Im eleven and turning twelve in 2 weeks and for the past 1 or 2 months I have been getting acne. I wash my face and hair alot and I use this oxy stuff or my face but it just keeps coming. It looks pretty bad. Anybody else got it?
Its puberty. dont worry about it . If it bothers you that much just get proavtive or somethinIm eleven and turning twelve in 2 weeks and for the past 1 or 2 months I have been getting acne. I wash my face and hair alot and I use this oxy stuff or my face but it just keeps coming. It looks pretty bad. Anybody else got it?
I know how that is -.-I don't have acne where other people can see it. I have it on my back btw.Â
I agree, I hate it very much. >_<
I've never had back pimplesI know how that is -.-I have a little on my back and shoulders, and a few random bits on my chest once in a while. It's annoying because it's always in those spots you can't clearly see to put acne meds on it.