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It's four AM and I'm too bored to sleep, so I thought I'd do this thing again for the hell of it and because a lot of the information's changed.

About Me

Name: Grace.

Nickname: Most of the boys in my year know me as "Crazy G-Dawg". I have no idea where they got it from. And somebody calls me "Gramma" on TamaChat, but that's about it.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I don't know. "Grammar Hitler"?

Online Me!

Email: Yes, it's retarded because I made it up when I was, what, ten or eleven?

Blog: None.

IM: None.

I game online at: Eh, I'm not really a gamer, to be honest. xD


Colour: Most shades of green and turquoise. Cyan's also very nice.

Smell: Most "natural" air fresheners and fresh baking.

Sound: The ocean.

Snack: Chocolate raisins.

Stress Food: Beans on toast. :3

Weekend Activity: Staying up until four or five, sleeping in until early afternoon and sitting at the computer.

Hiding Place: My bedroom.

Hobbies: Reading, doodling, attempting to learn German, sitting at the computer.

TV Series: "The Simpsons".

Movie: My current favourites are "Schindler's List" and possibly "La Vita è Bella". I also love most Mayazaki films that I've seen.

Book: No idea.

Band/Singer: Oomph!. Yes, my favourite band is German. Beat that.

Celeb: No idea.

Role Model: Adolf Hitler I don't know. Myself...?

Expression: "Life literally abounds in comedy if you look around you." - Mel Brooks. Yes, that counts, shut up.


First Big Achievement: No idea.

First Risk I Ever Took: Still no idea.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I went to the shop by myself when I was about seven or eight. Unfortunately on the way back the bag split and I ended up losing the four pints of milk I walked a whole few hundred yards to get.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I don't know. Don't babies get happy at anything?

First Rule I'd Make As President: For everybody to shut up and do as they're told.


Last Book That Inspired Me:

Last Movie I Cried At: I almost cried watching "Schindler's List".

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't think I've ever had a celebrity crush. O_O

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read a book or do some homework.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I forget.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm open-minded, I won't take your sxxx, I can find humour in anything and I mean anything...Uh...I'm generally not a very good person, so...

Worst: High-tempered, unmotivated, self-centred, I often use violence as opposed to words when it comes to arguments, bit of an idiot at times...

Best Talents: I don't know.

Worst: Again, I don't know.

Best Class or Subjects: History and English.

Worst: P.E. and Maths.

Best Memories: Most of my memories in Nottingham are quite nice.

Worst: I don't know. My mind's gone blank. xD

Best Years: My primary school years up to primary 7 were good. I didn't like them at the time, but looking back I actually had a lot of fun in my weird little kid days. xD

Worst: Probably 2009. It started out badly, got great then went completely downhill. 2010's sucked so far, but 2009's probably worse.

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About Me

Name: Beth

Nickname: Bethy, Bethster, Bethnicity, etc.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: SPIDERMAN ! /wut?

Online Me!


Blog: --


I game online at: --


Color: purple

Smell: vanilla

Sound: my best friend's tenor voice :DD (Or my husband's)

Snack: cookie dough ice cream :)

Stress Food: same^

Weekend Activity: competitions for show choir

Hiding Place: my swing set

Hobbies: singing, dancing, acting, roleplaying, reading, swinging

TV Series: GLEE <333

Movie: Wizard of Oz, 27 Dresses, and FInding Nemo

Book: Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter series

Band/Singer: Journey, Bon Jovi, Carrie Underwood

Celeb: LOGAN HENDERSON <3, Cory Monteith, Judy Garland, Shirley Temple

Role Model: My Mom, My chorus teacher

Expression: "If you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best" - Marilyn Monroe


First Big Achievement: My first Musical when I was 7

First Risk I Ever Took: ^^

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Had a sleep over :) Haha, it was a big deal to me when I was 8.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: My first musical

First Rule I'd Make As President: Everyone must burst into song at random points in time. /wut


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Notebook

Last Movie I Cried At: Toy Story 3

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Logan Henderson

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Turn on the music

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Just ignore him"

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm outgoing, funny, and random

Worst: I'm annoying, ditzy, and judgmental

Best Talents: Singing, dancing and acting

Worst: Anything related to drawing

Best Class or Subjects: English, Chorus, History

Worst: Everything else

Best Memories: Anytime I've been on stage

Worst: A lot

Best Years: Past three

Worst: 6th grade

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About Me

Name: Tamsyn. It's weird, I know.

Nickname: mew0099. Yes, really.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I'm not sure...

Online Me

Email: Is a secret to you.

Blog: None.

IM: None.

I game online at: I game on consoles, like my DS and Wii. I don't game online.


Color: Black.

Smell: Basil, a herb.

Sound: A guinea pig purring.

Snack: Kappa Rolls. (cucumber sushi)

Stress Food: Also Kappa Rolls. Yummy, I relieved stress!

Weekend Activity: Biking.

Hiding Place: My bed.

Hobbies: They're in my profile, there are too many to put here.

TV Series: I don't watch that much, but I like The Simpsons, Mr. Bean The Animated Series, and Rocko's Modern Life.

Movie: My Neighbour Totoro. I love Totoro.

Book: Dragon Rider, The Hunger Games, The Encyclopedia of Immaturity...

Band/Singer: The Beatles, The Kinks, Sagittarius, Video Game Music, mostly from MOTHER and EarthBound.

Celeb: I don't have one.

Role Model: I don't have one. I wish I did.

Expression: I don't know.


First Big Achievement: Reading. I was 4.

First Risk I Ever Took: Jumping into the swimming pool. Yes, it's true.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Make a speech for student council. I was 10.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was camping with all my school buddies.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Make all people listen to Eight Melodies. I swear it could make world peace. I swear.


Last Book That Inspired Me: I'm not sure...

Last Movie I Cried At: Pixar's UP.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Ew. I'm not that thick.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Brush my teeth.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Video Game Cheats, heh.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I am actually very good at making friends and I hate to take sides between my friends.

Worst: I get scared super easily. I can get scares by a doorbell ringing. Yes, really.

Best Talents: I draw, sing and dance. I'm not so good at the last two though...

Worst: I draw on my hands. I write a note, then I doodle, and doodle, and doodle...

Best Class or Subjects: Art, Writing. And Recess! Yea!

Worst: Math and Science.

Best Memories: I went to a small town in France once and it was beautiful. We had our own pool which I swam in everyday.

Worst: My best friend's first words to me were: "Are you a girl? Or a boy?"

Best Years: 2010. I had the Olympics in my own city for crying out loud!

Worst: Don't have any I remember.

Yes. That's me. I'm kind of boring.

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About Me:

Name: Sydney

Nickname: Syd, Syddie, Sydderz

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None?

Online Me!

Email: Confidential

Blog: None

IM: Confidential

I game online at: None


Color: Purple

Smell: Fresh Baked Cookies

Sound: Crickets at night

Snack: Ice Cream

Stress Food: Ice Cream as well

Weekend Activity: Hanging with friends

Hiding Place: My room

Hobbies: Gymnastics, acting, reading

TV Series: Glee

Movie: Can't choosee

Book: My Sister's Keeper

Band/Singer: Taylor Swift

Celeb: IDK

Role Model: IDK

Expression: too many to list here XD


First Big Achievement: Reading

First Risk I Ever Took: I don't remember

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: ummmm....

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I don't remember.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Equal taxes for everyone.


Last Book That Inspired Me: My Sister's Keeper

Last Movie I Cried At: Don't remember.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: heeehee

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: think about everything

Last Advice I got That Worked:

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:I'm funny and crazy.

Worst: I tend to be too literal.

Best Talents: Gymnastics.

Worst: Isn't that kind of an oxymoron?

Best Class or Subjects: Science actually. I don't enjoy it though.

Worst: FRENCH.

Best Memories: I like to think I have a lot of good memories.

Worst: I don't want to talk about it.

Best Years: 2006

Worst: 2010

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About Me:

Name: Skadi

Nickname: Biscotti (my pit instructor said that's how she remembers my name?)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None..

Online Me!

Email: rudicat95 (Please, do not email me, unless I actually know you.)


IM: None

I game online at:GoPets


Color: Skyblue

Smell: Dunno.

Sound: ^

Snack: Anything

Stress Food: ^

Weekend Activity: Hanging with friends?

Hiding Place: Dunno.

Hobbies: Band


Movie: The Outsiders

Book: The Outsiders

Band/Singer: Sufjan Stevens

Celeb: Christian Siriano

Role Model: Sufjan Stevens

Expression: Huh?


First Big Achievement: Dunno

First Risk I Ever Took:^

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: What is this I don't even?

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Dunno.



Last Book That Inspired Me: The Outsiders

Last Movie I Cried At: The Outsiders

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Sufjan Stevens

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Watch family guy

Last Advice I got That Worked: Stay gold

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Quiet and Sarcastic

Worst: ^

Best Talents: Band, I guess.

Worst: ^

Best Class or Subjects: MATHMATHMATH.

Worst: Shop.

Best Memories: Nationals (I met a srsly hot guy and I think he liked me)

Worst: Nationals (I fear that I'll never see him again)

Best Years: 2009

Worst: 2010

I'mma do this again!

About Me;

Name: Krystal.

Nickname: irl;; Krys, Krittle, Peanut, Krispy Kreme.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: BANDANA WOMAN.

Online Me!

Email: Not sharing. o;

Blog: Eh.

IM: Ask? xD

I game online at: TAMATALK'S FUN STUFF~


Color: Purple.

Smell: Fresh linens. <3

Sound: Singing. :3

Snack: Nutella!

Stress Food: Grapes.

Weekend Activity: Playing laser tag, sonnn.

Hiding Place: A chesty storage-y place in my house. xD

Hobbies: Photography, singing, eating.


Movie: LotR, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars!

Book: LotR, and The Secret Garden.

Band/Singer: Justin Bieber. x'D

Celeb: James Maslow.

Role Model: My mother in some ways, my father in others.

Expression: Idk.


First Big Achievement: Uhhhh, winning a level of Mario. :3

First Risk I Ever Took: Eating my dad's 'special' brussels sprouts.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Not sure..

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I'm almost always happy. First time? Who knows.

First Rule I'd Make As President: NO TIME ZONES. ... I guess no one can really make that happen.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Green Eggs and Ham.

Last Movie I Cried At: Up. When I saw it in theaters.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: James Maslow!

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Cuddle with Splashy~!

Last Advice I got That Worked: I'm actually usually the one giving advice. :I

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: (according to friends) Funny, lovable, sweet.

Worst: A bit slow at times, easily angered, and very sarcastic.

Best Talents: Playing the piano; maybe singing.

Worst: Painting. D:

Best Class or Subjects: Science.

Worst: Math.

Best Memories: An all day trip to the Sight and Sound theater with my amazing cousins<3

Worst: Watching my dog suffer from a heartattack, my great grandmother's funeral, and lots of others related to death. I don't cope well with that.

Best Years: 2010 has been.. absolutely amazing<3

Worst: 2007.

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About Me

Name: Alyssa

Nickname: Aly

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: LaTonia Freakin' Hermione Mongeon

Online Me!

Email: I don't feel comfortable disclosing this online.

Blog: I don't have a blog.

IM: Not applicable.

I game online at: Nowhere, really xD


Color: Green, definitely.

Smell: Any sort of fruits

Sound: Caramelldansen xD

Snack: My friend Meghan and I have decided to endorse Pocky.

Another favorite is Nutty Bars. Yummmmm :(

Stress Food: When I'm stressed, it's usually because of singing even though I love singing. So no, not nutty bars or pocky. Water.

Weekend Activity: hanging out with Meghan and Autumn and Jessica at the playground.

Hiding Place: There's a little "trench" in between my bed and the wall of my sister's and my room. I hide there, covered in pillows and blankets I throw over.

Hobbies: SINGING, reading, environmentalism, LGBT rights, arguing, discovering random things, taking long walks in the woods behind my house, Latin class, anime conventions, and of course TAMAGOTCHIS :)

TV Series: Family Guy has definitely become a new favorite. I also like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Freaks and Geeds, and I'm beginning to like The L Word.

Movie: Ohmygoodness... too many to list! xD

Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Band/Singer: LADY GAGA <3 <3 <3

Celeb: Ellen DeGeneres

Role Model: My role model lives in my mind. I don't want to be like anyone else, I want to be like who I intend to be.

Expression: A smile.


First Big Achievement: I don't know how I'd describe a "big" achievement. Probably auditioning for something.

First Risk I Ever Took: I had a crappy two years in middle school and when I was a freshman none of the other freshmen even glanced at me. It took me a lot of courage to go up to an upperclassman I became friends with through Chorus. She graduated this year, though :p

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I don't remember. Probably taking the initiative with learning how to drive; I went to drivers ed about two weeks ago and got my learner's permit this week.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I'm always happy.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Education of the Gifted is now mandatory in all elementary and secondary public schools which offer special education programs.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Don't remember...

Last Movie I Cried At: I'm not a crier.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Lady Gaga. And I still am xD

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Roll over onto my side, and think of random things.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Nothing I can think of at the moment.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm very outgoing, happy, and not socially awkward.

Worst: I can be very annoying and self-conscious.

Best Talents: My singing! I've been singing since I was about 3 years old. And I've been playing piano since I was six. Quit when I was twelve, got back into it a year ago.

Worst: Art or sports. I'm not that good with those.

Best Class or Subjects: Latin or math. I'm in advanced classes for both of those.

Worst: English.

Best Memories: All of high school so far. It's been great!

Worst: Middle school, and most of my childhood.

Best Years: 2010, definitely. It's been amazing this year <3 <3 <3

Worst: 2007. Everyone hated me that year.

About Me

Name: Courtney

Nickname: CourtzOner (given to me by boys in class, now it's stuck)

Age: 14

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Umm, does this count? Supervisory Special Agent Courtney (classified last name) of the FBI? FBI are superheroes, they save people.

Online Me!

Email: OR

Blog: Facebook

IM: what's that? I'm Aussie!

I game online at: Runescape (DawgLuvva123 I think) and Neopets! (monkeez_cutiez, but now it's ariel_sweetz)



Smell: Roast Pork

Sound: Planes flying overhead

Snack: Thins S and V chips

Stress Food: Chocolate

Weekend Activity: Sleeping over at my friends house

Hiding Place: Under my friends brothers bed.

Hobbies: Dancing, plane spotting (record airline, time, destination or origin of flight on my iPod Touch)


Movie: The Virgin Suicides


Band/Singer: Cascada

Celeb: Katelyn Michaels (little girl who raised money for starving African children)

Role Model: AJ Cook

Expression: Are you for cereal?


First Big Achievement: Flying when I was scared shatless

First Risk I Ever Took: Sliding down the steep escalator at Perth Airport. Slammed into the electronic doors and knocked myself out.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Gone shopping w/o parents.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I went back to Singapore

First Rule I'd Make As President: No school!


Last Book That Inspired Me: Criminal Minds

Last Movie I Cried At: The Virgin Suicides

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Matty Gubler

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read

Last Advice I got That Worked: Take your time

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Happy and bright

Worst: Temper tantrums (classic)

Best Talents: Singing and hearing planes before I see them

Worst: Ballet

Best Class or Subjects: English

Worst: Math

Best Memories: Making friends with my bestie, SimTama

Worst: Fighting with the cow who thinks she is the best at school

Best Years: This year

Worst: Last year

About Me

Name: Ella

Nickname: Sugary

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Moustache Lord

Online Me!


Blog: Don't have one

IM: Don't have one

I game online at: Club Penguin :)


Color: Green

Smell: Tomato Paste

Sound: Rain

Snack: Doritos

Stress Food: Jello

Weekend Activity: Computer, annd being Out-And-About

Hiding Place: In my room

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Listening to music, Creating videos, Talking

TV Series: Yo Gabba Gabba, Total Drama Island, Avatar - The Last Airbender, The Simpsons and Spongebob

Movie: Despicable Me, The Simpsons Movie, Up

Book: Alot

Band/Singer: Too many.

Celeb: Don't care.

Role Model: I don't need one. I'm not gonna idolize some random person, just be be like them. I'm gonna be how I want to be.

Expression: :)


First Big Achievement: Getting a 9 on my literacy PAT

First Risk I Ever Took: IDK

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Had a sip of wine. I thought it tasted disgusting.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Im always happy.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Stop battery hens


Last Book That Inspired Me: I don't know

Last Movie I Cried At: Don't go to those kind of movies.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: ...

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Close my eyes

Last Advice I got That Worked: Be nice to my art teacher, to avoid getting yelled at.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Generosity, Kindness

Worst: Temper

Best Talents: Drawing, Reading

Worst: Singing

Best Class or Subjects: Foods, Art, English and P.E

Worst: Maths

Best Memories: December 2009

Worst: All of 2008

Best Years:This year, last year


About Me

Name: Emily!

Nickname: Emsaly/Emsy. :)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: That's classified. ;)

Online Me!


Blog: None.

IM: None.

I game online at: I have a life. o_O


Colour: I love turquoise. Neon pink, blue, green, yellow and orange.

Smell: Fresh chocolate chip cookies.

Sound: The ocean.

Snack: Wheat Thins.

Stress Food: Wheat Thins.

Weekend Activity: Staying up until four or five, discussing magazines with my best friend ♥, cleaning my closet (I gotta lot of clothes x)), shopping, watching movies, relaxing in the Florida sunshine.

Hiding Place: My bedroom.

Hobbies: Reading, tanning, watching Degrassi.

TV Series: Degrassi.

Movie: Uptown Girls, Mean Girls, and Vampires Suck.

Book: Right now: Percy Jackson.

Band/Singer: I change that a lot.

Celeb: Munro Chambers.

Role Model: My mommy. ♥

Expression: If you dream it, you can do it.


First Big Achievement: Straight A's since kindergarten?

First Risk I Ever Took: Dating this one guy, I put my heart on the line.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I used the big girl potty? x)

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Don't babies get happy at anything?

First Rule I'd Make As President: NO MORE WAR.


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Notebook.

Last Movie I Cried At: Titanic, earlier today.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Munro Chambers.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read a book or do some homework.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Something about a guy. :)

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm open-minded, I'm nice to everyone; until given a reason not to, I'm compassionate, I'm smart, and I love people.

Worst: No self-confidence, overly emotional, sometimes a little... Blegh.

Best Talents: I can sing. :)

Worst: Again, I don't know.

Best Class or Subjects: History and English.

Worst: P.E.

Best Memories: September 25, 2008 - August 2, 2009, every other day, too! :)

Worst: August 2, 2009. That's bout it.

Best Years: 1996, 2000-2006, 2008, 2010.

Worst: 2009. I went through a phase of being the opposite of myself after a breakup. Never again!

About Me

Name:Grace Valentina Elisabeth P


Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: classified ;D

Online Me!



IM:MSN-add me-^

I game online at:Miniclip.


Color:peppermint ;D

Smell:pooooo :|



Stress Food:crisps

Weekend Activity:-

Hiding Place: Under your bed.


TV Series:simpsons





Role Model:-



First Big Achievement:singing and premiar champ dancing

First Risk I Ever Took:tombstoning

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: nothing

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:never

First Rule I'd Make As President:sleep all day ;)


Last Book That Inspired Me:-

Last Movie I Cried At:annie

Last Celeb I Crushed On:-

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:-

Last Advice I got That Worked:-

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:nothing


Best Talents:singing,dancing


Best Class or Subjects:maths;D


Best Memories:Nothing

Worst:when i puked at school :S

Best Years:2010


:furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

About Me



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:Zack Galifianakis

Online Me!

Email:Not sharing

Blog:Don't have one

IM:Not sharing

I game online at:I don't




Sound:Mouse click


Stress Food:Goldfish!

Weekend Activity:Camping!

Hiding Place:Under my sheets

Hobbies:Volley ball

TV Series:Big Bang Theory


Book:Gone With The Wind

Band/Singer:Naked and Famous

Celeb:Ryan Reynolds

Role Model:Seann William Scott

Expression:Thumbs up


First Big Achievement: Going poop in a toilet

First Risk I Ever Took:Idk

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:Take out the trash

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:This morning

First Rule I'd Make As President:Band cigarettes


Last Book That Inspired Me:I read a lot...

Last Movie I Cried At:The fighter

Last Celeb I Crushed On:Justin beiber

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Turn of the lights

Last Advice I got That Worked:Who knows

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:I heard that i am nice

Worst:I get annoying

Best Talents:playing the piano


Best Class or Subjects:Math

Worst:Social Studies

Best Memories:Riding my first ever plane

Worst:Don't remind me

Best Years:2005;2008;2011


About Me

Name: Mike

Nickname: Mikecraft, Minecraft Addict

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: N/A

Online Me!


Blog: none yet...

IM: ???

I game online at: N/A


Color: Blue

Smell: A Rose ;)

Sound: Thunder B)

Snack: Chocolate! :blink:

Stress Food: N/A

Weekend Activity: Biking, Videogames...

Hiding Place: My thoughts.

Hobbies: Biking, Shooting Cans, Cadet.

TV Series: American Dad

Movie: ASDF Movie.

Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

Band/Singer: Guns 'n Roses. B)

Celeb: N/A

Role Model: N/A

Expression: Procrastination Makes Perfect. Join the Military, you get to travel the world, meet strange people, than kill them!


First Big Achievement: Don't Remeber...

First Risk I Ever Took: Jumping a River... i fell into it...

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Drive my dad's truck...

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When i fell in LOVE! ;)

First Rule I'd Make As President: No president in Canada, so first thing i'd do as primeminister is Ban Smaoking!


Last Book That Inspired Me: ...

Last Movie I Cried At: None

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Watch American Dad

Last Advice I got That Worked: Can't say any worked yet... but some might soon...

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Nice, Quiet, Funlover!

Worst: Quiet,

Best Talents: Being an Air Cadet!

Worst: Fight Fatigue... it kills me...

Best Class or Subjects: Science, Tech.

Worst: MATH! English... weird huh?

Best Memories: Falling into a river.

Worst: Falling on ice.

Best Years: Today!

Worst: don't know.

About Me

Name: Alexa Nicole

Nickname: People on TT call me Lexi, hahh .

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Muffin Man

Online Me!


Blog: /

IM: /Private

I game online at: /


Color: Purple++ Bluee

Smell: This one ugly flower

Sound: Rainn:)

Snack: Cupcakes<3

Stress Food: /

Weekend Activity: Shopping . Hahh .

Hiding Place: Tha dupstar:D

Hobbies: video making/editing, photography, swimming, art xD

TV Series: Seinfeld oor Rugrats !

Movie: Napoleon Dynamite


Band/Singer: JUSTIN BEIBER :D NO JUST KIDDING I'M NOT THREE :D Christofer Drew Ingle<3

Celeb: D: Not enough brain power !

Role Model: D: Not enough good people in this world ! (Chloe Pevenskie)

Expression: WUT YU DO ?


First Big Achievement: Pooping :')

First Risk I Ever Took: Eating earrings .

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Almost killing myself . :D

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Uhh, when I turned 70 .

First Rule I'd Make As President: President has be payed by Ponies .


Last Book That Inspired Me: Wut? Book?

Last Movie I Cried At: Terrible Bosses was heartbreaking .

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Shane MacGowan, or TUFF Puppy <3 His eyes are so dreamy .

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Fluff mai pillow .

Last Advice I got That Worked: -insert false answer here-

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Lemme think about that one .

Worst: Narcissism .

Best Talents: I just look so good .

Worst: I don't know if there is such thing as a bad talent .

Best Class or Subjects: Artt .

Worst: Math . Hands down .

Best Memories: /

Worst: /

Best Years: when I was 70

Worst: when I was 8

About Me

Name: Milla

Nickname: -

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: -

Online Me!



IM: email

I game online at: -


Color: lime green

Smell: vanilla

Sound: the noise when a donut box is opened

Snack: cookies!

Stress Food: nutella

Weekend Activity: walking around in the city

Hiding Place: behind the sofa

Hobbies: drawing & writing

TV Series: Glee, Supernatural, Family Guy

Movie: can't decide

Book: ^

Band/Singer: changes olot but Lady Gaga for now

Celeb: -

Role Model: -

Expression: -


First Big Achievement: learning to walk?

First Risk I Ever Took: idk

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: cooking my own food

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: i can't remember

First Rule I'd Make As President: no war? idk


Last Book That Inspired Me: none

Last Movie I Cried At: marley & me

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Rupert Grint

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: read something

Last Advice I got That Worked: idk

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: good listener, usually friendly

Worst: sarcastic

Best Talents: drawing

Worst: -

Best Class or Subjects: art definitely

Worst: math or technical work

Best Memories: holidays

Worst: there are many

Best Years: 2004-2005 when I lived in Texas

Worst: last year

About Me

Name: Abigail

Nickname: Abby

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: no.

Online Me!

Email: /


IM: n/a

I game online at: Shin Megami Tensei, Tales Runner, Tinierme, etc


Color: Purple, Green, Blue

Smell: Never really thought about that...

Sound: idk maybe vroom vroom

Snack: uh.

Stress Food: pizza rolls.

Weekend Activity: internet.

Hiding Place: well I wish I could stick to the ceiling.

Hobbies: My only hobby is investigating people.

TV Series: Degrassi and Victorious are all right.

Movie: Don't have one.

Book: I don't enjoy reading.

Band/Singer: Super Junior, 2PM, NEWS, B1A4, 2NE1

Celeb: Tegoshi. lol.

Role Model: 2NE1 ladies

Expression: bleh.


First Big Achievement: Never.

First Risk I Ever Took: Never.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Never.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Hmmm...

First Rule I'd Make As President: and why would I be president.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Never.

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't remember.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Tegoshi Yuya is my one and only.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: turn off the lights?

Last Advice I got That Worked: Nobody gives me advice.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm amazing.

Worst: None.

Best Talents: I have no talents.

Worst: hi.

Best Class or Subjects: Probably French haha it's easy.

Worst: The rest of them.

Best Memories: Hm.

Worst: My mule days LOL

Best Years: When I was a kid pretty much & two years ago.

Worst: Last year. And this year is pretty bad so far.

About Me

Name: Autumn

Nickname: classifed

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: N/A

Online Me!


Blog: Classidied

IM: Don't have one.

I game online at: Webkinz, Club Penguin

Faves: South Park, Pokemon, Mario Games, Animal Crossing, Kirby games.

Color: Black

Smell: :huh:

Sound: THX Sound.

Snack: Cheatos (sorry for bad spelling)

Stress Food: Classifed.

Weekend Activity: Wii and ipod. Mostly ipod.

Hiding Place: My room xD

Hobbies: Drawing

TV Series: South Park

Movie: Harry Potter and the philosiphers stone

Book: Diary of a wimpy kid

Band/Singer: Stereos

Celeb: Justin Timberlake

Role Model: :huh:

Expression: Normal


First Big Achievement: Won step-free award.

First Risk I Ever Took: Classifed

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Used the toliet.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Got a wii for christmas

First Rule I'd Make As President: No school allowed anymore


Last Book That Inspired Me: Harry Potter but i dont know how the last book can inspire a person....

Last Movie I Cried At: Bambi (but i cried at that when i was in a bad mood)

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Cartman (i dont know if hes a celeb but... >///<)

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Watch boring shows like dora and barney

Last Advice I got That Worked: N/A

About Me

Name: Rita

Nickname: Nightpelt/Binka

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: WaffleNinja!!!

Online Me!


Blog: seeeecret

IM: huh??

I game online at: I don't GAME


Color: (In order) Lime Green, Black, Red

Smell: I think it was of the chlorine in the swimming pools or old/new books

Sound: rain on a metal roof or something, I don't know...

Snack: INSTANT (spicy) RAMEN and Skittles <3 (not together though :p )

Stress Food: Chocolate or skittles

Weekend Activity: Going to a friend's house, in front of the computer, or snoozing in bed.

Hiding Place: My mother's wardrobe (no-one will find me here!) or the gap between the wall and the fridge.

Hobbies: sleeping, eating, reading, annoying people, INTERNET....just to name a few :3

TV Series: ...I dunno, but I like watching History Channel or National Geographic

Movie: this is hard....the Harry Potter series

Book: STOP ASKING ME HARD QUESTIONS. I will have to say... The Name of This Book is SECRET (Pseudonymous Bosch)

Band/Singer: Not sure...

Celeb: Helena Bon Carter (I THINK that is her name...)

Role Model: My cat.



First Big Achievement: I don't have one... *cries in a corner*

First Risk I Ever Took: I don't remember

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Wearing Silly sunglasses, high-heels, a dress, and carrying a handbag...this was when I was like, four. xD

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I would have to say during THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE MARATHON for my friend's 12th birthday.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Friday will be a day of the weekend. :D



Last Book That Inspired Me: Emily the Strange (Stranger and Stranger)

Last Movie I Cried At: Hurr?

Last Celeb I Crushed On: EWWW NO

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: read.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I dunno

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: People said I am Clever and rather Brave

Worst: Feisty

Best Talent: Art

Worst: not sure.....

Best Class or Subjects: ART

Worst: Not entirely sure.....I'd say Science.

Best Memories: The Sleepover at my friend's house. Aaah, good times. My friend told a really scary story that left us awake most of the night.

Worst: ...

Best Years: years???? are you kidding me???


About Me

Name: Matthew (or Matt)

Nickname: Teethdude, Nazodude, Nazo, Nazotchi

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None

Online Me!

Email: Classified!

Blog: None

IM: None

I game online at: None


Color: Yellow

Smell: Pizza

Sound: i dunno

Snack: anything thats food

Stress Food: anything tahats food

Weekend Activity: video games, biking

Hiding Place: My bedroom

Hobbies: catching spiders, making things out of bricks

TV Series: Spongebob

Movie: i dunno

Book: i dunno

Band/Singer: I like all

Celeb: None

Role Model: None

Expression: Neutral


First Big Achievement: getting a silver band medal

First Risk I Ever Took: I dunno

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: make my own meals :D

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Never!

First Rule I'd Make As President: i wouldn't go into politics


Last Book That Inspired Me: None

Last Movie I Cried At: Classified!

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: watch TV

Last Advice I got That Worked: How to over-come nausea.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: im happy and kind

Worst: when im mad im sorta evil and vengeful

Best Talents: Insect Catching

Worst: Soccer

Best Class or Subjects: Gym!

Worst: Math

Best Memories: My first Tama!

Worst: Classified!

Best Years: 2009

Worst:2011 ):

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'Bout Me

Name: Mimi

Nickname: Meems

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: none

Online Me!

Email: classified

Blog: none

IM: classified

I game online at:


Colour: (I'm British,I changed the spelling)Tangerine Orange

Smell: Baking Pie

Sound: Nyan Cat

Snack: Scotch Eggs

Stress Food: Same as above

Weekend Activity: Cycling,sleeping

Hiding Place: The bush in school

Hobbies: Cycling,going on the PC

TV Series: Horrible Histories,One Minute Wonders

Movie: Tangled

Book: none

Band/Singer: none

Celeb: none

Role Model: none

Expression: none


First Big Achievement: Learning to ride meh bike

First Risk I Ever Took: Rock climbing

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: none

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: do not understand question. like epicly happy,or just overall happy?

First Rule I'd Make As President: I wouldn't go into politics


Last Book That Inspired Me: none

Last Movie I Cried At: none

Last Celeb I Crushed On: none

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: yawn

Last Advice I got That Worked: none

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Very bubbly

Worst: I get angry easily and keep it inside me

Best Talents: I don't have a talent

Worst: same as above

Best Class or Subjects: Creative Writing

Worst: none

Best Memories: Getting my first pet

Worst: classified

Best Years: none for now...

Worst: 2005/2006/2007

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