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I'm actually not allergic to anything, but dust makes me sick 8D. But I think dust causes coughing and sneezing to everyone, not just people who are allergic to it.
I feel like I have an allergy to mushrooms, but it's not proven. Cuz I always seem to get tummy aches and throw up after I eat mushrooms. When I tried them, I thought they were delicious, but they made me terribly sick. Now I won't even touch one.
Same here. I hate the allergy symptom when your pallette gets all itchy 3:

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I think I'm allergic to grass. When I sit on it with bare legs, ankles, or arms I get a slight itchy rash. Doesn't bother me too much.

I get spring and winter allergies every year. Actually, I'm just recovering from some spring allergy symptoms that hit me a few days ago. I just get so congested and I have to blow my nose constantly. My throat also hurts from coughing so much. It's horrible. As for food allergies, I don't think it's a real allergy, but whenever I ate hot dogs as a little kid, I'd throw up. I've never eaten a hot dog since. Same thing with iced tea, and if I ate chocolate late at night. I think I've outgrown the chocolate one, because I have eaten chocolate late at night before and been fine, but I've never tried iced tea again.

I don't have any allergies, not that I know of.

I probably do though. My nose is always runny o.o


I ate popcorn with some powdered cheese 30 mins ago and now my nose is stuffed and my eyes are itchy >.<

I guess I am allergic to something

I`m allergic to stupid pollen. My feet hurt, and my right arm get a rash. I know weird. What about my left arm?

I'm allergic to pollen and caviar.
Ahh, dear Angie, you reminded me.

I'm allergic to caviar, I think.

I was dared to eat it at a sushi bar by my friend, so I did.

I went to school with swollen, red, hot cheeks.

I think I'm allergic to grass. I used to roll down hills of grass in my back yard with my sister and we both broke out in itchy red rash-like dots.

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Okay.. no fair. I kind of want some allergies now :[ Dx

Spring allergies including: Pollen, Dust, Grass, the air 0.o.

Struck with: A throat virus, Stuffy nose, Sines problems, Ear ache =P

I just "Love"'s when my birthday is too!

I get the usual spring allergies - the kind when your sinuses feel like they're about to explode. x_x

And I have a bit of hay fever - when I go rolling in the grass, I get extremely ichy and sometimes break out in a rash/hives.

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I'm allergic to a wide variety of pollens - tree, grass and various flowers.

I just refer to it all as Hay Fever - every year it starts now (in May) and continues all through June, July and August.

I have suffered for years, take anti-histamine medication constantly for 4 months (which doesn't really cure the symptoms, but makes them tolerable).

I look forward to September.

I might have the weirdest allergy: Blueberries.

I cannot eat blueberries. Ever. It's really odd. And I never even had one before I knew I was allergic. I had a "prick test" done on my arms, where a doctor poked my arm with needles and put small amounts of different things on my arms which cause allergies. That's when I found out I was allergic to blueberries.

I'm also allergic to a certain type of peanut butter. I'm not allergic to any nuts. I remember my lips feeling puffy after eating a different brand of peanut butter my Mum decided to buy me. That was also quite odd.

I have bad hayfever and I have reactions to people's perfumes. I also have Asthma, and everything combined is just hell for me. I usually take hayfever tablets. I'm lucky that I've only ever had one Asthma attack in my entire life, so it's under control. :wub:

I'm not allergic to anything proven. Although I might be a TINY bit allergic to chlorene(sp?). Not enough to break out in hives or that, but chlorene dries out my skin, and makes my eyes all red. It mightn't be an allergy, but don't say It's just because I'm not used to it, because I am. I go to the pool everyweek in the winter/autumn/spring, and once a day in my own pool in the summer, which both have chlorene.


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