"Hey." Faylinn smiled, before lowering her voice to a whisper. "Damien... there's two people over there who look really, REALLY familar, but I can't for the life of me work out why..."
She flipped open to the page of the sketch and nodded. "Yep, hold that smile for me for a moment." She told him, looking up at him, returning the smile.
January quickly began sketching down Eon's features. She would look up every few moments to examine his face. After a few minutes of quick sketching, she held up her sketchbook. "There we go, all I have left is the shading."
January placed the sketchbook back in her lap and began the shading. She took her finger and rubbed the page to blend the shading. When she was finished, she looked at the finger she had used to blend with a sigh, seeing it was black from the pencil lead.
January looked up and spotted the two. She narrowed her eyes again as they approached. She nudged Eon gently, "They're coming over here..." she muttered quietly.