~A Tamagotchi Angel's Heavenly Log~


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Hi guys~! I am so pleased to be posting this! I am really happy to say this log has finally become a *hot topic*, and I really want to give a shout out to Momo8890tamagotchi, who has really kept my log up and running and has supported me! Momo8890tamagotchi is also getting a Tamagotchi Angel! We're starting a group hatch, on October 8, with only Angels and Devils so please join! Anyway, back to the real topic at hand! I was debating whether to start up my Entama or my V5 since I *finally* went out and 2032 battereis, however, with the school year kicking in and stuff, I'm going to be getting much busier each day! Of course I will continue with this log, I love logging, and I will continue doing my Angel of course, but I will be unable to log nearly as much! Oh, and just to have some fun, I plan to start up my Entama or TMGC+C over Winter Break and different school breaks, so those will be specials!



Wow, Mommy, there's a lot you need to tell our audience tonight...


Yeah, I didn't think so much could happen!


Well, I just wanted to really inform our audience, we're getting a good amount of views and everything! I really like this log, and it's going to continue for a very long time, at least I hope!



Well, I'm excited! I can't wait to meet your other Tamas!


Yeah, it's been a while!


I'm gonna alterate between starting up my Entama, my TMGC+C, and my V5, maybe my Tama-Go, although it's not my favorite.



Wow, I could meet so many people!


Yeah, me too!


Well, I'm not gonna bore the readers any longer! It's bed time for you both now!



Ok, coming!


I'm second!


See you tomorrow!



Neru, Kusa :kusatchi: , ~D~

Good Morning!


Yep, today, ~D~ is having us log ourselves!


It's funny without her here to help us speak!


Well, you'll get used to it, Suko and Suka did it a couple of times!


Why is she out, anyway?


I think it's because of school, but I'm not sure.


No, she told me she was starting school tomorrow, not today!


Huh, then I have no idea.....


Oh! I remember! She said she had a doctor's appointment!


Ohmygod~ I totally forgot! Silly me~


Thats okay, Kusa. Hey Kusa, how long have you been with ~D~


Haha good question, Suka asked the same thing. I have been with her for 6 long years, I was her first tamagotchi on her V2!


Really?! That's a very long time......


Yep, and believe it or not, my really name is Tommy, however, nowadays, she thinks that name is unoriginal, so she calls me Kusa!


Tommy?! 6 years?! Wow....


Anyway, it's time for your afternoon nap! ~D~ told me tuck you in!


Oh, ok, ok~


See you later,


Neru, Kusa :kusatchi:

Good evening guys! Again, thanks for all the support. I want to give a shout out to Orandatchi, with her very sweet post! Again, I have great news! Neru evolved into Ginjirotenshi! It was very exciting to get a different character than a Kuriten, plus, he'll be sticking around, as you can't get secret characters from Ginjirotenshi.



It's so different than being a Kodoten or a Maruten, I can fly a lot faster now!


Mhmm, you've been zooming around the house for quite some time now, Neru.


Oh, and my Angel Power is at 70! Can you believe it?


That's very high, isn't Neru?


Mhmm, my powers are so much stronger too! Watch, when I fly, I can sprinkle sparkles! WHEEEEEEE!


Hahaha, my my, you're certainly having fun, aren't you?





He's been having fun for the past 6 hours!


Ok, settle down now. I just want to quickly tell everyone that school starts tomorrow, and I wont be making so many posts, maybe at most 1 per day! I am sorry for the decrease in posts, I'm a freshman now so it will be very hard for me to post! Now, off to bed, you lot!



Ok Mommy!




Here's a pic just to satisfy your pic hunger :D





See you next time!



Neru, Kusa :kusatchi: , ~D~

Good evening guys! My first log since the start of school, I apologize for not logging more, however, I have to say that I may only be able to log on the weekends nowadays, because I'm a freshmen! Or fresh meat, so they say :( Anyway, onto the log! Neru has been doing great! He's actually helping me with my homework!



I don't think its that much help.....


Yeah, he's not helping at all! He's sprinkling Angel Sparkles all over the math page so that you seemingly 'understand' it!


We'll I'm just using a little magic, that's all!


Hey, I didn't know you were enchanting it!



Sorry, I just wanted to help....


It's Geometry, Neru, she needs to learn, she takes a big final test at the end of the year!


She does?! That must be terrible....


It was terrible....



You should have seen her stressing out over her finals last year. It was horrendous!


Well, I can magically have her learn it all!


Neru, I hate to say it, but you can't do that. You can magically make all the bad things in the world go away, there are reasons why they're there, and when you magic them away, other problems arise.



I still don't get it.....


Neru, she needs to learn the information herself! It doesn't count if you magic it into her head, how can she take the final?


I'll just have her remember all the info for the final test and she'll ace it!


No, Neru, I'm afraid you can't do that, I want to learn, and besides, that would be cheating.



*gasp* Is it really cheating?


Unless I learn the info myself or with the help of someone, then yes, it is cheating.



But then, what's the point of a tutor? They just tell you the answers.


Tutor's help you figure out things, they would never just tell you the answer!


Ohh, I think I'm getting it now!


Anyway, I have to get back to work, I can't always be logging!



Ok Mommy, I'll go sparkle up the bathroom!


Aw man....... :kusatchi:


See you tomorrow!



Neru, Kusa, ~D~

Good Evening guys~! What's up? I just wanted to say thanks for all the support, and that if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please PM me! I respond to all of them, and you can't reply to a log, so thats how you should do it! Ok, on to my log!



How was your second day of school, ~D~?


Wasn't as fun as the first, I had double Biology followed by double Geometry!





I know!!! Plus, my Bio teacher is the fastest talker ever! No body understood what he was talking about half the time!



So that's what schools like, huh, ~D~? Will I ever go? It sounds terrifying!


It's not that bad, Neru, you should be excited! Suka was, and school for you is so much easier than for ~D~



Why is that?


Because you're only educated on how to become a good angel, not anything else! Anyways, you're only 5, no need to worry about that!



Are you sure....










We're on break, so we came to visit!




Suka, it's me! Neru!



Hey, long time no see!!!


Neru, how are you doing?


It's great to see you, Kusa!


Hi Suka, Suko! I missed you guys!


Are you enjoying yourself here, Neru?


Yeah, you've evolved!


So, you guys are just here to visit?





Well, i just want to say that Suko and I are honored and pleased to say that we are allowing other Angels to use our font colors!








Ummmm, Neru? You already have your own font color!



I know, I'm just happy!


Anyways, we best be going!


Can't miss the award show tonight!


Award show? Going?


Yep, Suka and Suko, the Futagotenshi twins, are nominees for Best Angels of August 2011!





Good Job guys!


Thoses are my boys!



Well, gotta go! We'll see you soon!


Mhmm, Mhmm!







See you guys!


That's all for now! See you tomorrow!



Neru, Suka, Suko, Kusa, ~D~ <-now thats a list! :p

Good Evening! It's late, and Neru and Kusa are both in bed! I apologize for the very late reply, schoolwork and time has taken its toll on me! I will be briefly reporting what I did with Neru, and that'll be all for the evening!



As Neru woke up, he was had full health, 3 Effort hearts, and 65 AP! I kept it all the standard, aka FULL, and that was all! I apologize for lack of content!



Promise to be back tomorrow morning with more-



Am I missing some thing?


NERU! You're supposed to be in bed!



I am? But you said I get to sleep at 10 tonight, and Kusa at 8!


Oh, I must have reversed your times! I'm sorry Neru, but you have to go to bed! You might become sick in the morning if you don't!



Ok ok, fine~


See you next time~



Neru, Kusa :kusatchi: , ~D~

Good morning~!


Yep, again, ~D~ is very, very busy, so Neru and I will be logging ourselves today!


Hum, she's always so busy!


Yes, Neru, you'll have to get used to it! The farther we go into the school year, the less she'll be around with you to log!


But, I just don't get this whole 'school' thing. Why is it so important?


You see, Neru, we Tamagotchi are very lucky! When we grow up, we have our owners, like ~D~, who take care of us! But, when ~D~ grows up, she's gonna have to take care of herself, understand?


But, doesn't she have an owner?


No, Neru, it doesn't work like that. Her mother can't support her forever! That's why she plays games with us, see, when when we win games, we earn happiness and Gotchi! The Gotchi we earn helps her pay for our food!


So, she can just play some games too, right?


Unfortunately, no. She has to learn as much as she can, the more she learns, the more human Gotchi she will earn, and the more successful she can be in life!


This is so complicated!


Thats very true, Neru, and that's why we kept our secret hidden to Humans for so many years, we felt like their lives were too very complicated, that we would never get the love we deserved, but its all right now.


I'm hungry....


Let's go get you some breakfast.....




Till we meet again,


Neru & Kusa :kusatchi:

Good evening....I guess......


Yep! ~D~ is letting..........hey, Neru? What's wrong? You seem......sad?


No, no~ I'm fine~It's just.....~D~ never spends time with us anymore......


*sigh* Neru, I already explained this to you. She doesn't have the time!


I know, it's just, I really miss her!


You know, Neru, she really cares about you a lot! I can tell!


What do you mean?


You see, if she were truly to busy to love you, she would have pulled out the batteries, and sent you back to heaven!


*gasp* Have some people really done that?


Not just some, Neru, most. There is a very big difference!


It's just, we never see her anymore!


Well, yes, Neru, that's part of life! And you're off to bed now, it's very late!


Yes, Kusa!


Next time we meet,


Neru & Kusa :kusatchi:

Good afternoon! After yesterday's log, I promised to try and spend as much time as possible with Neru and Kusa, who are doing just fine! However, Neru is currently napping, and Kusa in the bath, so I guess I'll just tell you what has been happening with them! I promise to upload pictures this weekend, I will not have the time to during this week, sorry! Onward with log!



Today was the first day I tried bringing Neru to school! It worked very well! I checked on him whenever a period ended, a.k.a. every 45 minutes! I played a couple of games with him, and proceeded to feed him some candy!



That's all for the log today, I know! It's very short, and I really really apologize, but I just need time to think where I am going to go with this log!



I promise to update with Neru and Kusa later this evening!




Hey guys! I'm sorry for not logging yesterday, I had a volleyball game, which went 'til 7:30, then I had about a ton of homework! Oh yeah, we won! Go JV-BALL! We call it 'JV-Ball' because 'JV-VBALL' gets very repetitive. Anyway, I'm very pleased to say this will be a legit log, with me, Neru, and Kusa, of course!



It's about time we had a proper log!


Yeah, it really is ~D~, you haven't logged in two days!


Anyway, I'm happy to say that today we're gonna do something a little bit different, we're gonna do an interview with our cast! Of course, the audience has already scene one for Suka and Suko, you can check that out in some of the earlier files, but here we go! The first question goes to ....... Neru!





Neru, how old are you?



I am 8 now~!



What were you in the previous life?



In my previous life, I think I was a Kutchipatchi, but I'm not entirely sure........I just remember I passed after only 1 day of being an adult.


My, that's sad, isn't it? Ok, on to the next set of questions......for Kusa!



You got it!


Kusa, how old are you, in Tamagotchi years?



Hmm, well, considering I've been here for 6 human years, thats 2,190 Tamagotchi years, however, ~D~ helped me out of the Tamagotchi world and into the Human World! In human years, I'm only 6!


And Kusa, what was the most memorable thing you remember from the Tamagotchi World?



Definitely the food! Have you try a MameMilkShake before? They're great!


Anyway, that's the interview today! By the way, for any supports, please visit my Dragon egg at: https://dragcave.net/view/UB5X9 ! It's a very rare egg, and it only has 2 days left to hatch! I don't want to lose it, please help!



Next time!



Neru, Kusa, ~D~

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Hi guys, I'm sorry for the late reply! i'm sick, and I couldn't get the energy up to post this, plus, I had to finish my homework, which I also didn't it!



Nooo! I told you not to move! I'll carry you!




NONONONONON, let me let me!




I'mma go make breakfast!





Um, yes Kusa?


Just because she is sick doesn't mean she can't take care of herself.


Nuh-uh, she's gonna pass out in a second, I know she is!


What do you mean pass out?



Nooooo, don't talk! You're gonna die!!!





Neru, I think you should go back to bed!




NERU! You're not really making her feel better!


Fine~*grumble grumble*


See you next ti-ACHOOOOOO!



Neru, Kusa, ~D~


I know, I know! You're all gonna hate me for posting SOOOOOO late! Truth be told, I don't know if I can keep up with this log anymore, HOWEVER, what I believe is totally different from what I do! And this log has already come so far, and I refuse to give up now, SOOOOO, let the log began! I've actually been sending Neru and Kusa to day care (aka pausing), since I have too much school work to keep up with them, and now I want them to share there experiences of day care with you all!



I hate Daycare!


I love it!


I don't get to see you at all, and the teacher makes us do all this annoying stuff, like games! And snack time is only Apple Sauce! I can't cope with Apple Sauce! I need my Pie and Candy!


You're sooo lucky, Neru. I have to eat very healthy meals, like Apple Sauce, because my body is so fragile. My snack is always an Apple!


Yuck! How you keep up with that, Kusa?


It's not that hard, Neru, and you should eat healthier too!


But I caaaaan't, I only get either Pie or Candy! And its always good pie and good candy!


Listen, Kusa is right, Neru, you really should eat healthier. When you go to TamaHeaven, you have to look at the world with a different mindset.



But I will.


That, Neru, includes what you eat. You are what you eat. Would you like to be known as the flying Candy or flying Apple?


Caaaaaandy, DUH!


*sigh* Fine, anyways, bedtime now! It's late!



Okok~ COMING~~~!!!!!


Me too!


See you tomorrow!



Neru, Kusa, ~D~

Happy Birthday! To me, that is! It's my birthday, and since I haven't logged in sooo long, I will do it now!



Happy Birthday ~D~!!!!


Thanks, Neru! Thanks Kusa! Kusa? Kusa...? KuuuuuuuuuuSAAAAAAAA?????





Awwwwww.....thanks guys! You're the sweetest!



Say Kusa, can we sing?


No, I'm terrible at singing!


Well don't fret, Neru, tomorrow's you're 10th birthday!





Ok, see you guys soon!!!!!



Neru, Kusa, ~D~

Hi guys! I'm sooooooo unbelievably sorry if I only got to post this one month later, but I've been busy! So, I'm going to put this log on hold FOR THE TIME BEING! I PROMISE I'LL BE BACK!!!

Ok, so I know you guys are ALL going to KILL me! I know, I haven't updated in MONTHS!!!!!!!

I've been terribly busy, and poor Neru has been on pause for a long time! But since I'm taking a break (FINALLY) in my freshman year of school, I'm going to be updating every day for the next week or so! I'll be posting pictures tomorrow!

You better be! I mean, you haven't updated in like YEARS!!!!

Calm down, Neru, I promised I would come back! I would NEVER leave this log! It's already gotten so many views, and so many people are following it!

Yeah, really, you should be more CONSISTENT with your posts!

Guys! Chillax! I'm trying!


Well, time for an afternoon nap!


See you next time!

Neru, Kusa, and ~D~

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