tamagotchi :D
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Akemi met a Violetchi named Sakura at the park, he has a crush on her
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Tamagotchi To marry: MametchiJabby wants to get married? Your in luck! The Daycare has some TMGCs in the "Dating Room"! 3 Current Tamagotchis:
IF you choose them, fill out the forms below:
Tamagotchi you want to marry:
Name of Tamagotchi you are marrying(Jabby):
*I agree to these terms, and to let my TMGC get married.*
Put an X in the box to let Jabby get married. [X]
You can choose to NOT let Jabby marry these and wait tomorrow for more TMGCs.
So, what do you choose?
I think you can chooseI think you can't choose...? You evolved yourself...
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