Sigh*

If only I could get her back. Ah well, c'est la vie. I'm gonna start playing a bunch again.

There are three characters I'm trying to get to move, any advice on how to boot someone out as fast as possible?


UGHHHH LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. I HAVE A WII SO IM GONNA GET IT FOR THAT SOON. I played WW all the time as a kid and my sis got a DS LITE SO I CAN PLAY ON MY R4 TOWN FROM WHEN I WAS LIKE 10. Skype me for my 3ds fc if you want.

I play AC:NL whenever I can, but with a bunch of tests coming up (JUNIOR YEAR UUGH) I haven't had time to play. When I went on for the first time in a long time last night, my absolute favorite character moved away! *Sigh*

If only I could get her back. Ah well, c'est la vie. I'm gonna start playing a bunch again.

There are three characters I'm trying to get to move, any advice on how to boot someone out as fast as possible?

Everyone says ignore them but hitting and pushing works waaay better. I got Shari out in like 2 days after starting my Kick Out Shari campaign. I got a hammer especially for booting characters because hitting with a net takes ages.

Everyone says ignore them but hitting and pushing works waaay better. I got Shari out in like 2 days after starting my Kick Out Shari campaign. I got a hammer especially for booting characters because hitting with a net takes ages.
Sounds... Dangerous... o3o

I play ACNL quite often now, and yesterday I got Poppy in my town

I'd post my friend code but my 3DS is dead atm

I'm trying to make my town look nice by laying down paths and planting flowers, but I don't know if I'll do a very good job. :(

And I totally DID have Ruby as a camper a few days ago...But sadly, the number of villagers you can have are 10...So boo... :p

Ok if any of you guys want to play here's my friend code: 1779 0765 8221

Yea I've been on Animal Crossing a lot more, I just got the Cafe unlocked so that's cool

Also if anyone has a jock villager in their town that's gonna move out, tell me because I need some other kinds of villagers in my town yo

Hello everyone!!

I recently bought ACNL too and I really like it. I played Wild World a bit too, but since I couldn't use the connection function, I never really unlocked everything or seen some other players' villages.

This time I'd like it to be different and visit someone's town. Since I just began: is there any difference between someone's town and someon's DREAM town? Is the latter one something that has to be unlocked?

My friend code is: 1263 - 8338 - 5873

PS: I really miss K.K. since the cafè is not already there and it has to be unlocked... I look forward to do it!!

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