Allergies, illnesses, medical problems...


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Well well well...

I have asthma that's poorly controlled; my dose of medicine isn't high enough. I'm allergic to peanuts (though not deathly; it just murders my stomach), cashews (same reaction), dogs, rodents, plants, latex, some lotions...plastic bubble much?

I also have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which gives me constant heartburn, but the one that gives me the worst troubles is narcolepsy, which makes me fall asleep at random. They're still working on the final diagnosis so I don't have medication yet; you can imagine how poorly I do in school XP

If I ever became allergic to shellfish I'd be SO TO'd.

I'm severely allergic to peanuts.

I have this back thing, I think my Mom said it's a type of Spina Bifida. Two of my vbertebrae are fused together so I have really bad fexibility in my back. :/

I am allergic to ragweed. Hah. That's it.

I have a tailbone injury that won't heal thanks to the community pool diving board.

Annnd yah.

I'm sure I could remember more things wrong with me, but i'm too lazy. Xp

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