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I read every post. This isnt really an abuse topic.
Correct- it's a discusion about saving turtles and the tips given to help keep the numbers up.

No, this it's not spam. It is not against the rules so do not post how sick you are of these topics- that's getting ME annoyed. If it was against the rules it would be closed already. Two guide have already posted in this topic so don't freak out. It's all good.

*topic cleaned of complaint posts*

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I read every post. This isnt really an abuse topic.
Sorry, I guess I am just kinda fed up with everyone trying to make people aware or draw attention to it :D

I have re-read your post(s) and it all is coming to me...

Your not trying to stop it you are trying to save them.

Your ideas are awesome and I think, If made aware the whol world can make a difference, not just TT

thank you TAMATALKER 101

that means sooo much, and thank all of you that are at least trying to understand.

i don't know why or how but i have a special connection w/ turtles, and they mean a lot to me.

I really like turtles too. Im part of the Ocean Conservacy, and I recently got an eMail saying something about saving the Red Turtle. People are aware of it, everyone just needs to find out how to get the word around fasterso the numbers can get higher.

thank you TAMATALKER 101that means sooo much, and thank all of you that are at least trying to understand.

i don't know why or how but i have a special connection w/ turtles, and they mean a lot to me.
Your welcome, and thank you for seeing through that rough comment :D

I do see you have a connection between turttles, kinda like MissBehave(if that is her name, I'll check :eek: ) Has a connection with baby seals.


AS you no, many types of turtles, including leatherbacks and other sea turtles have been becoming endangered.

i luv turtles, i collect turtle statues and own a club against turtle and animal abuse.

here is a list of things you can do to help!

~ do NOT throw plastic bags into the ocean or other body of water. (many sea tutles eat jellyfish and algae and confuse them with the bags, wen they eat the bags they suffocate)

~inform other people of their endangerment

~send donations to animal centers esspecially

for sea animals.

~clean any ocean or body of water around you




*This topic is within the rules. This topic is NOT for people to complain about how animal topics like this should be banned. Those posts will be DELETED.*
Turtles <3

I hate it when people litter the ocean or river, you don't want to know how much garbage there is in the Mississippi River... I agree, it isn't only the turtles whom are dieing from pollution though, many other animals are also, which can affect the population. I'm glad this topic isn't one of those: "OMG SAVE THE ANIMALS THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO DUN EAT THEM111!SHIFT11" Topics, I don't disagree with eating turtles or any other animal, just not THAT much of them that they go extinct.

I vote for these topics to be b&.
Tonight I dine on turtle soup! (Maybe Shredder quotes aren't so appropriate right now... Oh well...)
Hm... How should I say this without saying something bad...

You rude jerk! That wasn't even right! And can people stop posting this topic should be banned because it is an animal abuse topic. This CLEARLY isnt an animal abuse topic! Tamaw/pants even said so and she/he is a guide. So stop with the rude remarks. Its SPAM, wastes bandwith, and everyone is annoyed by it.

Anyway back on topic- SAVE THE TURTLES!

Tonight I dine on turtle soup! (Maybe Shredder quotes aren't so appropriate right now... Oh well...)


that was sooooooo rude!

you are going 2 make me cry.

caterpie was right, that was rude and inapropriat, and CHILDLIKE, this is a MATURE disscussionn.

woooohoooo, SAVE LAS TORTUGAS (save the turtles in Spanish)

Net Casualties, a new report by Oceana, reveals that the federal government authorizes commercial fishing operations in the United States to kill nearly 10,000 sea turtles and harm another 334,000 each year without assessing the harm done to populations of endangered and threatened sea turtles. This report, based the government's own documents and data, is the first time that anyone has tallied the total number of sea turtles the government authorizes U.S. commercial fishing operations to harm and kill.


Sea turtles have been swimming the world's oceans since before the dinosaurs roamed the earth, more than 110 million years ago. However, these treasures of ancient times are now on the brink of extinction. All six sea turtles species found in U.S. waters are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. These species are:




Kemp's Ridley

Olive Ridley



Caterpie- You need to respect other people's opinions.

Anyways, I thought this really was going to be a topic about abuse, but ended up being about stupid turtles. I hate these topics. A turtle bit me once...

Wow, I admire you for your respect for turtles! :D

I love turtles. I just think they are so cute, and their shells really make them beautiful. Seeing turtles get tumors all over their body because of people polluting the environment is just cruel. They deserve a fair chance too, just like us. Same with all the other animals. Tigers and bears get skinned for our pleasure; is that really necessary? Fake fur can be just as comforting.

I'm really glad you feel so strong about environmental issues. I feel the same. :)

[SIZE=8pt]This isn't really an animal abuse topic... animal abuse is like beating a dog or something, but all she is trying to say is that we need to help these turtles, in which case, IS possible, we just need to act. we can't just wait and look around for someone else to do something, cuz chances are, they are waiting for someone else.then we say "it's not possible", when really, we have ourselves to blame for not doing anything. I think it is Great she loves turtles... i do too! I agree with tenniswinner. This is a great topic for people to help, and anyone who gets mad at you for making an "abuse" topic, should really not even bother to post, because you are only trying to help an animal you love. an animal abuse topic is more of "help the dogs! try to get people to stop abusing their pets! report them!" which you are not doing, and that is a good thing. I will post something about saving turtles in my siggy♥[/SIZE]



Well, I guess turtles are more important than children. Please feel free to delete this post, I could care less.

And just for the people who say it isn't abuse, maybe you should read the title.

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Well, I guess turtles are more important than children. Please feel free to delete this post, I could care less.

And just for the people who say it isn't abuse, maybe you should read the title.
[SIZE=8pt]she pmed me saying that it was called abuse, i think cuz she had nothing better to call it, but anyway, she said it wasn't about abuse, so since she wrote it, i say she is right[/SIZE]

i am right and i am soooo not saying they are more importanat than kids, but if we take these animals out of the food chain, then in a few millenia our future decendents could starve and die because of us.

srry 2 sound rude.

also i couldnt think of a different title.

This topic is basically just trying to persuade us into helping the turtles. Which is fine, turtles are beautiful creatures, but not even all of us tamatalkers can make much of a difference.

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