(( Yeah, this would be a good time to reply. I'm going to ramble a bit and my sentence structure will probably suck. Sorry! xD ))
Santo was confused out of his little Italian mind. He had never read Alice in Wonderland, nor had he seen any of the movies, so there wasn't really anything he could compare this strange world to. It was like a really messed up acid trip, but a lot more realistic, not like that series of blurs and images which haunted him for weeks on end after he happily gave in to taking the illegitimate substance. So yeah, this situation was...Pretty fricking weird. Not good weird like he claimed to be, just...Really, really weird. And tea? Honestly? Dishwater or not, tea was, in Santo's opinion, the most disgusting thing that could ever come into contact with the taste buds. Now coffee, that was a different kettle of fish. Not the cheaper brands like Nescafé, but good, strong, Italian coffee. The very thought of the drink cheered him up a bit and, for a moment, he managed to block out this strange world, the cackling maniac with the stupid hat (and that was coming from somebody who'd been to Russia) and the fact that there wasn't anybody he knew or even a proper fellow Italian to act as his personal vent station just by thinking about how much he loved coffee.
This ended when Pearl, out of nowhere, tackled him to the ground and started dragging a comb through the apocalypse scene that was once his hair.
He was too surprised to talk for a second, then anger took over and he gave her a hard shove. Not quite hard enough, though, and no matter how much the Italian patriot struggled and cursed the girl, she simply seemed too determined to comb his hair into a half-decent style to budge. "Gesù, woman! Get off!"