A king, A robber and a Mizutamachi


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I get the king most. I've had everysingle option, it is normal.

Don't worry about the robber it'll go away and come back as a king. :)


Well . . Ive Onllii Once Got A Toddler One

Twice Got A Robber

And Got A King Tons Of Tym But Mostlee Its A Rbbish PreseNT Like A DrumStick Or 100p

King, mostly. And so does my brother. One time, he thought the king was engaging my brothers tama just because the king gave him a ring, flowers, and chocolate hearts. :)

The robber, uh, not that much, really. When the robber came, and I donated ALL my gotchi-points, he "stole 300p". ;)

So far (on my generation 1) I've gotten the King once and the other two zero times. I've heard of the robber before but what does the Mizutamatchi do? :eek:

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