A couple tips: how to decorate your tama


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Alll you need to do is get some stick on diamonds. Like hearts and just stick the on. :) :)

Ahhhh dont do the nail polish thing! it ate away at my tamas paint!! AND MY TAMA BROKE I GOTTA GET A NEW ONE IT STUFFED UP MY TAMA!
Did you let it get on the screen?did you wipe it off?!your only paint it with nail polish if your doing the whole thing!!!I shouldve added that!!!dang me :furawatchi: Oh what ever you do do NOT use nail polish remover!!!!that will DESTROY your screen!!!! sorry... i should have added all this. *embarressed face*

stickers=good idea

messing with the inners=bad idea

this is my second tamagotchi v3!!! because i listened to someones dumb nailpolish idea. never use nail polish on your tamagotchi!!!

We're getting a bit off-topic. XD... if you wanna talk about the nail polish thing go to this topic. The switching buttons thing is a cool idea, I've done it a few times, it's not very hard, just don't mess with the screen and circuit board, and everything'll go fine. You're not really "messing with the innards" because you aren't doing anything importand like tweaking the circuit board.


I gues another way is to stick stuff on it (wings,ets)my friend did it and it was sorts harder 2 play

(i wish the stupid FONT buttons work!!!! :) )

These are two tips on how to decorate your tama.
#1) Put stickers on your tama.

Just find some stickers and put them all over your tama!

#2) Change buttons around (you need another tama to do this).

This is very dangerous, you could lose your tama. But I did it!

1. Open your tama up to the circuit board (this is tricky)

2. Unscrew the circuit board so that you can take it off.

3. Take it off and do the same with another tama.

4. Then, take the buttons out and switch them around!

Ta-da! Those are my two tips.

Hope you like them!
Another tip!

Make ur Tama glow in the dark!

U need:


Glow in the dark tape

Screwdriver (like your de-bugging the Tamagotchi)

1. Unscrew the Tamagotchi until you see the circuit boards. Unscrew the circuit boards too.

2. Carefully and slowly lift the circuit boards until you get *behind the scenes*

3. Place strips of glow in the dark tape behind the pixels.

4. Put your Tama back together, and go into a dark room... so dark you can't see too well.

5. If you can't see your Tama, repeat steps 1-4.

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