Animal Crossing Wild World DS


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Jul 13, 2005
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hey all

I was wondering if people can give me tips on the DS game Animal Crossing Wild World??

The first one?

Well don't let the plants go... Send a fruit to someone and they will send you a different one back. Plant them and you wll have that tree now, and can plant those too. Sell the noid thingis for some good money. Sell stuff you don't want in particular.

I think the music dog is in the coffe shop on wednesdays...? (Its been a REALLY longtime since I've played mine) There is a carpet lady that sells stuff. Then a gypsy shows up sometimes. Donate to the bug/fish museum.

The animals in town will send you stuff the more you interact with them, so its a simple way of getting money too.

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you know how you can hit rocks with your shovel? well one rock each day (it will change) has bells in it! but as you probably know once you hit a rock you get pushed back, so you can only hit it around 3 times during the time period it gives you.But, if I will show you something since I cant explain it, it's a way to stop you from moving back. dig holes near you like this:


:blink: O




O = hole

:blink: = you


.. = rock

you get it?

* Moved to Stuff We Play forum *

How to Earn Money on ACWW DS from the AXA forums site - if you are 13+yrs old I recommend you join - there is a lot of useful information there.

I have two ACWW DS game carts and I've used that site to get loads of tips that helped me achieve a perfect town, save lots of bells, complete the museum, get all the Golden tools, etc.

There are also a couple of very old threads on TamaTalk which might be useful to read through:

ACWW - Tips & Tricks

All Things ACWW - Discussion topic

Have fun with the game!

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-Adding on to TamaMum.-

You could always come to mine.

It's 'Anything Animal Crossing!'


But, I guess. DON'T TIME TRAVEL! My favourite villager moved, and now nobody is moving in!

I'm stuck with 7 villagers.

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I think the music dog is in the coffe shop on wednesdays...?
I think it's Saturday nights. 7pm -11pm last I remember.

Oh, and his name's K.K. Slider.

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I am slowly getting the hang of the game through friends and other sites too keep the hints comming !!

If you write to the animals that live in your town, include a bag of 100 bells as a gift. The animals will always write back to you and include a gift in return - usually an item of furniture or a wall / carpet. This will not only increase your catalogue list, but the items they send are always worth more than 100 bells if you sell them back to Nook - so you are making money each time.

When you shake a fruit tree, instead of selling to Nook, plant a new tree - they grow in three days and you'll have more fruit to plant and sell. Pretty soon your town will have plenty of fruit trees which you can shake every 3 days to sell to Nook.

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if you send people in your town your native fruit they will send you stuff like peachs,oranges,or cherries

*TM Edit: This topic has been bumped (more than three months since the previous reply in March) so I am closing it.


There is an existing, active topic called "Anything Animal Crossing" here:


There are also a couple of active topics for friend codes (one for Wild World DS and one for Wii / City)

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