184. Glue cat-food to your clothes and run around like an idiot, screaming "AHHHHH!!!! A &^$%^% cat raped me!" and run to an old lady. "SHE RAPED ME!!! ARREST THIS PHYCHO!" And randomly hit her with a random skittles box, then run to an imployee and screach. "THAT OLD LADY CAT RAPED ME!!!! SHE'S A GIANT CAT THAT RAPES PEOPLES!!!! SHE'S CRAZY, CRAZY I TELLS YA!!!!!!" then run to a compost bin with a big garbage bag, fill up the garbage bag until it's full, and run back over to the same lady, and dump the garbage on her, and scream REALLY loud. " I CAUGHT THE RAPER!!!!!" and trip. "AHHHH!!! SHE TWISTED MY ANKEL!!!" then run to a male employee and hug them and say. "She broke my ankel. I love you, Mommy." That will DEFENATLY send you to the mental hospital- GAUTENTEED!