Tamagotchi were a huge part of my childhood for a few years. I remember making friends with other girls in my classes who had tamas, and playing with them together or connecting them with each other whenever we had the chance. Since then, I've run tamas again for a while every now and then, but I haven't really had anyone to connect with about it, which makes it not quite as fun. But I remembered reading this forum when I was younger and thought it might be a fun way to get that sense of community again. So here I am! I'll have to mess around with lighting to get some better pictures; my phone camera picked up on the backlighting and ended up making everything else around it pitch dark.
I'm currently running a pink Tamagotchi Smart with the Sweets Friends card loaded.
Meet Hoshi! Here he is taking a nap as a baby. I hatched him in the evening last night, to the point that when he evolved, he went right to sleep because it was past his bedtime.

This morning, I woke him gently by petting him and got a better look at his child self! What a cutie; he's so fluffy.

Before work, Hoshi and I went out to try out some games/TamaWork. We had a lot of fun!

Once I had to start my workday, I've just been checking on him between meetings, so I think he was happy when my lunch break started and I was able to take him out shopping to spend some of the money he earned at his TamaWork! Since a lot of the items we wanted were free, he got to redecorate his room, get quite a few toys (he even invited a friend over to play with one!), and even got a new hat.

As you can see, he was so happy. And I am too!
I'm currently running a pink Tamagotchi Smart with the Sweets Friends card loaded.
Meet Hoshi! Here he is taking a nap as a baby. I hatched him in the evening last night, to the point that when he evolved, he went right to sleep because it was past his bedtime.

This morning, I woke him gently by petting him and got a better look at his child self! What a cutie; he's so fluffy.

Before work, Hoshi and I went out to try out some games/TamaWork. We had a lot of fun!

Once I had to start my workday, I've just been checking on him between meetings, so I think he was happy when my lunch break started and I was able to take him out shopping to spend some of the money he earned at his TamaWork! Since a lot of the items we wanted were free, he got to redecorate his room, get quite a few toys (he even invited a friend over to play with one!), and even got a new hat.

As you can see, he was so happy. And I am too!