A new series of Tama-Watchi?


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kuchipatchi love

Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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New Zealand
OK, so I was looking up a picture of Chamametchi for a project, and I stumbled across this! As far as I know, there are only mametchi, memetchi and kuchipatchi tama-watchis, so this one is new!( as far as I know, anyway.)

Here's the link.

Chamametchi Tama-Watchi

Hope I arouse some interests!


I saw those too. I thought they were adorable. I hope they get released... My MeMechi watch needs a bud.... Or a break... Whatever the case. I need a new one for my watch collection as for my tama collection.

I was wondering why they stopped selling Tama-Watchis.

The face from my Mametchi watch broke off (the thing that it snaps into), so yeah. But really, I can just get a replacement from them.

aww, this one is sooooooo cute <3

:wants one. wants to run around at university in it :D :

where did you find the pic? I guess it is either a Japanese or an American site, I doubt such cuteness will ever be released in Europe ^_^

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I saw those, here were anoher 2 though. It was violetchi and...someone else.

I saw those, here were anoher 2 though. It was violetchi and...someone else.
it must have been Ichigotchi, for I have just found these:


there is the Chamametchi one that kuchipatchi love linked, and two more, so there really are 6 different versions then :D

I simply love them <3

I hate watches, but those are so cute! Maybe I'll get one, you never know.

I hate watches, but those are so cute! Maybe I'll get one, you never know.
hehe, me too :D

still I would wear one like these.

[SIZE=7pt]The normal tamawatchi's are still on sale in the UK. Anyway, they look cool. I wonder if they'll release a new version of the tamagotchi along with them... 8) x[/SIZE]

i think so my freind said he bought one from kmart and then he showed me

Sure I will buy it. Of course - - as a Tamgotchi FAN I WANT IT.

Do you think it's a new version for Tama-Watchi?? Like Tamagotchi Connextions they have versions, that might be the version 2 for Tama-Watchi. Right? the Mametchi, Memetchi and Kutchipatchi one might be the vrsion 1 of Tama-Watchi.

What do you guys think!

I can't wait till it come out!!

I've got a Tama-watchi last year...but it's not that worth it...but still..it looks great...LOL

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