A book....


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Ok, I really wanna start a new book or series once I finish Breaking Dawn. I was thinking maybe The Harry Potter series, Lord Of the rings, The chronicles of Narnia, or the Eragon series. Or maybe you could suggest some. I really am looking for the following Genres:

  • Fantasy
  • Realistic fiction
  • Mystery
  • Fiction

So, if you have any suggestions that apply please list them and their authors here :D if you don't that's fine you can pick what you think is best from the ones I am thinking of reading already :3 any questions about books I have read, PM me or leave a comment.

Well, I've read the first book of The Missing by Margret Peterson Haddix. It's an amazing book. Here is what the description on the back says:

Thirteen-year-old Jonah has always known that he was adopted, and he's never thought it was any big deal. Then he and his new friend, Chip, who's also adopted, began receiving mysterious letters. The first one says "You are one of the missing." The second one says, "Beware! They're coming back to get you."

Jonah, Chip, and Jonah's sister, Katherine, are plunging into a mystery that involves the FBI, a vast smuggling operation, an airplane that appeared out of no-where, and people who seem to appear and disappear at will. The kids discover they are caught in a battle between two opposing forces that want very different things for Jonah and Chip's lives."

Okay, that is all I'm gonna type XD

I really think that you will like it, cause it's somewhere between science fiction, realistic fiction, and a mystery.

You may like the books "Percey Jackson and The Olympians" Sadly, I can't remember who's the author is, and my book is at school D: It's an awesome book that fantasy, basically. It is also a series, and it's first book is "The Lightning Thief" It's basically about a half-blood prince (reminds you of Harry Potter, does it not? XD) that has just learned that he is a half-blood and The Olympians. Percey, the half-blood prince sets out on a journey to save his mother and to try and return a lightning bold back to Zeus, after getting it back from Hades, but only to find that he really had the bolt all along. It's a fantasy and and an adventure, also an awesome book. You should check it out as well as The Missing ;D

P.S. Hi Sango! =D


twilight. maximum ride. Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lightning theif. (you'll get hooked on percy jackson)

nuff' said. :D

Valiant by Holly Black.

it's a fantasy book and it's awesome. (To me, at least)

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

I haven't read Lord of the Rings, but I think you should.

Mainly because I hated the first book of Eragon.

Colaline! it's a really good book it's scary, and fun! read it!

Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King! :D

I have read the LoTR series and CoN series.. personally, I think LoTR is more appropriate for your age, but CoN is really good too :D

OBTW: I read the Harry Potter series and it's a load of bullsh*t. I hated it. All of it.. just so.. augh, magical. It ruined the fun for me. I don't know how kids think it's entertaining, but whatever. >>

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Good o' "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

It's hard to understand it if your not very literate and if you don't have a wide vocabulary.

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'The Lovely Bones' By Alice Sebold.

My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was 14 when I was murdered on December 6 1973. My murder was a man from our neighbourhood. My mother liked his border flowers, and my father talked to him once about fertiliser.

I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to get my hands on her other books, Lucky, and Almost The Moon.

[i wish I was Lindsey with my Samuel!]

Warriors series.

Make sure you read the original or New Prophecy series first. Power of Three will make no sense without prior knowledge :huh:

It's fantasy, but really not. Except for two main concepts (leadergetsninelives) and the cat's religion (deadcatsarestillaliveandcancomeintheirdreams) it could all really, actually happen (if cats became civilized)

If you like horror/thriller kind of books, then you HAVE to read Darren Shan! He is a ledgend! The Saga of Darren Shan isn't as graphic as The Demonata series if you want to start with them first!

I've read all the Harry Potter books about five times each because they were really good so I'd recommend them as well. I tried reading LOTR but its the kind of book that you need to really focus on! Its not really something for light reading. I tried reading the first book but it got kind of heavy so I stopped and now I'm reading The Hobbit which is sort of an introduction...

I havent read Eragon so I can't comment on that!


I don't know how old you are, but I loved Stephen King's Dark Tower series. It's incredible, definitely his master work. Sometimes people don't want to read it because they don't like King's "horror" style, but it's more of a "Stephen King does fantasy" type of thing.

Read some classics, man. I promise, you'll appreciate it later. Nobody reads the good stuff any more.


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