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About Me

Name: April

Nickname: Aprilly

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: SAILOR MOON DHURR.

Online Me!




I game online at: Habbo...? Lol


Color: A dark Moldy shade of Green or a pink-peach color

Smell: Barbeque sauce in delishous Ribs mmmbaby

Sound: Dripping water

Snack: Those sweet and salty bars.

Stress Food: Diritos, Heck yes.

Weekend Activity: Being lazy

Hiding Place: Basement

Hobbies: NONE

TV Series: Anything funny really, Like family guy and simpson and family fued :3

Movie: The last one i saw was Cop Out, I LOLD

Book: Four swords manga (I don't read that much LOL)


Celeb: Umm Jennifer Aniston me guess?

Role Model: Don't got one

Expression: (Hopefully this is appropriate enough...? lol)


First Big Achievement: Learning to ride a bike when i was small? LOL

First Risk I Ever Took: Asking someone out.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: HA! none.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Never.

First Rule I'd Make As President: free taco day. eh. I have no imagination.


Last Book That Inspired Me: none

Last Movie I Cried At: Some movie where a cat died ;-;

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Ben Kowalewicz

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Shut off all the lights

Last Advice I got That Worked: LOLNONE

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: i can be nice sometimes...? I don't know.

Worst: I talk under my breath. Cool

Best Talents: I can apply makeup good :3

Worst: I can't bowl ;-;

Best Class or Subjects: This sped class

Worst: Math

Best Memories: This overnight party for school.

Worst: Getting REJECTED. (Since day onee)

Best Years: 2008

Worst: 2009

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About MeName: Teri

Nickname: TT (given to me by my netball team, we all have nicknames with the first letter of our name, like AA, BB, GG, MM so it's not TT as in TamaTalk xD)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Midget Ninja!

Online Me!

Email: CLASSIFIED! (unless you're a friend. I don't want random e-mails from stalkers)

Blog: None

IM: Same as e-mail

I game online at: I don't


Color: Pink and green

Smell: Vanilla

Sound: Music


Stress Food: Don't get stressed

Weekend Activity: Netball

Hiding Place: CLASSIFIED!

Hobbies: Netball, computer, riding bike

TV Series: iCarly

Movie: My Sister's Keeper -pokes siggy-

Book: -refer to "Favourite Movie"-

Band/Singer: Taylor Swift

Celeb: Sofia Vassilieva (Not copying you, MC!)

Role Model: None

Expression: Happy


First Big Achievement: Can't remember

First Risk I Ever Took: Getting into the water to swim (I used to never want to get in the pool)

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Made a sandwich! xD

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Going to school

First Rule I'd Make As President: No picking on people because they're different


Last Book That Inspired Me: None really

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't cry at movies

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't crush on celebs

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read, do homework or play with Bratz dolls (yes I play with Bratz dolls)

Last Advice I got That Worked: Don't remember

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I am friendly

Worst: I get upset easily (not at movies)

Best Talents: Playing the flute, school subjects

Worst: Can't think of any right now

Best Class or Subjects: Drama

Worst: P.E

Best Memories: The Thai students coming to school on an exchange

Worst: My rabbit dying

Best Years: 2010 already

Worst: 2008. That's when my rabbit died. On Christmas.

I edited something.

About Me

Name: Annie

Nickname: I've been called a lot of things. Annie Bananie, Anne, Anna...the list goes on. And on.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: There's a reason why it's called a secret.

Online Me!

Email: I don't want stalkers or spammers, so no.

Blog: Om nom nom. I don't have one.

IM: No stalkers.

I game online at: I don't game online.


Color: Depends on the mood I'm in.

Smell: What the...? Um, flowers?

Sound: Rain.

Snack: Apple.

Stress Food: When I'm stressed, I don't eat.

Weekend Activity: Playing my video games. Derp.

Hiding Place: Nobody gets to know where I hide. IT'S MINE~

Hobbies: I don't have any in particular.

TV Series: Spongebob Squarepants FTW.

Movie: I don't have one.

Book: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Band/Singer: Nope.

Celeb: Nope.

Role Model: Nope.

Expression: X3


First Big Achievement: Getting born.

First Risk I Ever Took: Getting born.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Hugged a boy.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I've never been completely happy.

First Rule I'd Make As President: FREE ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE~


Last Book That Inspired Me: Nope.

Last Movie I Cried At: The Bridge to Terabithia. Only movie I've every cried at.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Nope.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Think of random things.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Work before play.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm intelligent, kinda friendly, and quiet.

Worst: I'm relatively unfeeling and usually say something that pisses other people off.

Best Talents: School.

Worst: Meeting talkative people.

Best Class or Subjects: All.

Worst: Gym?

Best Memories: Winning random awards.

Worst: Embarrassing myself when everybody is watching.

Best Years: 2010

Worst: 2009

About Me

Name: Alexandra (shhh)

Nickname: Cleo :]

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: The Cookie (dum diddy dum dum)

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: None (but my dog has one :])

IM: None

I game online at: I dunt game online, unless you consider my silly urge for Club Penguin


Color: Grey

Smell: Cookies

Sound: watter dripping and making an echo (cave)

Snack: Chocolate or skittles

Stress Food: jello , for some reason i always concentrate hard on the way you can eat it XD

Weekend Activity: Video game time :]

Hiding Place: well actually its a long story...

Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing videogames, putting on makeup, coloring, DRAWING, malling [haha]

TV Series: Rugrats <3

Movie: Fiefel [WIN]

Book: Dun't have any

Band/Singer: Chritofer Drew [never shout never]

Celeb: classified

Role Model: none

Expression: =3 or :]


First Big Achievement: Being born

First Risk I Ever Took: Trying to climb a tree XD

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: got out of diapers, it was intense.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When i beat sly 3 (Videogame.Nerd.)

First Rule I'd Make As President: all candy goes to me.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Body Builders [Haha, jk.]

i dunno.

Last Movie I Cried At: can't remember but i CAN remember the book i last cried at

Last Celeb I Crushed On:Classified

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: make sure there's a Cell-Phone AT LEAST 5 feet away from me

Last Advice I got That Worked: HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW THAT?

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: i make people feel better (lets be modest here)

Worst: umm mental breakdowns?

Best Talents: Singing, baton twirling.

Worst: to many to name here.

Best Class or Subjects: Reading

Worst: Math |:/

Best Memories: Jessica [best friend]

Worst: Jessica oh and one time was really horrible but i can't go into that [still best friend]

Best Years: ?

Worst: 2008-2009

Ooooh! This looks like fun!


About Me

Name: Hannah

Nickname: Tana

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: o_o...No.



Online Me!

Email: --- You don't need to know.

Blog: --- I don't write blogs

IM: ---Once again you don't need to know. >///<

I game online at: Rumble Fighter, Maple Story, and sometimes Wonder King.




Color: Pink, blue, black and white.

Smell: Nothing really.

Sound: Music

Snack: Gummy foods! >u<♥

Stress Food: Chips

Weekend Activity: Video games. All day everyday.

Hiding Place: Under my covers. :c

Hobbies: Art, video games, making videos, eating, and reading.

TV Series: DEATH NOTE, JUNJOU ROMANTICA...And many others.

Movie: Spirited Away!

Book: Hmm...I suppose Ceres Celestial Legend.

Band/Singer: None.

Celeb: Oh gosh no.

Role Model: My mother and father. :x

Expression: O_ O;




First Big Achievement: I won first place for an art contest at my library! ^_^

First Risk I Ever Took: o. o...Going out with my hubby.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Go to College.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: :3 ...When I felt God in my heart.

First Rule I'd Make As President: "Never let me run as President"




Last Book That Inspired Me: "The Shack" > .< SUCH A GOOD READ!

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't remember.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: -.-" kthxbai

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Play Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney! :,D♥

Last Advice I got That Worked: "You got to have more determination!"



My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm very friendly and sympathetic! ^_^

Worst: I'm overly introverted, so sometimes I push people away without meaning too. > _<

Best Talents: Art, and video making.

Worst: D: Dancing.

Best Class or Subjects: Cyber Arts, English, and Communication Technology.

Worst: Math.


Best Memories: Far to many! ^A^

Worst: I blocked most of those out. ^_^

Best Years: As if I could remember! Everyday is a good memory!

Worst: Pfft~ ;3 A year in itself is never bad.

Ha ha. Here is my finished version.

About Me

Name: Classified

Nickname: ?

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:

Super Tama Boy!!!

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: ?

IM: ?

I game online at:



Music city

Tama Zone


Color: Blue

Smell: Cut lawn grass (LOL)

Sound: ???

Snack: Fun Dip

Stress Food: ???

Weekend Activity: It depends.

Hiding Place: Changes every time.

Hobbies: Tamagotchi, Tama Talk, ect.

TV Series: Pokemon: DP Galactic Battles!

Movie: Wall-e

Book: I can't choose.

Band/Singer: ?

Celeb: Dawn from Pokemon

Role Model: ?

Expression: ?


First Big Achievement: I read at age 3, I think.

First Risk I Ever Took: I broke the rules.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: ???

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Classified: for secretism

First Rule I'd Make As President: ???


Last Book That Inspired Me: I don't know...

Last Movie I Cried At: ?

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Dawn from Pokemon.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Make sure everything is in order.

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Meow" By my cat. He said, "Never trust a dog."

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm very happy and cheerful.

Worst: I can be a little bit of a handful sometimes.

Best Talents: Reading, art, Ect.

Worst: MATH

Best Class or Subjects: Reading.

Worst: MATH

Best Memories:

Worst: Classified because of embarassment.

Best Years: ?

Worst: ?

That's me!

About Me

Name: Skadi

Nickname: Stripes ._.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:

Online Me!



IM: rudicat95

I game online at: Gaia I guess xP


Color: Sky blue

Smell: Victoria's Secret 'Love Spell'

Sound: Vibes o: (the instrument... xDD)

Snack: anything xD

Stress Food: ^

Weekend Activity: Band competitions. If I don't have one.... Just goin online

Hiding Place: Dunno xD

Hobbies: Band

TV Series: Legend of the Seeker, 91210

Movie: Sex and the City

Book: Gossip Girl

Band/Singer: Final Fantasy (Yes, it's a band)

Celeb: Christian Siriano

Role Model: Dree Hemingway

Expression: ?


First Big Achievement: I dunno. xP

First Risk I Ever Took: Um, I know how silly this will sound, but wearing a purple hat. xD

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Uh....

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I joined marching band x3

First Rule I'd Make As President: Make marching band an official sport


Last Book That Inspired Me: Dunno. xD

Last Movie I Cried At: Seven Pounds?

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Craig Horner

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Watch TV

Last Advice I got That Worked: Be yourself I guess.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Kindness

Worst: I get upset easily

Best Talents: Memorizing stuff + music

Worst: Memorizing stuff

Best Class or Subjects: Math

Worst: Art (No, it's not like grade school art... It's art history. D: )

Best Memories: Getting to hang out with my friends at a hotel, laughing about perverted stuff at 2 in the morning. :rolleyes:

Worst: My first competition

Best Years: 2009 + 2010

Worst: 2008.

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About Me

Name: Ceci

Nickname: Waffles

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:

Online Me!


Blog: -

IM: -

I game online at: mspaintadventures


Color: lavender purple

Smell: freshly baked pastries


Snack: s'mores

Stress Food: -

Weekend Activity: computer time

Hiding Place: fort

Hobbies: computer

TV Series: big brother xD

Movie: napoleon dynamite

Book: not sure

Band/Singer: vocaloid, probably

Celeb: ew, celebrities

Role Model: dave strider <333

Expression: uh?


First Big Achievement: dunno

First Risk I Ever Took: dunno

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: dunno

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: dunno

First Rule I'd Make As President: depends on the situation


Last Book That Inspired Me: books don't really inspire me much

Last Movie I Cried At: who cries at movies?

Last Celeb I Crushed On: dave strider, if he counts.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: draw

Last Advice I got That Worked: can't remember

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: i don't know

Worst: bland; boring; serious; nitpicky

Best Talents: drawing and computer-ing

Worst: sports

Best Class or Subjects: literature

Worst: sports

Best Memories: not sure

Worst: not sure

Best Years: not sure

Worst: not sure



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:A dinosaur

Online Me!



I game online at:Lots of places


Colors: Blue and Green

Smell:Tomato paste. The stuff that goes on pizza.


Snack:Ice Cream

Stress Food:Toast

Weekend Activity:Computer

Hiding Place:In my room


TV Series:Avatar: Legend of Aang

Movie:New Moon.

Book:Too many :p

Band/Singer:Muse. Foo Fighters. Paramore. ETC


Role Model:I follow my own rules, and I don't need a role model.



First Big Achievement:IDK

First Risk I Ever Took:IDK

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:IDK

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:I'm always completley happy.

First Rule I'd Make As President:Stop people from being abusive n00bs


Last Book That Inspired Me:Breaking Dawn

Last Movie I Cried At:None

Last Celeb I Crushed On:None

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Shower

Last Advice I got That Worked:Guess

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Happiness and generosity


Best Talents:Stuff


Best Class or Subjects:pE, Foods and english


Best Memories:IDK

Worst:Breaking my arm

Best Years:This year

Worst:2008 and 2007

About Me


--- Kristy



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:

---Super kristy!

Online Me!

Email: secret!

Blog: none!

IM: secret!

I game online at: none!



---Red, green, orange


---outside, cookies, food, my cat lol!


---water, birds, wind, thunder, paper, jars, cobblestones


---pocky, apples

Stress Food:

---milkeyway bars!!! I ate 3 a day for 2 weeks XD

Weekend Activity:

---hanging out, watching movies, eating out

Hiding Place:

---Secret place in my closet, behind the couch


---Making jewelery, shopping, crafts, saxophone, volleyball, dance, gymnastics, piano

TV Series:



---toy story 3! Little Miss Sunshine, Totoro, Watchmen


---The Road


---Lady gaga


---Gordon Ramsey

Role Model:





First Big Achievement:

---Dance competitions, or piano festivals

First Risk I Ever Took:


First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:


First Time I Felt Completely Happy:

---Probably one of the first day of summers

First Rule I'd Make As President:



Last Book That Inspired Me:


Last Movie I Cried At:

---never cried from a movie

Last Celeb I Crushed On:

---hmm idk

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:

---Turn off the light!

Last Advice I got That Worked:

---"follow your heart and all your dreams will come true" (trying to be cheesy Josh)

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:

---umm people always say I'm adorable and Asian lol. I don't procrastinate,


---freaking out about small things, I get tired of things very easily, I'm very impatient with people, I'm too sensitive, I get really frustrated easily!

Best Talents:

---Saxophone, dance



Best Class or Subjects:

---Biology, english



Best Memories:

---Hanging out all summer with my uncles and cousins that visit from NY


---Stress at school

Best Years:

---8th grade


---7th grade

About Me

Name: Kelli

Nickname: None. :)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Again, none.

Online Me!


Blog: [Link]

IM: MSN? If you feel the need, you can add me. Just tell me who you are.

I game online at: I don't game online. I do game on an xbox 360. Gamertag is quiXotic11.


Color: Blue.

Smell: Victoria's Secret PINK. <3

Sound: Music.

Snack: Granola Bars.

Stress Food: Anything.

Weekend Activity: Usually with my friends on the weekends.

Hiding Place: My room.

Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Piano, Astronomy, Singing... there's a lot.

TV Series: The Big Bang Theory, Glee, American Pickers, and Pawn Stars. :D

Movie: Don't really have a favorite considering I rarely watch movies.

Book: None.

Band/Singer: Honestly, I don't have a favorite in this category either. There's so many!

Celeb: Cory Monteith, Craig Ferguson (who's not really a celebrity, but rather a Late Night host.)

Role Model: None, really.

Expression: x3


First Big Achievement: I have no idea. xD

First Risk I Ever Took: ? *shrug.*

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Dunno.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I'm completely happy all the time. :eek:

First Rule I'd Make As President: Oh, there's too many. Some controversial among today's obstinate society.


Last Book That Inspired Me: None.

Last Movie I Cried At: Movies don't really tend to make me shed tears.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Eh, don't really crush on celebrities.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Pray/Play with my iPod.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Can't remember.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Friendly, approachable.

Worst: Short tempered.

Best Talents: Piano, singing.

Worst: Dance. :D

Best Class or Subjects: Spanish, Geometry, English, Chemistry...

Worst: I'm not really horrible in anything. Lowest was probably a 93A- or so. I forgot which class that was in.

Best Memories: High School (which I'm still living out.) :)

Worst: The summers that I did nothing during. D:

Best Years: Junior/Sophomore

Worst: Freshman


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About Me

Name: Rosemary (Not actually that, but that's my english name ^^)

Nickname: Rose

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: RoseChan from RoseChanProductions, famous video channel on YouTube!.... Lol, not really, I don't have that many subscribers...

Online Me!

Email: It's not like I'm gonna tell you my e-mail here?!

Blog: I have no blog. Actually I do... Somewhere... I just don't remember where.

IM: What is IM anyway?

I game online at: Pokemon HG. Lol...


Color: Pink and black... Mostly pink, though.

Smell: Vanillaish smells

Sound: Music

Snack: Chocolate

Stress Food: Still, chocolate.

Weekend Activity: Computahh

Hiding Place: Toilet. 8DDD

Hobbies: Nothing special, just listening to music and making videos...

TV Series: Pokemon. xD And a finnish summer morning show thing.

Movie: Twilight, Alice in Wonderland 3D

Book: Twilight

Band/Singer: Justin Bieber. JK! There are lots of good singers these days, I can't really choose!

Celeb: Robert Pattinson

Role Model: ...I dunno... My best friend?

Expression: 8D <- this


First Big Achievement: Learning to speak I guess xD Or walk or something

First Risk I Ever Took: I ate something with nuts, I'm deadly allergic to them

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Lulz not a lot buuuuuuut... I fixed a computer when all the teachers couldn't when I was younger

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: How can you remember first time?! Maybe with some friend when I was little...

First Rule I'd Make As President: For Pokemon writers to make Pokeshipping canon. xD


Last Book That Inspired Me: Twilight

Last Movie I Cried At: I never really cry for movies, but I cried to Pokemon first movie when I was 5 xDD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Robert Pattinson. LOL

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to my iPod

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Go outta the sun". From my mom. Hey, no more mosquitos!

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm pretty positive... I guess

Worst: I can be pretty lazy. Lol

Best Talents: Drawing and writing

Worst: Sports D:

Best Class or Subjects: English

Worst: Geography (TOO HARD!)

Best Memories:

Worst: It's too long and embarassing story...

Best Years: 2004,2006,2007

Worst: This. =.=

Well here we go Candygirl93's life in a nutshell :(

About Me

Name: Lauren (yea I posted it for once)

Nickname: Lern, Flower (my friend calls me that because I smell like flowers) XD

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None

Online Me!

Email: Not posting because I don't use it

Blog: If you count Facebook as a blog there you go then

IM: I forgot it lol

I game online at: Gaiaonline (Does Youtube and Facebook count as a game? XP)


Color: Purple, pink, light blue, lime green, red, and black

Smell: Vanilla, Powdery scents, Roses

Sound: My favorite songs

Snack: Chips, Sweets, Cheese lol

Stress Food: Strawberries, Chocolate, Swissrolls

Weekend Activity: Going online unless we go out somewhere

Hiding Place: My room under the covers

Hobbies: Making videos on youtube (I'm TamamaCandyLover)

TV Series: Keroro Gunso

Movie: Disney movies lol

Book: Sgt Frog (manga)

Band/Singer: Don't know (Probably Owl City)

Celeb: None

Role Model: My parents/Family

Expression: -^^- , X3, 83


First Big Achievement: Too many to list lol

First Risk I Ever Took: My life to save my little cousin from this huge wave at the beach when I was 5 and she was 4 lol.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Help my mom cook

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: All the time practically

First Rule I'd Make As President: *giggles*


Last Book That Inspired Me: None

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't know probably Land before time when I was little (even though I've said in another topic I hate Land before time)

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None (So over rated to me)

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Check my messages on my phone (voice mails texts) And then hug my plush toys and cover myself.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I'm usually the one who gives advice.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Being a good friend and being helpful

Worst: My temper

Best Talents: Way too many to list -^^-

Worst: I didn't know you could have bad talents X3.

Best Class or Subjects: Math/Geometry

Worst: Science

Best Memories: My childhood at my grandmas house when my grandpa was alive.

Worst: My elementary school years (I was picked on by teachers)

Best Years: Middle school, Sophomore year

Worst: Elementary, Freshmen (too much drama)

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About Me

Name:-Classified- :wink:

Nickname: None really.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: THE SUPER LOMBAX. Caps are essential.

Online Me!

Email: I have an email that I only use for 'net activities, but I don't give either out really, except when signing up to forums.

Blog:Need to make one, really

IM:*See email

I game online at: Tinierme (Look for Super Lombax. I'll be happy to add you. Mostly hanging out in the Full Metal Alchemist community responding to the various stupid pictures they post there)


Color:That's an odd one for me. I really don't know.

Smell:The smell of happiness. xD Okay, so maybe it's pizza

Sound:Whatever's on my iPod


Stress Food:Varies

Weekend Activity:Fangirling, computer, going outside to look for snails (I keep them as pets), playing games of most kinds (Except for board games. They make me impatient)

Hiding Place: My room, hidden away under my bed on the computer. I have one of those beds with a ton of room beneath.

Hobbies:*See weekend activities

TV Series:Spongebob, Mock the Week, Have I got news for you, Pandora Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sonic X *Shot*


Book:Maximum Ride, Artemis Fowl, etc. Stuff that captivates my imagination.

Band/Singer: PUFFY/Puffy AmiYumi, Morning Musume, Nana Kitade, stuff made using Vocaloid, really unfashionable stuff, etc.

Celeb:None. But many voice actors, if that counts.

Role Model: All the positives in everyone.

Expression: xD, =D, D=, >_<


First Big Achievement: Solving a puzzle in a comic before my sister did. xD

First Risk I Ever Took: I can't remember.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Getting breakfast all by myself. :3 So long ago.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:Don't know....

First Rule I'd Make As President: FANGIRLS SHALL RULE!!! MWAHAHAHA! Oh, sorry about that....I don't know.


Last Book That Inspired Me:...

Last Movie I Cried At: A caroon about a singing whale that gets harpooned. At the end, they showed him singing in heaven. Not a movie, but it was the last thing of it's kind I cried at. I was 4 or 5, I think. I'm a souless being these days. *Spooky ghost noise*

Last Celeb I Crushed On:-Classified

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Read manga. :3

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Don't keep losing your temper at it" My art teacher when I was getting annoyed at my work not coming out the way I wanted it to.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:I wouldn't be able to work them out if I tried.

Worst:Shy, short-tempered, the usual speculation loofah.

Best Talents: Acting, supposedly. Actually, when given the chance I love it, and I got an A in a recent English Speaking and Listening which was basically just acting out a scene and doing a monologue. :)

Worst:Confidence, and many other things, if that counts.

Best Class or Subjects:I am pretty close to top of the class in the top science group. That's how nerdy I am.

Worst: Maths. They never actually gave me a fair chance, and pretty much everyone close to me knows I'm better than Foundation, even if I almost don't believe it.

Best Memories: Anytime I wasn't in school and I was happy.

Worst:My entire time at school. It's ridiculous.

Best Years:2006

Worst:2002-2005, late 2006-2009

Tama :) Phantom

About Me

Name: Gaia

Nickname: The Fuzzy Kitten of Doom, FKOD, Fuzzy-Head

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: If it's a secret, why would I tell you?

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: Don't have one

IM: None, internet is too slow

I game online at: None, see above


Color: Green (but I like other cool and neutral colors)

Smell: Bread

Sound: Rock music

Snack: Cheez-its

Stress Food: Gum, if that counts as a food

Weekend Activity: Thrift shopping or sewing

Hiding Place: Plain sight

Hobbies: Gaming, arts and crafts, pacing like an impatient father, fending off hordes of bandits with a rocket launcher, etc.

TV Series: Mythbusters, Cowboy Bebop, and The Mighty Boosh

Movie: Wall-E, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog

Book: The Wee Free Men

Band/Singer: It changes frequently, but I'm currently obsessed with Echo Slightly

Celeb: Nathan Fillion

Role Model: Don't have one

Expression: XD and :3


First Big Achievement: Well... there's this plaque on my wall that says I got all A's in 5th grade, so let's go with that

First Risk I Ever Took: Don't remember

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Also don't remember

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Don't remember

First Rule I'd Make As President: Silly hats only! Gosh, I'd be a great president


Last Book That Inspired Me: Nightwatch inspired me to take a different, more analytic view of morality

Last Movie I Cried At: Don't remember... but I almost teared up in a particularly depressing episode of Doctor Who

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't crush celebrities! Oh wait, you mean infatuation, don't you?

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Get some water

Last Advice I got That Worked: Bells make really good pets in this one game I play, with their high speed and evasion

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: A little silly, intelligent, keeps calm in tense situations

Worst: Lazy, hesitant to do things, painfully shy, somewhat paranoid, has difficulty communicating

Best Talents: Math, drawing, reading

Worst: Writing, athletics

Best Class or Subjects: Math, science, art, psychology

Worst: Writing (mostly in the composition part, I get writer's block really bad)

Best Memories: When Mom had her bead shop

Worst: Middle school

Best Years: Probably my elementary school years

Worst: My middle school years

About Me

Name: Chloe

Nickname: Barbie, Cie, Princess

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:Should I have one?

Online Me!

Email: class.

Blog: none

IM: class

I game online at: i dont


Color: PINK

Smell: Home-made bread

Sound: Cheers

Snack: Chips

Stress Food: I don't think I have one?

Weekend Activity: Shopping!

Hiding Place: Cupboard

Hobbies: Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Shopping, Dance, Fun!

TV Series: Glimore Girls, Charmed, Gossip Girl, Chuck, 24, Supernatural, Degrassi, lots XD

Movie: Legally Blonde, Aladdin...pretty much any animated oldish disney movie

Book: The Clique

Band/Singer: Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Cobra Starship,lots XD


Role Model: My mom

Expression: I'm Loved


First Big Achievement: ...Talking?

First Risk I Ever Took: Realllllyyy big roller coaster? LOL XD

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Drive

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: All the time

First Rule I'd Make As President: peace?


Last Book That Inspired Me: Book? The clique series

Last Movie I Cried At: I honestly dont remember it was one where an animal was hurt

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None XD

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Pray

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Dont worry about it"

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Happy, Outgoing, Social

Worst: Mean on occasion, I like worry about what people think of me too much

Best Talents: Cheer, Gymnastics, Shopping or fashion, make up

Worst: Singing, telling jokes,

Best Class or Subjects: ...English

Worst: MATH

Best Memories: A lot

Worst: ....classified

Best Years: All

Worst: None

About Me

Name: Sierra M. D

Nickname: Nami~

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I dont think I have one xD

Online Me!


Blog: N/A

IM: I have MSN~

I game online at: Used to go on Mabinogi.


Color: Purple, then ALL OF EM

Smell: Roasted Marshmellows = w =

Sound: Music? xD

Snack: Applesauce <33

Stress Food: Chocolate. DUH

Weekend Activity: Videogames >D

Hiding Place: under my bed. Its not my hiding place now since you know where I hide!

Hobbies: Video games, drawing, reading, school, chillin with friends

TV Series: Desperate house wives, Glee, Americas got talent, Total Drama Island

Movie: Grease,

Book: Fallen

Band/Singer: I love a lot of bands/singers xD

Celeb: Dont have one o_O

Role Model: Dont have one

Expression: >C, :c, c:. xD, :D


First Big Achievement: Band ^o^

First Risk I Ever Took: Something a elementry school....

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Read above

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Dont know

First Rule I'd Make As President: Weed legal xD


Last Book That Inspired Me: ////

Last Movie I Cried At: Umm D: Pokemon 1st movie xD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: N/A

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Video games or T.V

Last Advice I got That Worked: N/A

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Funny, Outgoing, straightfoward(could be bad or good xD)

Worst: .... Ummm Angered easily >.< Annoyed easily and I get mean and rude

Best Talents: Saxophone, video games

Worst: singing xD

Best Class or Subjects: Math, history, science, band

Worst: english. I love to spell, read and write though

Best Memories:

Worst: Park... my hand....him.... Dx gah

Best Years: This year.

Worst: Dont have one

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About Me

Name: Adee Berry

Nickname: Miss B, or B, or Adee

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Berry [my guitarr playin' name]

Online Me!


Blog: uh... my tama log?

IM: nope

I game online at: nowhere =]


Color: purple and gray

Smell: popcorn =]

Sound: Music!!

Snack: cereal

Stress Food: popcorn

Weekend Activity: my friends houses

Hiding Place: the internet

Hobbies: internet, tamagotchis


Movie: Donnie Darko and Pretty in Pink

Book: uh...The Graveyard Book

Band/Singer: NeverShoutNever/Christofer Drew Ingle and Jason Mraz

Celeb: Zooey Deschannel

Role Model: NeverShoutNever

Expression: ?what does that mean?


First Big Achievement: learning how to play ALL THE NEVERSHOUTNEVER SONGS ON GUITAR!!!

First Risk I Ever Took: getting guitar lessons =]

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: got a job?

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: when Colby told me that he is DEEPLY in love with me

First Rule I'd Make As President: Stop the Wars =] peace please


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Graveyard Book

Last Movie I Cried At: Where the Wild Things Are

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Christofer Drew [still am!]

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Text my Boyfriend I love him =]

Last Advice I got That Worked: "just tell him you like hm!!"

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I am very sweet and outgoing. I laugh alot and I think I have the greatest laugh

Worst: I get offended way to easily, but I also get over things way to easily

Best Talents: Guitar/singing

Worst: fake burp =]

Best Class or Subjects: Bio science

Worst: Math [duh]

Best Memories: my first kiss =]

Worst: my first kiss =[

Best Years: 1995-2010 =]

Worst: uhmmm none?

=] haha that was fun

About Me

Name: Emily

Nickname: Fender, Emmi

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Well then it wouldn't be a secret, would it?

Online Me!

Email: Not revealing because of spamming


IM: None

I game online at: None


Color: Yellow

Smell: Clinique's "Happy To Be" perfume

Sound: Wind

Snack: Lay's BBQ chips

Stress Food: Chips

Weekend Activity: Sleeping in or going to the library

Hiding Place: My room

Hobbies: Photogrpahy, Reading, Collecting dolls, Shooting

TV Series: Tosh. O

Movie: 500 Days of Summer

Book: The Catcher in the Rye

Band/Singer: Maximo Park

Celeb: Kate Moss

Role Model: Either Kate Moss or Zooey Deschanel

Expression: "Do you not see how necessary a world of pain and trouble is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?" -John Keats


First Big Achievement: My first word, probably?

First Risk I Ever Took: Confronting my fears

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Hmm...using a rifle? I don't know a lot of little kids who do it, haha

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Veery long time ago, haha

First Rule I'd Make As President: Rqual rights for EVERYONE. No restriction due to sexual orintation or race


Last Book That Inspired Me: Tuesdays With Morrie

Last Movie I Cried At: Hatchi

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Bill Kaulitz...currently it's Sophie Ellis Baxtor ;;^^

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Turn off the lights

Last Advice I got That Worked: Don't get involved with people who bring you down and don't have your best interests in mind.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Kindness, Accepting

Worst: Shy, Not good at speaking up for myself

Best Talents: Drawing manga, writing

Worst: Sports, dancing, being graceful

Best Class or Subjects: English, Art and Science

Worst: Math

Best Memories: Getting staright A's for the first time, my first kiss

Worst: My dad leaving

Best Years: This year, and hopefully next

Worst: 2003, and 2007, probably

About Me

Name; Patrick

Nickname: Panda

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: PandaBizatch (I have the power to be not fat :wub: )

Online Me!


IM: Skype: LiekOMGEEZE

I game online at: Mabinogi: Pandabaer


Color: Orange

Smell: Apple, anything apple scented

Sound: the sound of the ocean


Stress Food: PUDDING

Weekend Activity: Playing the sims, counting subscribers, making videos.

Hiding Place: The Bathroom, because it has a lock.

Hobbies: Making Videos, Playing The Sims, Making YT friends, Making friends.

TV Series: Huge, Degrassi

Movie: Toy Story 3

Book: HP

Band/Singer: Lady Gaga, Jeffree Star

Celeb: Lady Gaga, Niki Blonski

Role Model: Schmiddlebopper

Expression: :(


First Big Achievement: Beating Pokemon Platinum

First Risk I Ever Took: Talking to people too much

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: nothing, I want to stay young forever

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was talking to MichelleTells

First Rule I'd Make As President: Gays can Marry


Last Book That Inspired Me: HP 1

Last Movie I Cried At: Toy Story 3

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Zeffron <3 now I crush on myself, I'm famous.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to Jeffree star

Last Advice I got That Worked: Stay yourself, because it's what you do best - me

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Funny, smartish, nice

Worst: talkative

Best Talents: singing i guess, dancing, and being a biznitch

Worst: peeing standing up

Best Class or Subjects: English and Literature and Spelling

Worst: Math Science History

Best Memories: Talking to my friend Michelle ;)

Worst: When my parents were fighting

Best Years: When I made friend on YT (this year)

Worst: When I lost all but one friend on YT (this year also)

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