A guide to debugging


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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2004
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Somewhere out there in the world
What is debugging?

Debugging is when you take apart your Tamagotchi and debug it. When you debug your Tamagotchi, it lets you choose whatever Tamagotchi you want and you can experiment on each character and see what each one does and stuff. What I am saying about debugging is that it helps you experiment with your Tamagotchi.There are different features that appears on your Tamagotchi when you debug. There is this thing when you debug your Tamagotchi called, Hyperspeed. It lets your Tamagotchi grow up really fast if you want it to.

How do I debug?

Debugging is really dangerous to your Tamagotchi because it might ruin your Tamagotchi if done improperly, so DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.I really suggest that you don't do this but it is your choice if you do it. I just give information out to the people who visit my website.

Supplies needed: your Tamagotchi, a small screwdriver, and a regular pencil

First step: Turn your Tamagotchi over, to where the back of the Tamagotchi is facing you.Unscrew the lid , to where the battery is.

Second step: Take out the battery and unscrew the four screws with a screwdriver that is the right size.Open your Tamagotchi when all screws are taken out.DON'TE THE SCREWS.

Third step: Once open, put the battery in to where it regularly stays and tape over it so the battery would stay on. NOTE: at the bottom left corner where the battery is, it says debug. Remember where it is.

Fourth step: Now take your pencil, and rub(or scratch) the circle under the word debug.GENTLY scratch it several times for about 8 times.

Fifth step: Turn your Tamagotchi back around and be sure the battery don't fall out. Press the reset button and reset your Tamagotchi, when it ask download or reset.If you debugged correctly, you should be able to go through the characters with the 'A' button.

Sixth step: Now screw your Tamagotchi back together with the battery in place.

Final step: Explore your debugged Tamagotchi!!!!

Note: If your Tamagotchi is still normal, just go back and rub, the place you rubbed before, again. When it is debugged and everything is in place, simply go through the characters with the 'A' button. And when you found the Tamagotchi you want to raise, press the 'B' button to choose it. In a debugged Tamagotchi, the 'C' button speeds your Tamagotchi up, but it will stop when your Tamagotchi uses the toilet and is hungry and ect... Once you dealed with its hunger or it is done with the toilet and so on, you can press the 'C' button again to make your Tamagotchi speed up.

hmmm.... thats weird. i did that a couple days ago, and reset it, but now i cant scroll thru the charies but still make it go fast.

Thank you sssooo much your awsem

Is pined when um... well... wat is it agan??? :ichigotchi: :furawatchi:

it's weird how tamagotchis are made :ichigotchi: but there cool :unsure:

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yeah, it is weird, i really wonder why bandai put the debug thing there. i guess they wanted us to debug. and why do they have secret characters that cannot be taken normally, without debugging? you have to debug to get it. why? and also, i wonder who was the first person to figure out about debugging?

I just tryed that,and there was not debug buton! Can someone tell me where it is?

i wonder who was the first person to figure out the debugging thing?

debugging is cool because it's fun to see your tama zip around, it ages fast, you can pick your character, and you can see all the characters available, and then some! the bad things though is that it eats up batteries, and it gets kind of boring (to me, at least.) also knowing what all the characters are and chosing what character you get kind of takes the fun out of it. still, if you have more than one tama, i do recommend doing it because it's interesting. just be careful and remember that it could break your tam!

i used to take my debugged tam to work with me and play with it in hyperspeed. good times were had by all.

i like my tama the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DON'T RUIN YOUR TAMAGOTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mimitchi:

:lol: Can you do it on v2s? :) please anser me iv asked this Q like 4 times and no one has ansered so please anser ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:
<_< it didnt work and my tamagotchi broke.and my mom wont let m eget a new 1> :angry: :D :D
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