Academy For Villians


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Ooc: I really like this twist. X3 Very interesting. And if we were able to go back and check all of the past AFV, I think it might have actually held canon.

Grey wanted to stop her and reassure her, but he couldn't think of anything to say that could comfort her in this situation. He just had to watch her leave. What he had said was true, he'd never looked at anyone in a sexual way, never really thought that way. He blamed himself personally for it, although he could do nothing about it.

Shadow listened for breath. He could hear none. So he proceeded to look behind trees, in hollows and behind rocks.

Mokus moved closer to Luca and petted her. "You're a cute little animal, aren't you?", she said, scrunching up Luca's face by rubbing her cheeks.

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Selena went back to the dorm and grabbed a few things before writing a quick note.


I love you, but for my own emotional wellness, I'm putting off the wedding. I'm sorry you went to the trouble of getting food, I'll have my dad pay the bill. I'm staying with my brothers for a few days. I guess we weren't as ready for a big commitment or anything as I thought. I guess I don't know you that well after all. Maybe you're more of a stranger to me than I believed.


She folded the note and left it on the counter, before taking her bag and looking around the dorm. She sighed softly, then went out the door and down to the sidewalk. She reached out her arm to hail a taxi. She climbed inside, and then was gone, down the street, around the corner, and out of sight. She stared out the window, finally allowing herself to cry.

Annie finally jumped from her hiding spot and onto Shadow's back. "I got you!" She cried delightedly.

Luca let out a low growl as Mokus rubbed her cheeks and was tempted to bite him/her but restrained herself from it and pulled her head away.

Grey went into town and purchased all of the food for the wedding, except for the cake. He went out of his way for about an hour to find a store that sold roses. He bought a complete dozen of beautiful bloodred roses, then headed back to the dorm. He was determined, more than anything, to prove that he loved her. He would be romantic with her, even intimate, if that was what she so desired. He just had to prove it. He walked back to the dorm, struggling with the weight of all of the bags of food. He held the roses seperate, though, making sure he didn't flaw them. He somehow managed to turn the doorknob with his teeth, as his arms were completely full. When he got in, he said, "Selena?" he looked around. "..Selena?" He couldn't find her anywhere. Then he saw the note. He walked into the kitchen, and set down the items he had carried, making sure he did not harm the roses in any way, setting them on the counter next to the note. He picked it up and read it. Then read it again. He read it ten times before setting it back down on the counter, unable to remove his gaze from the last word, a single word that hurt him more than anything ever could have.


Grey reached over to the roses, grabbed one of them, and ripped out all of the petals in one fluent motion, letting them fly throughout the room. "She loves me not.", he said and sat down on the kitchen floor, hugging his knees.

Shadow stumbled, but caught himself and held Annie in a piggyback position. He turned around to look at her, his eyebrows raised and a grin across his face. "Found you.", he said.

Mokus retreated her hands. "Woah, calm down.", he said, scooting away from her slightly.

Ooc: Today is the anniversary of the original AFV! Let us riot in the streets in its honor!

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Selena stared at the ring on her finger, and try as she might to be mad at him, she couldn't. She couldn't hate him, she couldn't curse his name, she couldn't yell or scream or anything. All she could do was wonder if she had really known him at all. Had he been the person she had come to love, or was he just a figment of her imagination. She curled up in her seat, sobbing violently. She couldn't leave him. She couldn't break off what they had. But she needed to be away, or she knew she would say something, or do something she would live to regret. She needed family. She needed to go home for a little while. Outside of town, she climbed out of the taxi and went to the graveyard, knowing she could cut through to get to her brothers' home. But she just got on her knees in front of her mother's stone, and just stared at it. "You and dad... why can't I be more like you?"

Annie said, "You didn't find me. I found you."

Megan nodded her head, letting go of his hand, she felt quite awkward now. Brushing a loose strand of hair off her face she stared at the ground and continued to walk forward.



ooc: ahh yeah, it's kinda confusing for me 'cos i remember this from aages ago, so much going on cause it's been here for so long :L

Ooc: You were in original AFV? :eek: I forgot completely.

XovoX looked down at Anshan, noticing her shift in mood. "Is something the matter?", he asked.

Mokus looked over at Luca and saw she was looking at him. "What."

Grey stayed on the kitchen floor for a few minutes, trying to organize his thoughts. He supposed he was overreacting. Severely. He read the note again, trying to clarify something. She definitely was upset (Which he understood), but she made it seem like she would cone back once she'd had some time. Grey got up and picked up

all the scattered petals, then put the remaining 11 roses in a vase. 'He should have told her sooner' was what he kept telling himself. The opportunity never really presented itself clearly (and in retrospect, he had never really thought about mentioning it, for some reason he hadn't thought it important.) But she needed time, and even though he would miss her, he would let her have it.

Shadow's grin began to fade. "Well, I saw you within the time limit, right?"

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Axel blinked, ".....Crap! See, this is why I didn't want you to come! I get all weird and stupid when I'm drunk!" He said, embarrassed.

Well, I haven't looked at it that way, but I'm pretty sure he is asexual, based on the fact that he's afraid of nudity, has never had a crush (He's a junior now.), and really doesn't mature at all. I'm not trying to decide on his sexuality for him, It's just what I've interpreted.

And thanks. /D I hate having my character suffer because of my own ignorance.

And this queersecrets thing is actually pretty interesting. Also, androgyny. I'm finding a lot of neat stuff on it.
"Oh, is that why?" Tarou laughed, "I was sure you said it was because I couldn't handle the party."

Moa found Chase and Oliver adorable. She laughed, "You two kids have fun."

I never had a crush till 8th grade : P

My brother's autistic, too, and I think he's just too awkward to have a crush. (He has Asperger's).

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Axel blushed, "You know what? Maybe I lied!" He looked away all like grrr, "I do stupid things when I'm drunk."

Chase smiled, "You can come to, if you want!"

Tarou laughed, "Yeah, I noticed that."

"Awww, I don't want to impose on you two's fun." Moa said.

I might be kinda slow today, I really need to tackle memorizing my acting skit and reading that book.

"You still wouldn't be able to handle it." Axel pouted and got out of bed, grabbing a random brush in an attempt to tame his hair.

"You suuure? We'll have a bunch of fun, three peas in a pod, as cheery as cherries!"

Awwww good luck!

"Evidently I handled it better than you did." Tarou said.

"Eh, if you're sure, I'd love to come along c:"

"Whatever. Thanks for bringing me home, I guess." He kept pulling at his hair, "Your hair seems so much easier to take care of. No fair."

"Of coures! I'm surer than a spring bug!"

"I could let you use my conditioner."

Moa laughed, "Alright, then, I'll come. You sure are friendly!"

"Really?" Axel raised an eyebrow, "Is it like some special product or something?" He shrugged, "Condtioner smells weird though. It's all girly."

"But of course! Like I said, I'm a lover, I love even the smallest little blade of grass!"

"It's for long hair." Tarou said. He blinked, " don't use conditioner?"

"That explains what you were doing to that tree." Moa said.

"Not really. Like I said, it smells too girly. But I use tons of shampoo?" He shrugged, then realized his hair was tied back, "Man, I don't even remember tying my hair back. I must've been way over the limit."

Chase looked at the tree and giggled, "That tree was pretty darn full of sexiness, you know?"

"Well then that's why your hair's so hard to manage!" Tarou said, "You have to take care of it D:"

"I can't say that I do know, but I'll take your word for it."

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