All of Them


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Sure xD

Lilith awoke the next morning, rubbing her eyes. She released a quiet yawn, stretching out her arms and legs.

Cye was already awake, his wings wrapped around himself for warmth. "Morning."

Because you guys need someone on a different side.

Name: Alice Cast

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Angel

Appearance: Being lazy and posting a pic:

Personality: Alice isn't exactly the loudest, most confident person in the world. Far from it. The best word to describe her would probably be 'fragile' - that is, she's very shy, easily scared, and couldn't hurt someone if she tried. Obviously, she has to at least try to pull a few punches to, y'know, survive, but she'd prefer to just fly away. If she did hit you, she'd apologise while doing it. This said, she can be rather stubborn, refusing to tell you anything or do anything if she has her own reasons for doing it. Must be the 'quiet' aspect mixed with healthy determination. She's friendly, when you can get her to talk, and can be extremely loyal to you.

Powers (only for some species): Obviously, she can fly, but she also has healing powers. She can heal herself, but they don't work as well on her as they do on other people.

Other: Nope.

*hands out cake*

Alice groans, sitting up and stretching. She had had to sleep in a tree last night, due to the fact the she was in the middle of nowhere. Twisting around, she realised a fair bit of tree debris had gotten got in her feathery white wings. "Oh..."

*Takes the cake, and hides it.*

Cye yawned, still a little tired from not sleeping well.

Hey! D<

Once she was sure she had gotten all of the twigs etc out of her wings, Alice gritted her teeth and slid down and out of the tree, beginning to walk away. She was too tired to fly, she'd probabky fly into something.

*Stabs cake with my rod* Lol you missed so much in TC last night.

Hearing footsteps, Cye looked outside, seeing Alice. "Found our first kill." he told Lilith.


Alice didn't notice Cye or Lilith, continuing to walk. She really wanted to take off and get out of here, but there were too many trees around, which would make jumping into the air and spreading her wings a difficult and noisy process.

*Stabs cake in the eye socket with rod*

Cye crawled out, following Alice.


Alice paused for a moment, thinking she heard a noise behind her, but ended up passing it off. She started to walk again, feeling a little more awake now due to the tension she was feeling.

You're just jealous of my rod.

Cye continued to quietly follow Alice, trying to not make any noise.

Well, by now Alice was getting REALLY paranoid, and actually broke her unspoken rule and looked back.

And then she broke into a run.


Well, now she was certainly sure that someone was chasing her. Alice sped up, debating taking off in her head but knowing it wasn't practical. So the guy chasing her was an idiot then...

SHUT UP AND OBEY MY ROD. *hands legal document to change name to Steve*

Cye charged a dark energy ball, and threw at at Alice.


The energy ball hit Alice square in the back, and she fell forwards, hitting the ground with a small cry as her face met the ground.


Alice groaned, trying to regain her breath after being ever so slightly winded by both the energy and hitting the ground. She tried to push herself up, but failed, flopping to the floor again and not even noticing Cye.

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