Am I a cry baby-whats wrong with me


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I'm quite sensitive too. I get frustrated, depressed and alarmed at the slightest things.

But on the other hand...

The smallest things make me laugh like crazy! And it makes me feel happy for a long time afterwards.

I guess that's the good side to being a 'crybaby' - you're a 'laugh-baby' as well!

Your not a cry baby it just be pressure or stress on the brain wich causes you to cry.

I have the same thing if im stressed or pressure i will cry, expehally in school.

I cry when:

I don't know where to go

too much homework

when i don't get something on a test

when people yell at me

when people put me on the spot lite

thinking about death

don't worry crying comes naturaly with people, so your not a cry baby

O.k so ever since I can remember I cry really sister won't leave my room and shes being a jerk and kicking me I start crying.I dont cry like *uhh mommy *sniff* she wont get out of my bed!!* its more like*get out of my bed "no" get out "make me" get out this is important to me *cry* "cry baby" Im just really sensitive.Like if my mom or dad start fighting and one of them yell i start crying.And at adventure camp i didn't want to bike because i was afraid of falling *mountain biking* and they kept on presuring me to go and i got really sad and cried. another example I hate skating and one of my friends had a skating party even though i told her i wouldnt skate because i was scared she said i had to come and just sit and talk anyway so i did.Later while everyone was skating my best friend came up and said your a waste of admission and i started crying because i thought how true that was.

Am i a cry baby or am i just really sensitive?If you have any ideas for me to be less emotional plz post here!
I used to be just like that. I'd cry at every little thing, even though I didn't want to. It was just the way my body automatically reacted. I'd cry if I got a math problem wrong, if I messed up a step in dance lessons. Whenever I would get the least bit frustrated, my eyes would brim with tears. It was terrible. But I'm going to be in 9th grade now, and I've been doing better. After I left elementary school it seemed to lesson, and now I barely cry at all. It should get better, don't worry. And you are definately not a cry baby. :)

My BFFL (best friend for life) is really sensitive too. If someone says something (even as a joke) that is slightly offensive, she will take it very seriously and start crying, and she finds it really hard to forgive because she is so easily hurt and offended.
That sounds exactly like my bffl.

Your just like my sister. God, she can be annoying. Anything I do makes her cry, and then I get in trouble, and I get a lecture about how my sister is sensitive and I have to be careful what I say around her. Ok, I'm not helping at all. You can't really change it, it's who you are. You really just need to avoid situations that will hurt you, and learn to live with it.

I am trying to think of something that will help you.... Hmmm.

Well have you always been like this or is it just lately?

I think that before you cry, think about why you're crying. Do you do that, or is it just like your body's automatic....response?

I'm not sure, as long as you think and don't take things personally....

Because at the stuff you mentioned, with your sister, I'd get very angry. With your parents, I'd be bothered, and with your friend, you know she's joking so I'd stick out my tongue and say too bad.

Basically, I am thinking Think Before You Cry.

Is that too harsh...................?

I used to be a BIG crying...4 year old. Over nothing most of the time. >__>

Tell you what I did? I TOUGHENED UP! Grrr. (lol. xD)

If someone ever said Im a waste of admission, I'd say, "Just because I'm a waste doesnt mean I'm you." and walk away. ^_^

If you feel like crying, START SMILING! Pretend it doesn't hurt.

There's no room in life to get upset over nothing. (not saying you are.) God that sounded rude ^_^ ''.

Um...No room in life to cry, more room to smile! :D (That's better.)


Nothing is wrong with you. Some people are just more emotional than others.

I'm the same way actually. Always have been.

I'm horrible with pressure and can't handle a lot of things life throws at me.

A lot of the times if I'm talking to someone and trying to explain something difficult I'll cry for seemingly no reason. I have a hard time explaining things as is, but when I have people waiting on me, putting the pressure on me TO answer, I just get really emotional and nervous.

It's hard, and it's a pain to deal with, but it's just how you are. Just remember that you're not alone. There are plenty of other people in the same position as you.

It's ok. You're not a "cry baby" and you don't need to feel alone. There are many people out there who aren't "cry babies" but are just sensitive. There's nothing wrong with being sensitive. It's just the way some people are. Just remember that. :)

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