A group hatch...


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Blob is 4 years, weighing 29lb. my brothers, hatched on the same day, is 5 years and weighs 99lb??? HEAVY MUCH?? :lol: YEAH!

tip: 1.1lb=1kg, so imagine how heavy 99lb is! about 100kg! :D

Im pondernig on getting another Tama.*ponder*

Lari is 6,nadda.It sang two days ago.I want to connect and see wahat it does..*has never connected*

Still 5 training bars,32 pounds,1st gen.

On a random note:My favorite fanfiction writer doesnt seem to write about her favorite chara(and mine)any more... :lol:

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Hello all! I hatched my little Tobi on Christmas as well :lol: ) He is a Kutchipachi who also has an affinity for bath taking as i see many others do. Maybe they're all a bit OCD. lol He is 5 years old ( i imagine that will change to six at some point today. it never seems to do that at a normal time...?) Does anyone know when the matchmaker might be showing up?

Incest doesnt bother meh,have to put up with because my fav chara is often put with his sister.. :wub:

The matchmaker came.Lari is now bounceing around with her baby girl.I pushed that first button on theleft too..accadentaly.

Its not getting older,its still 6.5training bars,35lb.

Random:On a pet site,my pet leveled up and was asked a queston,that im not going to say.I now know my pet is a phycopath thats going to take over the world.I hope Lari isnt that way.. :eek:

Edit:Nice to know someone has a purple one too.I put stickers all over mine :D

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Hi, I am new here. My name is Emily. I got mine on christmas 2!! Its the perfect color. It is an opaque pink with orange buttons. I first had a baby girl, then a marutchi after that it went to a ichigotchi and now its a hanatchi. Mrs. Busybody came and found a match so they had a second generation. I am wonderin if the 2nd gene. always hangs onto the parent???

i also got B) . I mated it with my other B) one aswell!!! I connected them at the top (as usual) and then they satarted dancing and the the boy jumped to the girl and then they sortof kissed then the fireworks whenoff and the girl was LOL the girl was sortof loioking like she was pooping them out!! :D it was was funny!!! So, i have 2 girls.

umm....my parents left aswell...its so sad....i wish you couild have like a family reunion

the matchmaker came today! i didn't want it to mate with the hanatchi the matchmaker offered. i'll have it mate with my other one when it's old enough. omigosh i got another :wub: with my pink one (wasn't started on x-mas). oh well...

Sorry.Didn't reply yesterday.Lari left,but I didnt see it.The new tama is..



training:2 bars



Type-kinokimatchi,the gourd looking one,toddler

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All I wanted for Xmas was a Tama. Suprise under the tree was an orange Tama with yellow bursts. I started it on Xmas day and ended up with Hinotamatchi. Im up to my 2nd generation and have had Kuchipatchi and Ichigotchi. I still haven't found anyone to connect to. My husband keeps asking my how my tama is doing. He wants me to buy him one also. :)

SHEBA :) :eek: :lol: she died as I was taking my mid term essay exam bbbbbbbbbbbbwwwwwwggggaaahhhhhh well lilia turned into a gozarutchi
how sad!!! i'm sorry... well i had to take the batteries out of my tama b.c i was at skool...that sucks...oh well. i didn't put the batteries in today b.c i just want to look after one newer tamagotchi and my new angel one. i thought my light blue connexion would go to the beach every day but it doesn't...so no point in wasting money on batteries...sorry guys...

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