a log of mine


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gourmetch evolved into a... kosatchi, is that how its spelled?

pencil: 150

training: full

so, i nicknamed him 'teddy' because he looks kinda like one.

im still awaiting a job offer.

i got a job at the hospital! -dances-

well, actually i wanted to be a scientist but i got rejected.. you always seem to be rejected for the first job...

well, i LIKE the hospital game.. exactly like get (note) in v3.

but with different items and blah..

pencil: 469 (ive been working hard :D ) i hope to get it to 500 or 600 tomorrow.

teddy is sleeping.... i dont know what he looks like when asleep, but ^.^ i am growing attached to him.

so, the nazotchi paid me like 6000 points from yesterday... ^.^ i LIKE working in the hospital..

ugh, i slept in so late teddy woke up before i did. XD

ok, the matchmaker came today at 3:00! i got a boy... again...

pencil: 722. in my goal range! ^_____^

paid 7154 this morning... fun fun!

okay, so i got a new job offer as a teacher. i like being a nurse or doctor better, but its the same game as the fashion designer. i dont want to see teddy leave ^_^

i got two snakes in the mail. i think you get poop on odd gens, and snakes on even gens. we shall see.

ok, so twine evolved into a puchitchi. i think thats how its spelled.

so far, so good. ive never gotten the same chara twice! -grins-

soooo, i have an adoptables project coming up. more news later ^0^

oh oops. i forgot to add that the king gave me 200 points, and i bought a ticket on sale for 5k

i have about 45k points.

twine just pooped. i cleaned it up. XD of course, @___@ what am i going to do, just LEAVE it there?!

it evolved into an adrotchi!!

im going to aim for the adult androtchi. (that means get the stars :3 )

ive been sorta neglecting it... not on purpose!

♥♥♥♥♥♥ i dont know the code for hearts 0____o but i can copy/paste!

anyways, twine now has 6 training. he also is like 30 lbs..

X.x i have a feeling i am going to get masketchi...


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