Thank you!! I'm also glad things payed off in the end, as it's here now and it's absolutely lovely.

It came with a screen protector still intact, one of the matching Pusheen cat cases I'm fond of, and the box is thankfully undamaged. Such a sigh of relief! I'm grateful this all worked out and to the previous owner for taking such nice care and thought.
There was actually a bit of a mishap with Fedex but nothing major. They just couldn't access the place that I live so they ended up delivering it to an onsite pickup location. I wouldn't have bat an eye if not for the 12 inches of snow we got overnight, and the mountain of it that blocked my car in, thanks to the snow removal truck.

LOL at least I had something very special to look forward to when I came home this chilly NYE.
Now that it's occurred to me, I'd love to wish everyone at TamaTalk a Happy New Years too! We all deserve a better year ahead of us with a lot of hope.