Am I going crazy!?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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For the past three nights, I've been hearing things outside. It's been creeping me out so much, last night I cried while laying in bed then bolted into my parents bedroom. I'll tell you what I've been hearing (I've never had this happen before):

1st Night: On the first night of the noises, I was laying in bed and heard people talking outside. They're voices were so screwed's hard to explain. I heard them talking about death and demons. They were so close, like they were in my backyard. Then I heard my window slam shut. I hid under my blankets and didn't come out.

2nd night: On the second night, I was in bed before midnight. Only like ten minutes before though, so it was 11:50pm. I was laying in my bed for ten minutes, and at exactly midnight (I checked my clock) I heard howling. I heard one howl, then another, then another, and another. Then at 12:05 I heard dogs barking from my backyard. They barked...and barked....then growled like wolves. I again hid under my blanekts but the noises wouldn't go away and I became all sweaty and shaky.

3rd Night (last nght): Last night I was tryign desperatly to go to sleep, but I couldn't.. Ocne I again I heard people talking from outside. Then I heard footsteps come up my porch. Then I heard somebody climbing up the side of my wall....and they were laughing. I started to cry and botled into ym parents bedroom. In there, I couldn't hear anything.

Why do I keep hearing all these scary noises? Are they really there, or s it just my imagination? Well, I THINK I know what the problem is. I've been watching too much Buffy, and all this monster crap is getting to me. What do you guys think?

Hah, I dont think you have been watching too much Buffy! :) Maybe its neighbors trying to scare you! Just show the voices--you're not scared of them! Say," yeah! I'm not scared of you!" or something! :(

If that doesnt work and you are still scared, try listening to some music, or to the radio at night while you sleep. I listen to HOT FM!! YAH!

You are SOOO not going crazy! :p


Oh, and PS, PM me to hear a story that happened to, similar like yours.

Thanks, but my neighbours are really nice. :) They wouldn't do that. And how would they get into my backyard anyways...? o.o'

It's just that, with the voices, I hear them but don't see anything. When I look out my window I don't see anybody but when I walk away I hear the voices again.

Lol, it'd be a little embaressing to say randomly in the middle of the night "Yeah, I'm not scared of you!" xD

Also, this morning sicne I've been up I've been really scared of everything. I tried going upstairs but I got so freaked out I couldn't. And I couldn't even glance down into my basement, and every little creak is making me jump. x__X

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Its not that I dont belive in you, but your stories make me laugh! Maybe, its your imagination, running wild. Ask your parents if your family can camp out somewhere out of town to see if its your imagination, or it really was something like animals. Maybe you can camp out in your backyard.

OR SOMETHING to face your fears! :)

Its not that I dont belive in you, but your stories make me laugh! Maybe, its your imagination, running wild. Ask your parents if your family can camp out somewhere out of town to see if its your imagination, or it really was something like animals. Maybe you can camp out in your backyard.
OR SOMETHING to face your fears! :(
I guess so. Thanks. :)

(But how were my stories funny...? o.o)

wow o.o

Are you sure you weren't asleep? Like, if you go under your covers in the dream and then wake up and you are underr your covers, and you run to your parents room and the noises stop... it all seems to line up that you were sleeping.

I've had some pretty realistic dreams before.

But naive naive me, I'm probably wrong.

I used to have the same problem x_x

I'd hear footsteps outside and then tapping on the window. It was sooo scary.

I found out the footsteps were just animals and moving shrubs and the tapping on the glass was insects slamming into the window.

You're probably mistaking one sound for another like when you described the 'screwed up' voices.

I don't know about the howling... maybe there were some dogs outside but just not in your backyard (Nighttime seems to amplify every sound).

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For the past three nights, I've been hearing things outside. It's been creeping me out so much, last night I cried while laying in bed then bolted into my parents bedroom. I'll tell you what I've been hearing (I've never had this happen before):
1st Night: On the first night of the noises, I was laying in bed and heard people talking outside. They're voices were so screwed's hard to explain. I heard them talking about death and demons. They were so close, like they were in my backyard. Then I heard my window slam shut. I hid under my blankets and didn't come out.

2nd night: On the second night, I was in bed before midnight. Only like ten minutes before though, so it was 11:50pm. I was laying in my bed for ten minutes, and at exactly midnight (I checked my clock) I heard howling. I heard one howl, then another, then another, and another. Then at 12:05 I heard dogs barking from my backyard. They barked...and barked....then growled like wolves. I again hid under my blanekts but the noises wouldn't go away and I became all sweaty and shaky.

3rd Night (last nght): Last night I was tryign desperatly to go to sleep, but I couldn't.. Ocne I again I heard people talking from outside. Then I heard footsteps come up my porch. Then I heard somebody climbing up the side of my wall....and they were laughing. I started to cry and botled into ym parents bedroom. In there, I couldn't hear anything.

Why do I keep hearing all these scary noises? Are they really there, or s it just my imagination? Well, I THINK I know what the problem is. I've been watching too much Buffy, and all this monster crap is getting to me. What do you guys think?
Well in the night time, everything can seem a lot more scary. x_X

Lol sometimes It freaks me out to leave my bedroom in the night time.

Since its soo dark and theres a lot of pitch black rooms. (My rooms in the basement.)

But here, I'll try and find some reasons what those sounds might be.

1st night: It might just have been some people talking outside, some animals, etc.

Also when your scared, you may think your hearing stuff which your really not.

2nd night: Most likely just some dogs outside. Maybe a stray one, or maybe one that ran

away from home. Who knows, but I'm sure it wasn't anything bad.

3nd night: Now, this ones kinda weird. Maybe there was some kind of animal climbing

trying to get up or something. x.X I really don't know for this one. lol

Or it could just be a dream. Which I do think it is.

Because one time I had a dream that was so real...It was weird. 0.0

So don't worry, I think if you stand up for your self, and yell to the sounds: "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU ANY MORE!" I'm sure they'll go away. ^^

Even if yelling out the window does seem a little silly, I'm sure it'll make you FEEL BETTER! ^.^ Hope I helped~ >.<

Just adding my two cents in... I do have a question.

Right before you sleep every night, do you allwys have these vivid images running through your head, almost like you're dreaming just before you do?

If so that could also explain the noises and everything. Just before sleep there's a state between alseep and awake that causes various strange things to happen. (some people get that sleep paralysis thing, and some people feel their bed shaking, some people I swear are having the hypnogogic state (which is what it's called) and think that they're being visited by ailens)

So let me state. 1. it's not aliens. 2. you're not crazy. 3. could be that hypnogogic state (wiki it sometime, it's very interesting).

I used to have the same problem x_xI'd hear footsteps outside and then tapping on the window. It was sooo scary.

I found out the footsteps were just animals and moving shrubs and the tapping on the glass was insects slamming into the window.

You're probably mistaking one sound for another like when you described the 'screwed up' voices.

I don't know about the howling... maybe there were some dogs outside but just not in your backyard (Nighttime seems to amplify every sound).
Oh yeah I've heard tapping on my window. But whats wierd is that they barely tap the window, and I just wake up instantly. But I think there really was tapping on my window. It hasn't happened in a long time though. When it did happen is was my brother;s girlfriend (at that time) and she was drunk and was knocking on the window. I think she thought it was the door. Good thing she didn't try to come in.

I hear noises all the time.


Thanks guys.

1. I'm not dreaming. I'm only in bed for a few minutes, the nI hear the noises. I know when I fall asleep. I don't even close my eyes when I go to bed anymore unless I don't hear noises. And my dad heard the barking and howling, so I didn't imagine that.

2. vivid images. o_O Unless I was laying in my bed for 20mins of more, I could say I was possibly having this 'hypnogogic' thing or dreaming. But it's only one por two minutes after the lights are turned off.

3. Dogs howl? o.o? I didn't know this. Either way, it was weird though. I mean, being exactly midnight and all.

As I said, I think I've been watching too much Buffy episodes. Even my dad said that could be the problem. Buffy ahs werewolves, vampires, know, monsters and such. I've been watching alot of that lately, and thats when it started; the day when I watched three hours of Buffy. Perhaps I should try not watching the show for awhile??

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As I said, I think I've been watching too much Buffy episodes. Even my dad said that could be the problem. Buffy ahs werewolves, vampires, know, monsters and such. I've been watching alot of that lately, and thats when it started; the day when I watched three hours of Buffy. Perhaps I should try not watching the show for awhile??
Maybe you should lay off Buffy for a while. ;)

Since these thigns start to happen after the lights go out, maybe ask if before youir parents go to bed, for them to come in and turn your light off. Of course you should be sleeping for that one to happen though, or it wouldn't make a difference. xD

About the voices talking of death and demons, I always say. "Please, please go away. Please, please!" whenever I hear thigns like that. Not very loudly, but in my normal voice, and normal tone and everything. It helps me, and I feel as if whatever was here, leaves.

I'm here to help, I like to get involved with these thigns and try to help.

Maybe you should lay off Buffy for a while. ;) Since these thigns start to happen after the lights go out, maybe ask if before youir parents go to bed, for them to come in and turn your light off. Of course you should be sleeping for that one to happen though, or it wouldn't make a difference. xD

About the voices talking of death and demons, I always say. "Please, please go away. Please, please!" whenever I hear thigns like that. Not very loudly, but in my normal voice, and normal tone and everything. It helps me, and I feel as if whatever was here, leaves.

I'm here to help, I like to get involved with these thigns and try to help.
Thanks. I might try leaving my light on until I fall asleep and my parents can turn off my lgihts (hope this works).

Tonight my mom said I could sleep in her bed with either her or my dad, and the other would go sleep in my bed (there not enough room for us three in their bed). So I might do that, just for tonight. I'll keep you updated.

I believe that I should try to stop these noises someway (leaving a light on, stop watching Buffy, raio, music, ect.) because when you get the point your crying because your so scared isn't good....

i used to suffer this when i was younger

if these things are happening at midnight then its the witching hour...all sorts of crazy things happen in the witching hour

the last time it happened i kept hearing a voice whispering my name but the voice had a repulsive after click in its voice ><

i just kept telling myself that its all in my head and it worked


For the past three nights, I've been hearing things outside. It's been creeping me out so much, last night I cried while laying in bed then bolted into my parents bedroom. I'll tell you what I've been hearing (I've never had this happen before):
1st Night: On the first night of the noises, I was laying in bed and heard people talking outside. They're voices were so screwed's hard to explain. I heard them talking about death and demons. They were so close, like they were in my backyard. Then I heard my window slam shut. I hid under my blankets and didn't come out.

2nd night: On the second night, I was in bed before midnight. Only like ten minutes before though, so it was 11:50pm. I was laying in my bed for ten minutes, and at exactly midnight (I checked my clock) I heard howling. I heard one howl, then another, then another, and another. Then at 12:05 I heard dogs barking from my backyard. They barked...and barked....then growled like wolves. I again hid under my blanekts but the noises wouldn't go away and I became all sweaty and shaky.

3rd Night (last nght): Last night I was tryign desperatly to go to sleep, but I couldn't.. Ocne I again I heard people talking from outside. Then I heard footsteps come up my porch. Then I heard somebody climbing up the side of my wall....and they were laughing. I started to cry and botled into ym parents bedroom. In there, I couldn't hear anything.

Why do I keep hearing all these scary noises? Are they really there, or s it just my imagination? Well, I THINK I know what the problem is. I've been watching too much Buffy, and all this monster crap is getting to me. What do you guys think?
If you hear noises like that again, recite prayers in your head. It always helps bring thoughts of peace in your head.

:p Camelle :unsure:

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