I'm actually not allergic to anything, but dust makes me sick 8D. But I think dust causes coughing aand sneezing to everyone, not just people who are allergic to it.
I feel like I have an allergy to mushrooms, but it's not proven. Cuz I always seem to get stummy aches and throw up after I eat mushrooms. When I tried them, I thought they were delicious, but they made me terribly sick. Now I won't even touch one.
And when I was in 6th grade I had a random alleergic reaction to GAWD KNOWS WHAT. I just broke out in hives for like 2 days. We assumed it was because my mom washed my sheets with bleach--but that can't be it, because we use bleach now.
Well--the world may never know what happened in those 48 hours.
Certain yeasts which one is found in vinegar so therefore i'm allergic to vinegar. I'm allergic to pesticides so I have to peel apples in order to eat them. Any type of cough medicine or cough lolly. It makes my throat swell and makes it worse. I have extreme skin allergies to 90% of all skin products and super allergic to any sunscreen. Most band-aids and straping tape irritate my skin and i'm allergic to felt tip pens and Sharpies etc yet I write on myself anyway.
I'm allergic to any type of Scented laundry detergent. I break out in a rash if I wear clothes or come in contact with them [Physically touching that is] I got this horrible rash a little over a year ago from it.
When I was little I usd to think I was allergic to donkeys. 'Cause when I was watching Pinocchio (sp?), I would always scream at the part when he turned into a donkey. I thought screaming was an allergic reaction 8D