Well-known member
2022 / 03 / 19
Sadly, when I checked Armisael after I am done with my morning work, she feels uneasy. As usual, when I pressed the "A" button to check her status, she left me and trigger her own Third Impact.
Man, I hope that like Ramiel and Sahaquiel, she will be happy in her post-3I world.
Anyway, I've just got a new Embryo, and this time I want to raise something unique. Initially I want Sandalphon because "he" (to me, the most good-looking Angels to me (except for Adam and Kaworu) are referred using feminine pronouns, and the less attrative ones are referred using masculine pronouns) is so babey in behavior (albeit when I see his close-up, he looks so gross, licking the owner with his creepy mouth open). Because of that creepy close-up, I decided to raise another instead. And this time, an 8+ hour Angel (like the last two runs). Ireul.
I chose them (I refers to Ireul using gender-neutral pronouns because Ireul consists of a group of microorganisms, and microorganisms does not have gender) because oh my goodness, they are super tiny, and many of them can fit on my palm's size (albeit when they hacked the whole MAGI supercomputer's AI, they took the appearance of the MAGI's UI and looks way "cooler" (microscopic Ireul: Daniel; MAGI Ireul: the cooler Daniel))! Albeit to get Ireul, I need to abuse it, which is something that I usually does not do when raising an Angel on my Evatchi. But overall, this would add to the diversity of how I can raise my Angel!
For my m!x, here's Momokitchi's adult form:

While his dad looks like a monke, he looks more like a dog (namely dogs of the breeds like Bloodhounds) than a monkey (at least to me).
He is going to be engaged to Flowertchi / Violetchi, so that I would preserve the smol body build genes for the first few generations of my Tama on the m!x!
Dedicated to @Peyj and @KuchipatchiPod.
(Sorry I am currently on mobile so that I cannot change the color of the date header text like usual. Apologize for this, lads.)
Sadly, when I checked Armisael after I am done with my morning work, she feels uneasy. As usual, when I pressed the "A" button to check her status, she left me and trigger her own Third Impact.
Man, I hope that like Ramiel and Sahaquiel, she will be happy in her post-3I world.
Anyway, I've just got a new Embryo, and this time I want to raise something unique. Initially I want Sandalphon because "he" (to me, the most good-looking Angels to me (except for Adam and Kaworu) are referred using feminine pronouns, and the less attrative ones are referred using masculine pronouns) is so babey in behavior (albeit when I see his close-up, he looks so gross, licking the owner with his creepy mouth open). Because of that creepy close-up, I decided to raise another instead. And this time, an 8+ hour Angel (like the last two runs). Ireul.
I chose them (I refers to Ireul using gender-neutral pronouns because Ireul consists of a group of microorganisms, and microorganisms does not have gender) because oh my goodness, they are super tiny, and many of them can fit on my palm's size (albeit when they hacked the whole MAGI supercomputer's AI, they took the appearance of the MAGI's UI and looks way "cooler" (microscopic Ireul: Daniel; MAGI Ireul: the cooler Daniel))! Albeit to get Ireul, I need to abuse it, which is something that I usually does not do when raising an Angel on my Evatchi. But overall, this would add to the diversity of how I can raise my Angel!
For my m!x, here's Momokitchi's adult form:

While his dad looks like a monke, he looks more like a dog (namely dogs of the breeds like Bloodhounds) than a monkey (at least to me).
He is going to be engaged to Flowertchi / Violetchi, so that I would preserve the smol body build genes for the first few generations of my Tama on the m!x!
Dedicated to @Peyj and @KuchipatchiPod.
(Sorry I am currently on mobile so that I cannot change the color of the date header text like usual. Apologize for this, lads.)