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Need a complete guide on tamas? need help? Look at all the help I have here!
Warning: This will be VERY VERY VERY long!!
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 1:[/SIZE]
Health meter
This shows all your tama's stats.
First screen: shows hunger and happiness
Second screen: shows training bars that you got from praising or time-outing it. I think you should praise when it has it's back to you and it's a teenager and all it doesn't have empty hearts, and when it's a baby or toddler and it's crying. Praising will fill one happy heart. Time-out your tam when it calls and doesn't have empty hearts, or refuses food when it needs to eat and it's hungry hearts are all empty.
Third screen: Shows your tama's age, weight and name. In the top lefthand corner you will see a ball with a facing on a scale. It doesn't mean anything, really. Your tama ages one year every day. It will gain one pound with a meal and two pounds with a snack. Maybe then you should exercise it. ;-)
Fourth screen: Shows your tama's generation and gender. If your baby was white, then it's a girl. If it was black, you got a boy. Also note that boys are smaller than girls. If your tama gets a baby from the Matchmaker or mates with another tama (it can mate with another v1, a v2, or a v3(I think it can mate with a v3).
Food icon
If you want to feed your tama go to this icon.
First option: meal Your tama can have a meal or a snack. Well, you chose meal.
A meal is healthy for your tama. After you feed it 6 meals, it will not want anymore. You gain one pound from a meal (already said somewhere up there. ^
Second option: snack You chose snack. Snacks can make your tama have a toothache if it is a kid or teen. Babies and adults can't get toothaches. You gain two pounds from a snack.
Want to know what kind of food your tama eats? Look below.
Baby tams: white bottle for meal, black bottle for snack
Toddler tams: bun/bread for meal, candy for snack
Teenager tams: bun/bread for meal, candy for snack
Adult tams: all adults eat something different, so you might want to know beforehand before you get a character.
Mametchi/Mimitchi: hamburger type thingy for meal, cake for a snack. (lucky!)
Kuchipatchi/Memetchi: toast for meal, icecream for snack. (yum!)
Hanatchi/Robotchi: fish for meals, pudding for snacks. (this may look a little like cake or icecream on a platter but it must be yummy)
Masktchi/Gozarutchi: pizza for meal, corndog for snack. (ooh!)
Old people: bun for meal, coffee for snack. (coffee icky!)
Toilet icon
Your tama made a mess, 'what do you do?' you ask yourself
Your tama makes a mess from time to time, and when it does, you must clean the mess up using the toilet icon.
If your tama pees: Your tama won't pee unless it's a toddler, teen or adult. Connexions may be a bit different. When you see it on the bottom of the screen with it's eyes closed and squiggly lines around it, it needs to pee - badly. Catch it in time by going to the toilet icon in time, or just wait for it to poo(ee yuck!!). Babies only poo, they don't pee. If it pees or poos it will lose a hungry heart. If you get it on the toilet or duck in time it will gain two happy hearts.
Games icon
Your tama is overweight, and you don't know where to go. You look around on the Internet and finally find out, but your tama is already 99lbs. You need to go here!
First game: Dance If you like memory games, you can play this. Your tama will dance, and you repeat the moves. If it moves left<, press A. If it jumps up^, press B. If it moves right>, press C. Once you start a dance game, you cannot exit unless you lose! And you have to pass one round, otherwise your tama will cry. You can lose 2 pounds from this game. Get up to thirty moves and you have fireworks, just like that!
Second game: Jump You like to jump. But you wonder if your tama can jump. So you go to this game. You have to jump at just the right moment. If you don't get past three hurdles, your tama will cry. You can loe 3 pounds from this game.
1-10 hurdles: 1 happy heart gained, good!
11-20 hurdles: 2 happy hearts gained, good!
21-29 hurdles: 3 happy hearts gained, great!
30 hurdles: 4 happy hearts gained, excellent!
Connection icon
You see a heart icon on your tama's screen, and your curious about what it's for. You click it. Stand By comes up on the screen. You click B, and it says Connect. But then fail comes up. Why?
Connection: If you get fail it means you need another tama to connect with. You can have a v1, v2 or v3 to connect with. You will play a game at the very first connection. Then you can get friendly and give gifts and even have babies!
Games: balloon popping, meal eating
Presents: balls, jack-in-the-boxes, flowers, cake, icecream, it depends on which character you have. You get a ball as a baby, toddler, teen, and you can't get anymore until your tama's an adult. As an adult your tama can get 2 other items. But it can't play with the ball anymore.
Discipline icon
Your tama has it's back to you or is crying or has beeped and has no empty hearts. What do you do?
Time-out: If your tama beeps and has no empty hearts or refuses food pick this option. It will cry in the "I'm soo sorry" way, and it will lose one happy heart.
Praise: If your tama beeps and it's a baby or toddler and it's crying praise it. It will get one happy heart filled.
If your tama is a teen and it beeps and has it's back to you, but has no empty hearts, you must also praise it. This will give 1 happy heart.
Medicine icon
Your tama has a skull or a tooth over it's head. You are puzzled. You don't want your tama to die, so...
Skull: If your tama gets this over it's head and is at the bottom of the screen with it's eyes closed you have to go to the medicine icon. After 1-3 doses or medicine your tama will heal again. Babies get sick for no reason. I'm not exactly sure why.
Tooth: Uh-oh! Looks like somebody fed their tama too many snacks! Go to the medicine icon and with 1-3 doses of medicine it will heal. Babies and adults don't get toothaches.
Light icon
Your tama is asleep. You are lost. Do you go and play a game? Or see what it needs? Or think it died? Well, think again...
Sleeping: Your tama will fall asleep at night, just like we do. Go to this icon and select "Off" from the menu it gives you. Now your tama can sleep... in... peace.
Friend icon
You connected with another tama. Where do you find the items and friends?
Friend: If you connected with another tama, you can see it's picture with it's name below it. Press B once. It comes to the gender. Then press B again. You will see 1, 2, 3 or 4 happy faces if it is a toddler, teenager, baby or an adult of the same gender as your tama. If it's a boy or girl and your tama is the opposite gender and they've been friends since teenager stage or lower, you will see two happy faces and two hearts together, or four hearts.
If you see this light up your tama could be in trouble or just need a time-out. You need to look at the health meter to find out.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 2:[/SIZE]
Health meter
Same as v1, except for a new screen that has the amount of Gotchi Points you have from playing games. Use them to buy stuff at the shop! :mimitchi:
Food icon
Same as v1, except for a new option, Treat. These are foods you bought from the Shop. I'll tell more about the shop later.
Same as v1.
Game icon
Okay, you've heard about the shop and items. But, where are they put?
Games: Jump, Bump, Heading and Slot
Jump: Press the right button within 0.5 seconds of lighting up. For babies this is the only game.
Bump: When you see PUSH! press B to obtain a meter of strength. You don't know if you'll win or not. Toddlers have this game and Jump.
Heading: Move your tama using the A or C buttons then B to head the ball. Teenagers have this game, Bump and Jump.
Slot: Bet the amount of points you want. Then press B to stop the slots. You have three boxes for signs!
X: takes away points
Triangle: Gives 3-8 points.
Circle: WOW! Gives lots of points.
Shop: Use your Gotchi Points to shop here. Different things have different costs. The throne costs 5500p, and that's the highest cost of any item in the shop. Use secret codes to recieve special items! There's one in the instruction sheet, and one at www.tamagotchi.com! When you are at the shopkeeper's face, press A until he looks surprised. Then enter in the code.
Item: You can use your items here. That is, if you bought any! Not all tamas characters can play with all items.
Connection icon
You can connect here! If you are connecting with another v2 pick Ver. 2 on the Playmate? screen, and then you can pick from Game or Present. If you are connecting with a v1 or v3, pick Ver. 1 but you can't pick what you wanna do.
Present: If you wrap a present then you can send it away! If your tama doesn't have enough training it might give a bad present, then you have to Time-Out it.
Game: There are four random games. You do not get any points from winning.
Same as v1, except if you don't have enough training and you wrapped something and your tama gives a bad present, and is smirking at the bottom of the screen, Time-Out it.
Same as v1.
Same as v1.
Friend list
Okay here you view your friends!
Friends: Same as v1.
Present: Totally different! Wrap a present in either of the following categories: FOOD or ITEM. You can only wrap one present at a time! Wrap a present by clicking on it and it will say Wrap? Press B and it will say YES or NO. Choose yes. You will see a present being wrapped. You can unwrap it by the same command. Delete an item or food by pressing B and as if you were to wrap it. Press A and it will say Trash?. Press B and it will say YES or NO. Choose YES. It will go to the screen where your tama floats around. Look in your items or food in the friend list and it will no longer be there.
Same as v1.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 3[/SIZE]
Health meter
Same as v1 and v2, except for a new screen with your username. Use this for www.tamatown.com!
Food icon
Kind of like v1, cause there's no Treat option. Kind of like v2, because your foods are stored here.
Meal: Scone, Sushi, Bread, Cereal and anything you buy from the shop.
Snack: Cone, Pudding, Tart, Apple and anything you buy from the shop.
Same as v1 and v2.
WOW! Five choices! They're all related in some way.
Game: Get, Bump, Flag, Heading, Memory, Sprint
Get: Catch the musical notes and avoid the poops. If you miss a note of catch a poop it's GAME OVER.
Bump: look in v2
Flag: Press A or C to represent the different flags. Beware of the imitation flag!
Heading: look in v2
Memory: You will see your tama character with arrows over it's head.
< arrow: A button
^ arrow: B button
> arrow: C button
Use the buttons to repeat back the pattern.
Sprint: Press any button continously to help your tam win!
Item: Play with your items here! Adults can play with everything. It's cool! V3s have new items!
Shop: Buy stuff here with your Gotchi Points! Sometimes you have a sale. Use passwords to recieve items!
Password: Use passwords that you got from TamaTown here. Your new thing will go into souvenirs or items.
Souvenir: You can view souvenirs you got from going on trips with the plane ticket and from trips around TamaTown! You can't play with them.
WOW! You can connect!
First you'll get a Playmate? screen. If you're connecting with another v3 choose Ver. 3 and if you're connecting with another v1 or v2 choose Others. If you choose Ver. 3 you can pick Visit, Game or Present.
Game: Your tamas bet points for if they win. As your tama grows older it can play up to four games.
Present: Wrap a gift and send it away! Some v3's will look at a flower garden or something together before they give the presents. It's so cute!
Visit: Spend some time with your friend. Your tamas will sing, dance, etc.
Same as v1 and v2.
Same as v1 and v2.
Same as v1 and v2.
Friend list
WOW! 4 options!
Friend: View your friends and your relationship between them. If you connect enough you could even get babies if your tamas are the opposite gender!
Present: Look in v2
Point: Keep track of your Gotchi Points here. You can even donate to the king and get a password! Press B on the screen that comes up. It will say Donation For King? and then YES or NO. Choose YES. The next screen says HOW MUCH? Enter your donation and press B. It will ask you DONATE?. Choose YES or NO. If you choose YES you will see your tama with it's mouth open and the bag of points will fly away. Then you will get fireworks, the king will say Thank You Very Much and then you will get a screen with Password For PC!! and a password to enter on TamaTown.
Tip: for your first donation you have to be on 1st generation and you have to donate 5010.
Family: Select History or Parent. To view parents and grandparents you have to be on 2nd generation. Choose Parent. History lets you veiw your tamas that died.
Same as v1 and v2.
Click here to go to eBay.com. I'm sure you could find v1s, v2s and v3s there.
Click here to view v3 characters.
Click here to view the v2 character chart.
Click here to view the v1 character chart.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Mini[/SIZE]
Tamagotchi Mini is a very tiny tama, smaller than the 1997 edition tams!
These are guidelines to keep your mini healthy.
While your tama is awake press A. A food menu should come up. It has MEAL and SNACK.
Meal: The meal is a kind of bun thing-a-ma-bob.
Snack: The snack is a kind of candy thing, just like v1 toddlers and teens.
If it doesn't come up, then your mini tam isn't hungry. Wait for 45 minutes or so, then you can feed it (finally!). You can only feed it in the day.
When your mini tam beeps and you see it in a box, you should know that it went to sleep. Press A. Instead of a food menu, you will see a menu with ON and OFF on it. Select OFF. You will see a black screen, with a Zzz coming up.
Check meter
Ok, so your mini tam doesn't have a number of icons like the other Connections and 1997s and 2000s did. If you just NEED to see how it's doing once in a while, just press C. If your tama is dizzy feed it a meal. If it has it's back turned feed it a snack. If it keeps doing what it's doing, it is fine.
These are guidelines on how your mini works and such.
Press A or C to get a menu for sound. It will say ON and OFF.
Off: Lets you take it to school and other places without making too much noise. The only bad thing is, you won't be able to hear it beep.
On: This option is good when you are in your room or something. Don't have this on at school or work though, or you might get in trouble!
It is good because you can hear your mini beep, though.
Press A and B together at the same time and your mini will freeze and have a ! mark over it's head. Use the same procedure to unpause it.
Press B and a time screen will come up. Press A and C together to set the time. Press A to scroll through a B to select.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi 1997 edition Gen1[/SIZE]
The 1997 edition tam is the first tamagotchi ever made!
There's two options: Meal and Snack.
Meal: Pretty healthy for your tama. If you feed it too many meals it will refuse!
Snack: Be sure not to feed your tama too many snacks. It's okay to feed it a snack to get it happy, play the game instead. :kuribotchi: You can play the game even if it is at it's exact weight - probably not what you'd see with the Connections/Connexions. ^~^
After a long day, your tam needs to sleep. Use this icon to turn the lights on and off.
Off: Lets your tam sleep in peace. You'll see the Zzz on the screen above where your tama is supposedly sleeping.
On: I think your tama will turn the lights on by itself. However, if you absolutely need to check on it while it's resting, feel free to do so. No-one's stopping you! ^<>^
On Original tamas there is only one game. Turning right or left. Press the A button to turn left and the B button to turn right. Your tama will try to guess which way you will turn. There are 5 rounds. You have to get 3-5 out of 5 rounds correct. If you get 3-5 rounds correct, your tama will be happy. ;-) If you get less, it will cry.
Even a virtual pet can get sick! But you can always cure it with this icon. But check the screen for signs of neediness regularly because your tam will not call till it actually gets sick! It can also get sick from too much poop. (Uh-oh)
If it calls for no reason you must give it a time-out.
Health meter
First screen: Age and Weight You'll see your tama's age and weight as the first screen. You'll also see a baby on a scale. Keep your tama around it's base weight. And every day it ages one year older.
Second screen: Discipline You need to discipline your tama. But you also need to see how discipline's going! Use this screen to check up on it's dicsipline. Discipline is a really important influence on your character bet. Once it's gotten all the bars in the discipline meter it will not beep anymore.
Third screen: Hunger You need to see how your tama's doing in hungerness. So use this screen. Never let it get too hungry!
Fourth screen: Happiness Your tama needs to be happy or unhppy, right? Well if you think it's unhappy check here! Feed it snacks to keep it happy, but I'd rather play the game instead.
Like a real pet, your tam will go pee or poo. Don't let the poops sit there too long and don't let your tama sit in the poops too long. It's gonna get sick! So clean it up with this icon.
Press A and C at the same time and it will beep two times to confirm the sound is off.
If you're going to be away, go to the clock screen and press A and C together at the same time. It will say SET and then after you're back you can set it to the current time.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi 1997 edition Gen2[/SIZE]
Like the Gen1, Gen2 is almost the same. I will copy and paste some of the parts from the Gen1 because most of it is the same.
'What am I doing?', you ask yourself. 'I don't know when to feed it or where to feed it!'
There's two options: Meal and Snack. Which one to pick? Only you can know. It's your tam!
Meal: Pretty healthy for your tama. If you feed it too many meals it will refuse!
Snack: Be sure not to feed your tama too many snacks. It's okay to feed it a snack to get it happy, play the game instead.
You can play the game even if it is at it's exact weight - probably not what you'd see with the Connections/Connexions. ^~^
After a long day, your tam needs to sleep. Use this icon to turn the lights on and off.
Off: Lets your tam sleep in peace. You'll see the Zzz on the screen above where your tama is supposedly sleeping.
On: I think your tama will turn the lights on by itself. However, if you absolutely need to check on it while it's resting, feel free to do so...
This is the game for this version: guessing
Try to guess if the number is higher or lower. Press A to guess the leftside number, and B to guess the rightside number. If you guess right tama will be happy!!
Even a virtual pet can get sick! But you can always cure it with this icon. But check the screen for signs of neediness regularly because your tam will not call till it actually gets sick!
If it calls for no reason you must give it a time-out.
Health meter
First screen: Age and Weight You'll see your tama's age and weight as the first screen. You'll also see a baby on a scale. Keep your tama around it's base weight. And every day it ages one year older.
Second screen: Discipline You need to discipline your tama. But you also need to see how discipline's going! Use this screen to check up on it's dicsipline. Discipline is a really important influence on your character bet. Once it's gotten all the bars in the discipline meter it will not beep anymore.
Third screen: Hunger You need to see how your tama's doing in hungerness. So use this screen. Never let it get too hungry!
Fourth screen: Happiness Your tama needs to be happy or unhappy, right? Well if you think it's unhappy check here! Feed it snacks to keep it happy, but I'd rather play the game instead.
Like a real pet, your tam will go pee or poo. Don't let the poops sit there too long and don't let your tama sit in the poops too long. It's gonna get sick! So clean it up with this icon.
Press A and C at the same time and it will beep two times to confirm the sound is off.
If you're going to be away, go to the clock screen and press A and C together at the same time. It will say SET and then after you're back you can set it to the current time.
I hope you guys appreciated this. I'm tired.
:furawatchi: I had to copy and paste from my other topic!
Warning: This will be VERY VERY VERY long!!
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 1:[/SIZE]
Health meter
This shows all your tama's stats.
First screen: shows hunger and happiness
Second screen: shows training bars that you got from praising or time-outing it. I think you should praise when it has it's back to you and it's a teenager and all it doesn't have empty hearts, and when it's a baby or toddler and it's crying. Praising will fill one happy heart. Time-out your tam when it calls and doesn't have empty hearts, or refuses food when it needs to eat and it's hungry hearts are all empty.
Third screen: Shows your tama's age, weight and name. In the top lefthand corner you will see a ball with a facing on a scale. It doesn't mean anything, really. Your tama ages one year every day. It will gain one pound with a meal and two pounds with a snack. Maybe then you should exercise it. ;-)
Fourth screen: Shows your tama's generation and gender. If your baby was white, then it's a girl. If it was black, you got a boy. Also note that boys are smaller than girls. If your tama gets a baby from the Matchmaker or mates with another tama (it can mate with another v1, a v2, or a v3(I think it can mate with a v3).
Food icon
If you want to feed your tama go to this icon.
First option: meal Your tama can have a meal or a snack. Well, you chose meal.
A meal is healthy for your tama. After you feed it 6 meals, it will not want anymore. You gain one pound from a meal (already said somewhere up there. ^
Second option: snack You chose snack. Snacks can make your tama have a toothache if it is a kid or teen. Babies and adults can't get toothaches. You gain two pounds from a snack.
Want to know what kind of food your tama eats? Look below.
Baby tams: white bottle for meal, black bottle for snack
Toddler tams: bun/bread for meal, candy for snack
Teenager tams: bun/bread for meal, candy for snack
Adult tams: all adults eat something different, so you might want to know beforehand before you get a character.
Mametchi/Mimitchi: hamburger type thingy for meal, cake for a snack. (lucky!)
Kuchipatchi/Memetchi: toast for meal, icecream for snack. (yum!)
Hanatchi/Robotchi: fish for meals, pudding for snacks. (this may look a little like cake or icecream on a platter but it must be yummy)
Masktchi/Gozarutchi: pizza for meal, corndog for snack. (ooh!)
Old people: bun for meal, coffee for snack. (coffee icky!)
Toilet icon
Your tama made a mess, 'what do you do?' you ask yourself
Your tama makes a mess from time to time, and when it does, you must clean the mess up using the toilet icon.
If your tama pees: Your tama won't pee unless it's a toddler, teen or adult. Connexions may be a bit different. When you see it on the bottom of the screen with it's eyes closed and squiggly lines around it, it needs to pee - badly. Catch it in time by going to the toilet icon in time, or just wait for it to poo(ee yuck!!). Babies only poo, they don't pee. If it pees or poos it will lose a hungry heart. If you get it on the toilet or duck in time it will gain two happy hearts.
Games icon
Your tama is overweight, and you don't know where to go. You look around on the Internet and finally find out, but your tama is already 99lbs. You need to go here!
First game: Dance If you like memory games, you can play this. Your tama will dance, and you repeat the moves. If it moves left<, press A. If it jumps up^, press B. If it moves right>, press C. Once you start a dance game, you cannot exit unless you lose! And you have to pass one round, otherwise your tama will cry. You can lose 2 pounds from this game. Get up to thirty moves and you have fireworks, just like that!
Second game: Jump You like to jump. But you wonder if your tama can jump. So you go to this game. You have to jump at just the right moment. If you don't get past three hurdles, your tama will cry. You can loe 3 pounds from this game.
1-10 hurdles: 1 happy heart gained, good!
11-20 hurdles: 2 happy hearts gained, good!
21-29 hurdles: 3 happy hearts gained, great!
30 hurdles: 4 happy hearts gained, excellent!
Connection icon
You see a heart icon on your tama's screen, and your curious about what it's for. You click it. Stand By comes up on the screen. You click B, and it says Connect. But then fail comes up. Why?
Connection: If you get fail it means you need another tama to connect with. You can have a v1, v2 or v3 to connect with. You will play a game at the very first connection. Then you can get friendly and give gifts and even have babies!
Games: balloon popping, meal eating
Presents: balls, jack-in-the-boxes, flowers, cake, icecream, it depends on which character you have. You get a ball as a baby, toddler, teen, and you can't get anymore until your tama's an adult. As an adult your tama can get 2 other items. But it can't play with the ball anymore.
Discipline icon
Your tama has it's back to you or is crying or has beeped and has no empty hearts. What do you do?
Time-out: If your tama beeps and has no empty hearts or refuses food pick this option. It will cry in the "I'm soo sorry" way, and it will lose one happy heart.
Praise: If your tama beeps and it's a baby or toddler and it's crying praise it. It will get one happy heart filled.
If your tama is a teen and it beeps and has it's back to you, but has no empty hearts, you must also praise it. This will give 1 happy heart.
Medicine icon
Your tama has a skull or a tooth over it's head. You are puzzled. You don't want your tama to die, so...
Skull: If your tama gets this over it's head and is at the bottom of the screen with it's eyes closed you have to go to the medicine icon. After 1-3 doses or medicine your tama will heal again. Babies get sick for no reason. I'm not exactly sure why.
Tooth: Uh-oh! Looks like somebody fed their tama too many snacks! Go to the medicine icon and with 1-3 doses of medicine it will heal. Babies and adults don't get toothaches.
Light icon
Your tama is asleep. You are lost. Do you go and play a game? Or see what it needs? Or think it died? Well, think again...
Sleeping: Your tama will fall asleep at night, just like we do. Go to this icon and select "Off" from the menu it gives you. Now your tama can sleep... in... peace.
Friend icon
You connected with another tama. Where do you find the items and friends?
Friend: If you connected with another tama, you can see it's picture with it's name below it. Press B once. It comes to the gender. Then press B again. You will see 1, 2, 3 or 4 happy faces if it is a toddler, teenager, baby or an adult of the same gender as your tama. If it's a boy or girl and your tama is the opposite gender and they've been friends since teenager stage or lower, you will see two happy faces and two hearts together, or four hearts.
If you see this light up your tama could be in trouble or just need a time-out. You need to look at the health meter to find out.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 2:[/SIZE]
Health meter
Same as v1, except for a new screen that has the amount of Gotchi Points you have from playing games. Use them to buy stuff at the shop! :mimitchi:
Food icon
Same as v1, except for a new option, Treat. These are foods you bought from the Shop. I'll tell more about the shop later.
Same as v1.
Game icon
Okay, you've heard about the shop and items. But, where are they put?
Games: Jump, Bump, Heading and Slot
Jump: Press the right button within 0.5 seconds of lighting up. For babies this is the only game.
Bump: When you see PUSH! press B to obtain a meter of strength. You don't know if you'll win or not. Toddlers have this game and Jump.
Heading: Move your tama using the A or C buttons then B to head the ball. Teenagers have this game, Bump and Jump.
Slot: Bet the amount of points you want. Then press B to stop the slots. You have three boxes for signs!
X: takes away points
Triangle: Gives 3-8 points.
Circle: WOW! Gives lots of points.
Shop: Use your Gotchi Points to shop here. Different things have different costs. The throne costs 5500p, and that's the highest cost of any item in the shop. Use secret codes to recieve special items! There's one in the instruction sheet, and one at www.tamagotchi.com! When you are at the shopkeeper's face, press A until he looks surprised. Then enter in the code.
Item: You can use your items here. That is, if you bought any! Not all tamas characters can play with all items.
Connection icon
You can connect here! If you are connecting with another v2 pick Ver. 2 on the Playmate? screen, and then you can pick from Game or Present. If you are connecting with a v1 or v3, pick Ver. 1 but you can't pick what you wanna do.
Present: If you wrap a present then you can send it away! If your tama doesn't have enough training it might give a bad present, then you have to Time-Out it.
Game: There are four random games. You do not get any points from winning.
Same as v1, except if you don't have enough training and you wrapped something and your tama gives a bad present, and is smirking at the bottom of the screen, Time-Out it.
Same as v1.
Same as v1.
Friend list
Okay here you view your friends!
Friends: Same as v1.
Present: Totally different! Wrap a present in either of the following categories: FOOD or ITEM. You can only wrap one present at a time! Wrap a present by clicking on it and it will say Wrap? Press B and it will say YES or NO. Choose yes. You will see a present being wrapped. You can unwrap it by the same command. Delete an item or food by pressing B and as if you were to wrap it. Press A and it will say Trash?. Press B and it will say YES or NO. Choose YES. It will go to the screen where your tama floats around. Look in your items or food in the friend list and it will no longer be there.

Same as v1.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Connection Version 3[/SIZE]
Health meter
Same as v1 and v2, except for a new screen with your username. Use this for www.tamatown.com!
Food icon
Kind of like v1, cause there's no Treat option. Kind of like v2, because your foods are stored here.
Meal: Scone, Sushi, Bread, Cereal and anything you buy from the shop.
Snack: Cone, Pudding, Tart, Apple and anything you buy from the shop.
Same as v1 and v2.
WOW! Five choices! They're all related in some way.
Game: Get, Bump, Flag, Heading, Memory, Sprint
Get: Catch the musical notes and avoid the poops. If you miss a note of catch a poop it's GAME OVER.

Bump: look in v2
Flag: Press A or C to represent the different flags. Beware of the imitation flag!
Heading: look in v2
Memory: You will see your tama character with arrows over it's head.
< arrow: A button
^ arrow: B button
> arrow: C button
Use the buttons to repeat back the pattern.
Sprint: Press any button continously to help your tam win!
Item: Play with your items here! Adults can play with everything. It's cool! V3s have new items!
Shop: Buy stuff here with your Gotchi Points! Sometimes you have a sale. Use passwords to recieve items!
Password: Use passwords that you got from TamaTown here. Your new thing will go into souvenirs or items.
Souvenir: You can view souvenirs you got from going on trips with the plane ticket and from trips around TamaTown! You can't play with them.

WOW! You can connect!
First you'll get a Playmate? screen. If you're connecting with another v3 choose Ver. 3 and if you're connecting with another v1 or v2 choose Others. If you choose Ver. 3 you can pick Visit, Game or Present.
Game: Your tamas bet points for if they win. As your tama grows older it can play up to four games.
Present: Wrap a gift and send it away! Some v3's will look at a flower garden or something together before they give the presents. It's so cute!
Visit: Spend some time with your friend. Your tamas will sing, dance, etc.
Same as v1 and v2.
Same as v1 and v2.
Same as v1 and v2.
Friend list
WOW! 4 options!
Friend: View your friends and your relationship between them. If you connect enough you could even get babies if your tamas are the opposite gender!
Present: Look in v2
Point: Keep track of your Gotchi Points here. You can even donate to the king and get a password! Press B on the screen that comes up. It will say Donation For King? and then YES or NO. Choose YES. The next screen says HOW MUCH? Enter your donation and press B. It will ask you DONATE?. Choose YES or NO. If you choose YES you will see your tama with it's mouth open and the bag of points will fly away. Then you will get fireworks, the king will say Thank You Very Much and then you will get a screen with Password For PC!! and a password to enter on TamaTown.
Tip: for your first donation you have to be on 1st generation and you have to donate 5010.
Family: Select History or Parent. To view parents and grandparents you have to be on 2nd generation. Choose Parent. History lets you veiw your tamas that died.
Same as v1 and v2.
Click here to go to eBay.com. I'm sure you could find v1s, v2s and v3s there.
Click here to view v3 characters.
Click here to view the v2 character chart.
Click here to view the v1 character chart.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi Mini[/SIZE]
Tamagotchi Mini is a very tiny tama, smaller than the 1997 edition tams!
These are guidelines to keep your mini healthy.

While your tama is awake press A. A food menu should come up. It has MEAL and SNACK.
Meal: The meal is a kind of bun thing-a-ma-bob.
Snack: The snack is a kind of candy thing, just like v1 toddlers and teens.
If it doesn't come up, then your mini tam isn't hungry. Wait for 45 minutes or so, then you can feed it (finally!). You can only feed it in the day.
When your mini tam beeps and you see it in a box, you should know that it went to sleep. Press A. Instead of a food menu, you will see a menu with ON and OFF on it. Select OFF. You will see a black screen, with a Zzz coming up.
Check meter
Ok, so your mini tam doesn't have a number of icons like the other Connections and 1997s and 2000s did. If you just NEED to see how it's doing once in a while, just press C. If your tama is dizzy feed it a meal. If it has it's back turned feed it a snack. If it keeps doing what it's doing, it is fine.
These are guidelines on how your mini works and such.
Press A or C to get a menu for sound. It will say ON and OFF.
Off: Lets you take it to school and other places without making too much noise. The only bad thing is, you won't be able to hear it beep.
On: This option is good when you are in your room or something. Don't have this on at school or work though, or you might get in trouble!

Press A and B together at the same time and your mini will freeze and have a ! mark over it's head. Use the same procedure to unpause it.
Press B and a time screen will come up. Press A and C together to set the time. Press A to scroll through a B to select.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi 1997 edition Gen1[/SIZE]
The 1997 edition tam is the first tamagotchi ever made!
There's two options: Meal and Snack.
Meal: Pretty healthy for your tama. If you feed it too many meals it will refuse!
Snack: Be sure not to feed your tama too many snacks. It's okay to feed it a snack to get it happy, play the game instead. :kuribotchi: You can play the game even if it is at it's exact weight - probably not what you'd see with the Connections/Connexions. ^~^
After a long day, your tam needs to sleep. Use this icon to turn the lights on and off.
Off: Lets your tam sleep in peace. You'll see the Zzz on the screen above where your tama is supposedly sleeping.
On: I think your tama will turn the lights on by itself. However, if you absolutely need to check on it while it's resting, feel free to do so. No-one's stopping you! ^<>^
On Original tamas there is only one game. Turning right or left. Press the A button to turn left and the B button to turn right. Your tama will try to guess which way you will turn. There are 5 rounds. You have to get 3-5 out of 5 rounds correct. If you get 3-5 rounds correct, your tama will be happy. ;-) If you get less, it will cry.

Even a virtual pet can get sick! But you can always cure it with this icon. But check the screen for signs of neediness regularly because your tam will not call till it actually gets sick! It can also get sick from too much poop. (Uh-oh)
If it calls for no reason you must give it a time-out.
Health meter
First screen: Age and Weight You'll see your tama's age and weight as the first screen. You'll also see a baby on a scale. Keep your tama around it's base weight. And every day it ages one year older.
Second screen: Discipline You need to discipline your tama. But you also need to see how discipline's going! Use this screen to check up on it's dicsipline. Discipline is a really important influence on your character bet. Once it's gotten all the bars in the discipline meter it will not beep anymore.
Third screen: Hunger You need to see how your tama's doing in hungerness. So use this screen. Never let it get too hungry!
Fourth screen: Happiness Your tama needs to be happy or unhppy, right? Well if you think it's unhappy check here! Feed it snacks to keep it happy, but I'd rather play the game instead.
Like a real pet, your tam will go pee or poo. Don't let the poops sit there too long and don't let your tama sit in the poops too long. It's gonna get sick! So clean it up with this icon.
Press A and C at the same time and it will beep two times to confirm the sound is off.
If you're going to be away, go to the clock screen and press A and C together at the same time. It will say SET and then after you're back you can set it to the current time.
[SIZE=14pt]Tamagotchi 1997 edition Gen2[/SIZE]
Like the Gen1, Gen2 is almost the same. I will copy and paste some of the parts from the Gen1 because most of it is the same.
'What am I doing?', you ask yourself. 'I don't know when to feed it or where to feed it!'
There's two options: Meal and Snack. Which one to pick? Only you can know. It's your tam!
Meal: Pretty healthy for your tama. If you feed it too many meals it will refuse!
Snack: Be sure not to feed your tama too many snacks. It's okay to feed it a snack to get it happy, play the game instead.

After a long day, your tam needs to sleep. Use this icon to turn the lights on and off.
Off: Lets your tam sleep in peace. You'll see the Zzz on the screen above where your tama is supposedly sleeping.
On: I think your tama will turn the lights on by itself. However, if you absolutely need to check on it while it's resting, feel free to do so...
This is the game for this version: guessing
Try to guess if the number is higher or lower. Press A to guess the leftside number, and B to guess the rightside number. If you guess right tama will be happy!!
Even a virtual pet can get sick! But you can always cure it with this icon. But check the screen for signs of neediness regularly because your tam will not call till it actually gets sick!
If it calls for no reason you must give it a time-out.
Health meter
First screen: Age and Weight You'll see your tama's age and weight as the first screen. You'll also see a baby on a scale. Keep your tama around it's base weight. And every day it ages one year older.
Second screen: Discipline You need to discipline your tama. But you also need to see how discipline's going! Use this screen to check up on it's dicsipline. Discipline is a really important influence on your character bet. Once it's gotten all the bars in the discipline meter it will not beep anymore.
Third screen: Hunger You need to see how your tama's doing in hungerness. So use this screen. Never let it get too hungry!
Fourth screen: Happiness Your tama needs to be happy or unhappy, right? Well if you think it's unhappy check here! Feed it snacks to keep it happy, but I'd rather play the game instead.
Like a real pet, your tam will go pee or poo. Don't let the poops sit there too long and don't let your tama sit in the poops too long. It's gonna get sick! So clean it up with this icon.
Press A and C at the same time and it will beep two times to confirm the sound is off.
If you're going to be away, go to the clock screen and press A and C together at the same time. It will say SET and then after you're back you can set it to the current time.
I hope you guys appreciated this. I'm tired.