A new Tamagotchi in 2012! ID L Princess Spacy.


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I frequently buy Ciao!, a manga magazine which publishes brand new manga chapters (mostly shoujo and kids ones) every month.

The magazine often has a tamagotchi comic thrown in there but more on that later.

Ciao always has advertisements for new Japanese toys which will be released in the coming month.

There is also a stationary set featuring her that was also there.

If that wasn't enough, the latest tamagotchi manga chapter features himespetchi as well.

They're really pushing this character into the spotlight.

Unfortunately I'm on my way to work so i'll scan it tonight for you guys.

On a side note, if there are any Japanese proficient translators, i can scan the manga chapter for you. My Japanese isn't that good yet.

*TM Edit: This post was merged into the existing, active Princess Spacy thread already posted on the Comments & Rumours forum - this keeps all the useful / interesting info in one, easy to find topic ;)

Edit: thanks for moving it, Tamamum. As soon as I made the topic, I found this. Haha.

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Found this in the current issue of ciao that I bought today.

The two new games are: rabumerounito... Lovelitchi and meloditchi unite? And raburabudatsu... Love love darts.

And there's also going to be something involving Lovelitchi and meloditchi's concert.

There will be three new characters...

A toy phone is also being released with the Tama. The Himespetchi phone.

Looks like the phone will be able to connect with the Profy and comes with a sticker sheet to decorate it.

Also there's a stationary set featuring himespetchi with will be available.

Ps: this issue of the magazine has a manga chapter exclusively introducing Himespetchi. It is in Japanese and around ten pages long. I can scan it if anyone wants it.

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Wow~~~ Thank you LittleChamametchi for sharing us the latest released! -_-

In my opinion, if I were to go for another "iD L", the original one is much more preferable in terms of raisable characters. For the new functions/ features wise...is another story I suppose? :p

Oh my, I adore Himespetchi! That's even my username for Tamagotchi Wikia; I need the princess spacy iD L! But I'm buying an iD L 15th Anniversary Edition and I won't have enough money to buy both...LOL!

Himespetchi is also a new major character in the anime and, as I've heard, is in love with Mametchi. But I don't think she's related to the Spacy Brothers; she's just from space, like them.

I frequently buy Ciao!, a manga magazine which publishes brand new manga chapters (mostly shoujo and kids ones) every month.

The magazine often has a tamagotchi comic thrown in there but more on that later.

Ciao always has advertisements for new Japanese toys which will be released in the coming month.

There is also a stationary set featuring her that was also there.

If that wasn't enough, the latest tamagotchi manga chapter features himespetchi as well.

They're really pushing this character into the spotlight.

Unfortunately I'm on my way to work so i'll scan it tonight for you guys.

On a side note, if there are any Japanese proficient translators, i can scan the manga chapter for you. My Japanese isn't that good yet.

*TM Edit: This post was merged into the existing, active Princess Spacy thread already posted on the Comments & Rumours forum - this keeps all the useful / interesting info in one, easy to find topic ;)

Edit: thanks for moving it, Tamamum. As soon as I made the topic, I found this. Haha.
hey little chamametchi! I just wanna ask where you can buy ciao (other than japan of course)
Also, another thing on the new Tama, there will be a new non-adult character: kizunatchi.

I think.


Kizunatchi mo toujou!

Toujou - entry (to a stage)

Kizunatchi also enters!

Don't beat me up if I get this wrong, haha.

Yay, new info! This week on the Japanese Tamagotchi website, Lovelin talked about the new iD-L Princess Spacy in a video. https://tamatv.com/PC/tvomake/ By the looks of it, Akaspetchi and Pepospetchi will be new obtainable characters along with Himespetchi. Kizunatchi will be a new pet, the Tama Profy is on it somewhere along with the Himespetchi Phone and the stationary set from the picture a few posts above mine. :) A new Tamatomo Strap will be available that is Himespetchi themed. I'm not sure if this comes with it, (Kind of like the Tama Mori the iD-L came with or the calendar and bag the 15th Anniversary Ver came with) or if it's sold separately. Some screenshots (Each episode stays up for only a week) :






EDIT: I just found more new info. On the Tama Depa site, there is a listing up for the Princess Spacy already. On the page (https://p-bandai.jp/t...tem-1000014836/ ) There is a picture of the characters on it and just like I thought, a Tama Depa Bag and Himespetchi book that come with your Tama. (I'm guessing if you preorder or if you buy one from the Tama Depa the day it comes out) Pictures:


I think the Princess Spacy has all of the adult iD-L characters plus Himespetchi, Pepospetchi and Akaspetchi. I don't see any toddlers or baby characters. It looks like the Henshin Jo is on the new version, Himespetchi looks like she's dressed up in the top right corner. Maybe a new location with Meloditchi and Lovelitchi in the top right again? Below them looks like screenshots of the two new games, new items and Kizunatchi as a new pet. I think I'm going to ask for this one when it comes out. :)


And the promotion with the Himespetchi...book? And Tama Depa bag.

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I was on ebay and I saw someone taking pre-orders at $120.00 and $10.00 for shipping.

Is it just me or does that seem outrageous for this Tamagotchi?

Also what do y'all think the Price of it will be on Ebay?


There's the Link ^
Wow that's a bit ridiculous!

I'd say the price will drop to around $70 - $60 a few months/weeks after release.

There's really no point in preordering it for an extra $50 if you're just gonna get it cheaper later.


I wasn't planning on Pre-ordering any way XD *sigh*

Where do buy your japanese Tamagotchi's LittleChamametchi and how much are they usually???

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