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Now, now. Well, my school cares, but you don't yet understand the boredom of study. LOL.
My school defenetly cares . They started this rule in September . ( Darn it ! )

The Person Who Started this topic ,


~ People ~

~-~ -_-

I started this topic in November 18th ! Would everyone stop replying to this topic ! I am NOT trying to be mean but Come on ! :angry: :D

- SSharada12325

Hi, My teacher this year didn't care, but this stupid Xavier kid (he is smelly) took his out of his backpack, and started connecting with me as I was putting it back in my bag and a kid spoted him and said to the teacher That "Xavier and Sam are connecting", they were banned from then on, and nearly everyone hated me, that was everyone who had a tamagotchi, accept my friends, they new it was Xavier. My teacher didnt stick by her word though, she let us have them again, than banned them, then let us have them again, then banned them ect., Then on the very last day she un-banned them again, crazzy huh?, but my teacher is the BEST!

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my teacher lets us take them to school but we are not allowed to play on them during class so i play on mine at lunch or play lunch YAY


Well, i live in an little island named Puerto Rico and practically nobody knows what a tamagotchi is. If you have anything electronic in school they take it away. So anyways i dont have a chance, but i still take it everywhere. The trick is that nobody sees or know you have it. So use it in the bathroom or in your backpack. Neve forget to mute it!

Hope it works out

*Brian X.*

my teacher doesn't care if i have my tama at school she even lets me have it on my desk as long as i turn the sound off and don't play with it until i have finished all my work, excepted one day i had a sub and she got really angry at me until i explained that we were allowed them at school. :D

Guys ! Didn't i tell you to stop replying ! Remember , I started this topic on November 18 th ! This topic is so old !

- SSharada1325

I can't play mine in class (but I do sometimes...) but I play mine on the bus (since I'm last stop).

But they give them back at the last day of school.

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Shoot! The teacher took mines away for a whole day. Tell your parents!


yeah i know teachers are like lil mice and our parents are the giant cats lol!

but neway now im homeschooled and my mom doesn't mind me playing with my tama cause she knows i hve to so it doesn't die cause 3 yrs. ago i used to have my parents watch my tama when i went to school. but 2 yrs. ago i j stated taking it to school but i would have the volume off and use it when it needed to be fed and clean up after it or check the time to figure out when i got out of the boring class. LOL! :D

hello...i know you said stop replying to this post....but oh well...

well my school doesn't excactly ban tamas but doesn't allow them either... 'cause this one time...a grade 3 was playing with her tama then got it taken away then the next day...a grade 5 was playing with her tama but didnt get it taken with my school...sometimes you get it taken were allowed to bring your tama to school as long you don't play with it CONSTANTLY in class...

(i'm from australia so grade 3 would be 4th grader...grade 4=5th grader etc...)

thanks! :D


actulley my teacher doesnt care at all :D , even when we play with them during class (or check on them) she just says "please put those away in your desk)My teacher is awesome!!!!!!!!! :angry:


ok...well if we got it taken from us...we normally get it back within 24 hours...but if we were told to put them away...we had to put them in our bags(we dont use them flip table thingys)


well i myself think that if the teachers take ur tama away for good they're STEALING! if i had a teacher say i shouldn't have it they should give me a warning, but just taking it away! that's crazy!!!!!!! it happened to my friend and she started to cry cuz she knew she was never gettin it bak. our school's teachers r the worst EVER

well i myself think that if the teachers take ur tama away for good they're STEALING! if i had a teacher say i shouldn't have it they should give me a warning, but just taking it away! that's crazy!!!!!!! it happened to my friend and she started to cry cuz she knew she was never gettin it bak. our school's teachers r the worst EVER
My teachers give stuff back the last day of school and thats mean, but that...

Your right that is stealing. If my teacher did that I'd proubly cry too, and I'd tell my mom.

when i was in 5 grade i had a tamagotchi and i played it in all my classes alittle bit. and all you have to do to get away with it is turn off the volume and look up at where your teacher is every couple minutes. soo you know if you are safe from gettig caught or not. ounce i forgot to do that and my tamagotchi started to sing right when my teacher came over. iwas just lucky she was my fun :D

i hope you use my tips wisley but listen to whats happening in class every ounce and a while. have fun :ichigotchi:

if a teacher trys to take mine...well...i wont give it to them. im bigger then most of them....and they know not to mmess with the students(im in highschool, we can do whatever the heck we want to)
lol :lol: :lol: :D

i think the teachers take the tamagotchis because they want to play with it

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