a guide for HALLOWEEN!


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2006
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hey everybody!!! halloween is coming up although we still hav a while. that is exactly why im making this post NOW. so how many of you are having a hallloween party? i got tips for big and small partys!! are you gonna be lonly When it gets near to holloween? i got websites with halloween printables that you can have a party to your self!!


Tip 1. the trick to the BEST COSTUME is to NOT BUY IT!!!!!

Tip 2. you have to put togethery our costume. it is great if you have a big costume box so you can put together one.

Tip 3. its ok if you have to but some props and stuff. dont worry!

Tip 4. since some of you dont have a big costume trunk, you can still make the best costume. istead what you do, you dont buy the whole outfits at k-mart and stuff. buy all your stuff seperatly. when you buy it at k-mart and stuff, the chances are that some one will have the same costume. trust me!

now you can have the best costume ever!!


Idea 1. nothing is more fun then a mummy wrap!! all you need is tiolet paper. make teams and choose a person to wrap. all the people that ar egoing to be wraped stand in a line. the other people who will wrap will stand ina line across from them. try to make them far apart so they have to run quit a while to get to the mumy! each team is of two. who ever wraps there mummy first wins!!

Idea 2. carving pumkins is also fun. each set of two will get a pumkin because you cant buy to many pumpkins!

Idea 3. scary stories!!! you can give out scary stories or tell them!! it depends if your party is at night or not. what would also be fun is acting out a scary story. be creative!! you can do whatever want!!

Idea 4. get a bucket and put water in it. know where im going?? next put apples in it!! you have to pick up the apple wwith your mouth!! hands have to go behind your back. to make the game more interseting make two teams. whatever team that has finsihed first wins!! for this you will need 2 buckets.


Tip 1. you always need snacks!! go on google and type in "halloween recipies" but you can alway just make pumpkin pie or cookies with frostine of ghosts and pumpkins!. a bowl of chips and a bowl of candy will do also but if you do do a bowl of chips and candy you will need one more food item. and pizza is perfect for your parents so they can just order it but if they make oit home made....even better!

Tip 2. find stensils for carving pumpkins. go to google and type in "halloween pupkin stensils" youll find somthing. they dont have to use stensils though so that is optianal.

Tip 3. go to google and type in " halloween printables" and there will be a awsome website called "www.dltk-holidays.com/halloween/printables.htm" but google search it because i may have typed that slightky wrong. so remeber to google search "halloween printables". there is holloween everything. costumes,carving,colering,songs,riddles and tons of stuff for parties and individual fun!


Tip 1. go to tip three under party tips.

Tip 2. go to the nearest library and get a hallwoeen book. you can learn about the history in a fun way and you ill understand how all these hallwoeen activities got started.


Tip 1. go to Tip 1 under party tips


Tip 1. you never want to decorate to much. it will look a little tackky.

Tip 2. halloween is not the biggest holiday

Tip 3. you can decorate for halloween but somtimes it is better to decorate for FALL. then you can leave the decorations up longer and you still will have the halloweeny feel when halloween is over. because when you take the decorations for hallwoeen down it feels like fall is over but it is not so make sure some decoarations are fall so you can keep them up.

Tip 4. some of the best decorations are home made! sceduale a family night when you all make decorations. go to the nearest library and fing hallwwoeen craft books.

well that is all my tips. all these tips are from experince so i know that most of them work. thank and i hope you have a awsome fall. if you have questions or comment reply and fell free to pm me. i hope this is a good guide so you dont have to go through trouble trying to find one! :( -Adela1996

thanks! trust me!! it took a long time to type this!! but i ahd all the ideas in my head a while. we might have a small halloween party not a big bash. i just tyhough that some some other people would like to know my ideasx! :(

Thanks, I did get my braces this year but that dosen't mean I can't celebrate halloween, right?

Nice tips by the way :( I'm thinking of having individual from. You need to tell me where you get these tips from, PM me!

of course you can still do halloween with braces!!!! all my friends ahve braces!

thanks!!! the website that is on the top that you search in google......IT IS SOOOOO COOL!!! it has EVERYTHING for halloween and every holiday. printibles,activities........on and on and on!!! you guys have to see if you are in to holidays!!!

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