A Life Story


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Feb 21, 2006
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A Life Story

Hello, my name is Aroara May. I have no last name, because I am an orphan. I have been tossed around from orphanage to orphanage ever since I can remember. My parents were immature when they had me, and didn’t feel right in having me as their daughter. I was left on the orphanage doorstep on December 22, the day people say, I made a blizzard with my powers for the first time. Here’s my life story.

My parents dropped me on the doorstep to Sun Shine Kids orphanage. They bundled me up, kissed my head, said goodbye, and left. People say as they were driving away, because I was so mad, I used my powers to make a blizzard to kill them. They did die in it though, they were in a horrible wreck. But the fact that I did the blizzard myself, that’s not so true. I myself believe I didn’t do it, I was a baby! All I probably did was cry and make a poop! But the locals don’t care, they just believe what they hear.

All of the locals think I’m a freak. They all think I’m different, just because I posses these powers. I hate these powers! I can kill myself with them if I really wanted to, but what would the locals say after that? Only one girl knows me unlike any other, she’s my best friend in the world. Her name is Lilly. Lilly Beth. She is an orphan just like me, we are both 9 years old. We have been through everything together. She is like a twin or a sister to me, and I’m never leaving her.

I have brown hair, just a regular burnette, it also had a little curl to it, with some lighter colors at the bottom. I have the color of skin thats is always really tan, Hawaiian girl, like my family was originated from Hawaii. Lilly has blonde hair to, but hers is straight. More like Lily’s from Hannah Montana. She has tan skin, but that’s only in the summer.

We were lying in our room staring at the ceiling, while outside, the orange leaves were falling to the ground. Which meant more raking the yard for us in the morning. I hate raking leaves in the front of the adoption center. People walking in the streets stop and turn their heads to watch me, like im an animal. I wish I could turn around and tell them that I’m no different than they are, and that they need to find a new way to spend their time. But I can’t they’d just jump back at me, forcing me to use my powers on them, and draw attention from the news reporters.

It was bad enough when I was seven and I was on the news for being there when I girl at my orphanage fell of the swing and broke her arm and leg, Everyone thought I forced her off of the swing so I could use it. But I didn’t. I was playing tag with a couple of friends I had made, why would I want the swing?

I sighed and turned on my side while laying on my side, and felt like crying. Lilly got up and walked over to me, “Come on Aroara! Your not a bad person at all, people just don’t know you that way, and their just afraid of you.” She was trying to make me feel better, but she knew it wasn’t working. I just sighed and wiped my face off with the bed sheet.

We were sitting on the ground playing patty-cake, when we heard the bell ring for lunch. We both got up and raced to the bathroom to wash our hands and faces. Then we ran down stairs for lunch, we sat by Kevin, Shayla, Kalia, and Oliver.

To be continued..

What do you think. This is just the first chapter, it explains her life and things like that.

If it needs to be improved, please tell me what could be improved. Please remember this is a rough draft.

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Nice job- CuteDancingBailey. B) Do you enjoy writing stories or are you just doing an assignment? If so, you have a great future in front of you, my dear. :)

Keep the talent! :huh:


Thank you you guys! I've never got that from people before.

Tama-Love, I just enjoy writing stories. Its kind of like a hobby. I've been told by many people that I have a future of writing stories, mostly by my friends though. :)

Thank you you guys! I've never got that from people before.
Tama-Love, I just enjoy writing stories. Its kind of like a hobby. I've been told by many people that I have a future of writing stories, mostly by my friends though. :)
That's great to hear that some people enjoy the writing and publishing hobbies! Who knows- you can become a famous author some day, just don't give up you dream!

Good luck to you! B)


That's great to hear that some people enjoy the writing and publishing hobbies! Who knows- you can become a famous author some day, just don't give up you dream!
Good luck to you! :)

Just as TL said!

That's great to hear that some people enjoy the writing and publishing hobbies! Who knows- you can become a famous author some day, just don't give up you dream!
Good luck to you! :)

I hope to! My parents don't know I want to though, everytime I try to tell them their like, "Oh thats great." or don't even say something back. Oh well, they'll figure it out on their own I guess.

Thanks TL and VHF102!

The reason it says things like "Lilly has blonde hair, to." is because originally I was going to have Aroara have blonde hair, but changed it. Then forgot to proof read and see if there was something I needed to change for it. B) So sorry about that stuff. :huh:

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R U going to make more for TT to see????
Yeah do plan on it, more of this story will probably come tomorrow or the day after. I don't know why, but I enjoy writing stories at night more than during the day.

A Life StoryHello, my name is Aroara May. I have no last name, other than Orphan, because I am an orphan. [From the part 'other than Orphan', it makes it obvious she's and orphan, it's just repetative.] I have been tossed around from orphanage to orphanage ever since I can remember. My parents were immature when they had me, and didn’t feel right in having me as their daughter. I was left on the orphanage doorstep on December 22, the day people say, I made a blizzard with my powers for the first time. Here’s my life story.

On December 22 [already stated above, no need to say it twice], my parents dropped me on the doorstep to Sun Shine Kids orphanage. They bundled me up, kissed my head, said goodbye, and left. That’s when people say a blizzard started [already stated, either put it here and take it out there, or take it out here and keep it there]. People say as they were driving away, because I was so mad, I used my powers to make a blizzard to kill them. They did die in it though, they were in a horrible wreck. [How did they tell other people this 'when they were driving away' and they died?] But the fact that I did the blizzard myself, that’s not so true. I myself believe I didn’t do it, I was a baby! All I probably did was cry and make a poop! But the locals don’t care, they just believe what they hear.

They all think I’m a freak out there[?]. They all think I’m different, just because I posses these powers. I hate these powers! I can kill myself with them if I really wanted to, but what would the locals say after that? Only one girl knows me unlike any other, she’s my best friend in the world. Her name is Lilly. Lilly Beth. She is an orphan just like me, we are both 9 years old. We have been through everything together. She is like an adoptive twin[?], and I’m never leaving her.

I have brown hair, just a regular burnette. Like Miley Cyrus’s hair color, and its curly like hers when she was little [Not very great discription because I have don't know what she looks like] . I have the skin tone of a Hawaiian girl, like my family was originated from Hawaii[Doens't really make sence] . Lilly has blonde hair to, but hers is straight. More like Lily’s from Hannah Montana. She has tan skin, but that’s only in the summer.

We were lying in our room staring at the ceiling, while outside, the orange leaves were falling to the ground. Witch [Witch? Like cackle cackle? I think youo ment 'Which']meant more raking the yard for us in the morning.


I wrote through it.

I only got through about half of it.
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A Life StoryHello, my name is Aroara May. I have no last name, other than Orphan, because I am an orphan. [From the part 'other than Orphan', it makes it obvious she's and orphan, it's just repetative.] I have been tossed around from orphanage to orphanage ever since I can remember. My parents were immature when they had me, and didn’t feel right in having me as their daughter. I was left on the orphanage doorstep on December 22, the day people say, I made a blizzard with my powers for the first time. Here’s my life story.

On December 22 [already stated above, no need to say it twice], my parents dropped me on the doorstep to Sun Shine Kids orphanage. They bundled me up, kissed my head, said goodbye, and left. That’s when people say a blizzard started [already stated, either put it here and take it out there, or take it out here and keep it there]. People say as they were driving away, because I was so mad, I used my powers to make a blizzard to kill them. They did die in it though, they were in a horrible wreck. [How did they tell other people this 'when they were driving away' and they died?] But the fact that I did the blizzard myself, that’s not so true. I myself believe I didn’t do it, I was a baby! All I probably did was cry and make a poop! But the locals don’t care, they just believe what they hear.

They all think I’m a freak out there[?]. They all think I’m different, just because I posses these powers. I hate these powers! I can kill myself with them if I really wanted to, but what would the locals say after that? Only one girl knows me unlike any other, she’s my best friend in the world. Her name is Lilly. Lilly Beth. She is an orphan just like me, we are both 9 years old. We have been through everything together. She is like an adoptive twin[?], and I’m never leaving her.

I have brown hair, just a regular burnette. Like Miley Cyrus’s hair color, and its curly like hers when she was little [Not very great discription because I have don't know what she looks like] . I have the skin tone of a Hawaiian girl, like my family was originated from Hawaii[Doens't really make sence] . Lilly has blonde hair to, but hers is straight. More like Lily’s from Hannah Montana. She has tan skin, but that’s only in the summer.

We were lying in our room staring at the ceiling, while outside, the orange leaves were falling to the ground. Witch [Witch? Like cackle cackle? I think youo ment 'Which']meant more raking the yard for us in the morning.


I wrote through it.

I only got through about half of it.
Yeah, I never proof read it or like made it more descriptive. Sorry. Thanks for pointing out what to fix though! I'll work on it some more.
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Yeah, I never proof read it or like made it more descriptive. Sorry.
Oh, it's nothing to be sorry about. :angry:

I'm sure if you did proof read it, you could make it alot better though! :lol:

It was actualy pretty good.

Oh, it's nothing to be sorry about. :angry: I'm sure if you did proof read it, you could make it alot better though! ;)

It was actualy pretty good.
I think half of it was the fact that I wrote most of it like in december of last year.. And wrote the last of it today.

I'm going to take the advice type things and edit my paragraph. I like the little notes you put in. They help me alot. :lol:

A Life StoryHello, my name is Aroara May. I have no last name, other than Orphan, because I am an orphan. [From the part 'other than Orphan', it makes it obvious she's and orphan, it's just repetative.] I have been tossed around from orphanage to orphanage ever since I can remember. My parents were immature when they had me, and didn’t feel right in having me as their daughter. I was left on the orphanage doorstep on December 22, the day people say, I made a blizzard with my powers for the first time. Here’s my life story.

On December 22 [already stated above, no need to say it twice], my parents dropped me on the doorstep to Sun Shine Kids orphanage. They bundled me up, kissed my head, said goodbye, and left. That’s when people say a blizzard started [already stated, either put it here and take it out there, or take it out here and keep it there]. People say as they were driving away, because I was so mad, I used my powers to make a blizzard to kill them. They did die in it though, they were in a horrible wreck. [How did they tell other people this 'when they were driving away' and they died?] But the fact that I did the blizzard myself, that’s not so true. I myself believe I didn’t do it, I was a baby! All I probably did was cry and make a poop! But the locals don’t care, they just believe what they hear.

They all think I’m a freak out there[?]. They all think I’m different, just because I posses these powers. I hate these powers! I can kill myself with them if I really wanted to, but what would the locals say after that? Only one girl knows me unlike any other, she’s my best friend in the world. Her name is Lilly. Lilly Beth. She is an orphan just like me, we are both 9 years old. We have been through everything together. She is like an adoptive twin[?], and I’m never leaving her.

I have brown hair, just a regular burnette. Like Miley Cyrus’s hair color, and its curly like hers when she was little [Not very great discription because I have don't know what she looks like] . I have the skin tone of a Hawaiian girl, like my family was originated from Hawaii[Doens't really make sence] . Lilly has blonde hair to, but hers is straight. More like Lily’s from Hannah Montana. She has tan skin, but that’s only in the summer.

We were lying in our room staring at the ceiling, while outside, the orange leaves were falling to the ground. Witch [Witch? Like cackle cackle? I think youo ment 'Which']meant more raking the yard for us in the morning.


I wrote through it.

I only got through about half of it.
Oh and they didn't tell other people that, locals that saw it on the news and things did.
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