A secret way 2 lose weight!


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wow! thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(and many more o's) much! Now when my tama is really fat, I can use this trick. Thanks again!

I'm glad to make tamagotchi fans like you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, (and many more "o"s), happy!!

BTW Tamalaura, do you live in United States? If you do, where did you get, or where are you getting your v5? I want one sooooooo badly! :rolleyes:

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i have a v5, but i am not sure that weight matters, it doen't show you the weight at all, but if it does, and if there is a treasure box at the "shopping chanle", then it might work...

Once agin, i don't know, it depends on if they have a treasure box or not. But i am much more than sure if it's the v4 and v4.5!

I know it doesnt show you the weight but i fed my familitchi to much snacks and the 3 of them transforemed in to osumotchi :) and i cant get them back to normal :)

Thats a nice trick :huh: but I don't need to use it because I keep my tamas slim! My V4 Adult is weighing 32lb right now! My V3 is at 33lb, oop I'll silm it down now..

Edit: Now its 30lb!

Also once on one of why tamas (forgot which ;) ) It got turned into baby by chest and I played a game and won, it restored all happy hearts! :D

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To 9Andy: Play games and they might be back to nomal, I play games with them at least once a day, and i think that you can turn them back to normal by bonding them!

My tamas all hatched today, and I just keep them fit by:

1. Playing Big-weight loss games after they eat.

And that's about it. I know the healthy weights for V4. I should write them down.:

Baby: 15-20 pounds.

Todler-20-30 pounds.

Teen- 30-40 pounds

Adult- 40-50 pounds.

Oldie- (Same as adult)
