Heil Grammatik
Well-known member
It's four AM and I'm too bored to sleep, so I thought I'd do this thing again for the hell of it and because a lot of the information's changed.
About Me
Name: Grace.
Nickname: Most of the boys in my year know me as "Crazy G-Dawg". I have no idea where they got it from. And somebody calls me "Gramma" on TamaChat, but that's about it.
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I don't know. "Grammar Hitler"?
Online Me!
Email: harpsealpenguin_07@hotmail.co.uk Yes, it's retarded because I made it up when I was, what, ten or eleven?
Blog: None.
IM: None.
I game online at: Eh, I'm not really a gamer, to be honest. xD
Colour: Most shades of green and turquoise. Cyan's also very nice.
Smell: Most "natural" air fresheners and fresh baking.
Sound: The ocean.
Snack: Chocolate raisins.
Stress Food: Beans on toast. :3
Weekend Activity: Staying up until four or five, sleeping in until early afternoon and sitting at the computer.
Hiding Place: My bedroom.
Hobbies: Reading, doodling, attempting to learn German, sitting at the computer.
TV Series: "The Simpsons".
Movie: My current favourites are "Schindler's List" and possibly "La Vita è Bella". I also love most Mayazaki films that I've seen.
Book: No idea.
Band/Singer: Oomph!. Yes, my favourite band is German. Beat that.
Celeb: No idea.
Role Model: Adolf Hitler I don't know. Myself...?
Expression: "Life literally abounds in comedy if you look around you." - Mel Brooks. Yes, that counts, shut up.
First Big Achievement: No idea.
First Risk I Ever Took: Still no idea.
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I went to the shop by myself when I was about seven or eight. Unfortunately on the way back the bag split and I ended up losing the four pints of milk I walked a whole few hundred yards to get.
First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I don't know. Don't babies get happy at anything?
First Rule I'd Make As President: For everybody to shut up and do as they're told.
Last Book That Inspired Me:
Last Movie I Cried At: I almost cried watching "Schindler's List".
Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't think I've ever had a celebrity crush. O_O
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read a book or do some homework.
Last Advice I got That Worked: I forget.
My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits: I'm open-minded, I won't take your sxxx, I can find humour in anything and I mean anything...Uh...I'm generally not a very good person, so...
Worst: High-tempered, unmotivated, self-centred, I often use violence as opposed to words when it comes to arguments, bit of an idiot at times...
Best Talents: I don't know.
Worst: Again, I don't know.
Best Class or Subjects: History and English.
Worst: P.E. and Maths.
Best Memories: Most of my memories in Nottingham are quite nice.
Worst: I don't know. My mind's gone blank. xD
Best Years: My primary school years up to primary 7 were good. I didn't like them at the time, but looking back I actually had a lot of fun in my weird little kid days. xD
Worst: Probably 2009. It started out badly, got great then went completely downhill. 2010's sucked so far, but 2009's probably worse.
About Me
Name: Grace.
Nickname: Most of the boys in my year know me as "Crazy G-Dawg". I have no idea where they got it from. And somebody calls me "Gramma" on TamaChat, but that's about it.
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I don't know. "Grammar Hitler"?
Online Me!
Email: harpsealpenguin_07@hotmail.co.uk Yes, it's retarded because I made it up when I was, what, ten or eleven?
Blog: None.
IM: None.
I game online at: Eh, I'm not really a gamer, to be honest. xD
Colour: Most shades of green and turquoise. Cyan's also very nice.
Smell: Most "natural" air fresheners and fresh baking.
Sound: The ocean.
Snack: Chocolate raisins.
Stress Food: Beans on toast. :3
Weekend Activity: Staying up until four or five, sleeping in until early afternoon and sitting at the computer.
Hiding Place: My bedroom.
Hobbies: Reading, doodling, attempting to learn German, sitting at the computer.
TV Series: "The Simpsons".
Movie: My current favourites are "Schindler's List" and possibly "La Vita è Bella". I also love most Mayazaki films that I've seen.
Book: No idea.
Band/Singer: Oomph!. Yes, my favourite band is German. Beat that.
Celeb: No idea.
Role Model: Adolf Hitler I don't know. Myself...?
Expression: "Life literally abounds in comedy if you look around you." - Mel Brooks. Yes, that counts, shut up.
First Big Achievement: No idea.
First Risk I Ever Took: Still no idea.
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I went to the shop by myself when I was about seven or eight. Unfortunately on the way back the bag split and I ended up losing the four pints of milk I walked a whole few hundred yards to get.
First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I don't know. Don't babies get happy at anything?
First Rule I'd Make As President: For everybody to shut up and do as they're told.
Last Book That Inspired Me:
Last Movie I Cried At: I almost cried watching "Schindler's List".
Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't think I've ever had a celebrity crush. O_O
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read a book or do some homework.
Last Advice I got That Worked: I forget.
My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits: I'm open-minded, I won't take your sxxx, I can find humour in anything and I mean anything...Uh...I'm generally not a very good person, so...
Worst: High-tempered, unmotivated, self-centred, I often use violence as opposed to words when it comes to arguments, bit of an idiot at times...
Best Talents: I don't know.
Worst: Again, I don't know.
Best Class or Subjects: History and English.
Worst: P.E. and Maths.
Best Memories: Most of my memories in Nottingham are quite nice.
Worst: I don't know. My mind's gone blank. xD
Best Years: My primary school years up to primary 7 were good. I didn't like them at the time, but looking back I actually had a lot of fun in my weird little kid days. xD
Worst: Probably 2009. It started out badly, got great then went completely downhill. 2010's sucked so far, but 2009's probably worse.
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