These are the how to get a specific tama
Hearttchi (red) - Reset if (Shiro/white) Hearttchi
Shiro/whitehearttchi - Reset if Hearttchi (red)
Cherrytchi - If Memetchi, don't marry Kutchipatchi, Other tamas exept mametchi. Appears in gen1.
Kuribotchi - Mametchi or Ribbotchi as parent (does not matter what gender) or Memetchi as mother
and Kuchipatchi as father
Young Mametchi - Good care Kuri (even)
Ichigotchi -
Good care Kuri (odd)
Ringotchi - good care cherry (odd)
Darumatchi - Good & Bad care cherry (even)
Tomatchi - Advarage-Bad care cherry (odd)
Young Oyajitchi - advarage cherry (even)
(even) /Ribbotchi (odd) - Perfect care Ichigotchi or Young Mame
Memetchi ^_^ / Kuchipatchi
- Miss hungry happy hearts sometimes, rarely though
Debatchi/Tengutchi - Miss loving (time out praise) lots of times
/Kurokotchi(even)/Wooltchi (wool item for Kurokotchi, becomes nice) - No care whatsoever