Croweh shall now go on with her wacko yet crazy story of how I told my 'Crush'
Umz well I was at the zoo with my pre-k buddie and my friend Karen kept leaving me with her buddie going to look for her crush, well her crush walks by me and I am so mad at this point that i go up to him and I say 'Karen loves you.' well obviously Karen was NOT a happy camper eh? So she tracks down Michael (Oh jeeze) and tells him I love him... Well Michael just smiles and walks by me, running his shoulder into mine. Later we are walking down the board-walk-plank thing and I was all 'You like me' and he goes "No I don't! So?" well of course, I didn't here him say 'So.' So he goes *COugh SO? COugh* and I'm like 'Oh, wha?" cause I was talking to my friend Jay, I was all like "NO WAYZ." and then I gotz all happy So my friend Jay goes "Are you going to get married?" I give him this 0.o look and go "Nooo..." and he goes "BUMMER! You make a good couple!"
So what I say is 'Some people say good things take time but really great things happen in the blink of an eye' Yea, its true, so simply saying 'So' changed my life, Maybe saying 'Hi' can change yours eh?
[FIN with endless rant about nothingness]