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CuteDancerRachel, We both have rainbow colors in our avvie/siggie!

Anyway, I hope no one I know ever gets in a situation like that! I'm glad your okay, Sweet Kandi.

WOW thats kinda scary!!!! 1 of the reasons i dont go out side! (in less its mi back yard other) thats kinda happen ta me when i was little!! i didn't know what the dude was doing asking me if i wanted a ride around the block! (i was 4) so i just kept sayn no then i walked off. the dude that sayd that to me looked scary when i think of it and his truck was kinda scary to!!!! good thing i was smartanoulf ta walk away at that age!!!

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I go out on my own alot, 11 isn't too young, is it? I don't really like strangers saying "Hi" to me, espeically adults, and glad your ok :lol:
It doesn't really matter what age you are in a sense. I'm 18, and this still happened. It happens to people of any age. Not just kids.

Hello everyone, I just want to tell you we recieved this letter at school today:

Dear Families,

This morning a student at _____ School became ill while at school. The parent instructed the ___ School office staff to have the child walk home. While on his way home, a car drove by, slowed down and the driver offered the child a ride. The man is described as a white male, driving a black Camry. The _____ police were notified of the situation.

Fortunately, the child involved in this incident is safe. However, it is a reminder to all of us to speak to our child about personal safety and what to do if they find themselves in an uncomfortable, dangerous, or confusing situation.

The rest of the letter was safety tips. I just posted this to remind all of us that this does happen, even in a small, "safe" town. The ____s are where the school's name or the town's name would have gone.

Kiwitchi Fan

OMG, my cousins experienced something to.

OK, so me and my 6 year old cousin were walking this dog, and our other 2 cousins came looking for us. They asked this man if he'd seen 1 small girl and one bigger one. (Me and her) He then was like "No. But get in my car and we can look for them." They ran for it.

Although he MAY have been trying to help, it was still freaky. o.o'

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