2 truths and a lie!


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1.My sister is singing very strangely the second I wrote this

2. The phone just rung the second I wrote this

3. My baby sister is crying

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(the second was the lie, I don't even have a YOUNGER sister)

Ummehhh... I don't like to answer to those dumb ones so all of the above. >:-/

1. My cat is brown

2. My mom is watching a video right now

3. My sister has dirty blonde hair


1.My TT friends are better than my real friends.

2.My real friends are better than my TT friends.

3All friends are the same. :3

Trois. o:

Oh and fer my other one, it was 3~

1. Katie [Honeyxx] loves me most. O:

2. I think Brendon Urie is smexy.

3. I hate TT. O:<


1. I met Short Stack.

2. My friend Rozella is not on MSN.

3. My best friend's name is George.

Ginny, You were correct. But, TT friends are a bit more special...


1.I am re-downloading Maple Story now.

2.I have tea right now 8D

3.I need my cat to gain more wheight.D:... Kitty... You dissapoint everyone. 8D

My was 3; My cat needs to loose weight.


1.I just had some coke.

2.I hate the Sims 2.

3.Ksenia is a genius with her youtube videos.

Whoever answered my last one was correeect.

1. I have OCD. Or, I think I do.

2. I have two children; Bread and Razz.

3. I loooooveee tamagotchis.

Edit: Essgee. Numbah ... 2.

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1.Coke is yummeh

2.Dr.Pepper is icky.

3.Tim Hortons SUCKS *beep*

..... threee...???

(Dreamer.x, you we're right!!!! I don't even HAVE a cat!!)

1. I don't like pepperoni on my pizza

2. I hate breakfast pizza

3. I don't like veggie pizza

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^^ 0_0 lol no it's wait... i forgot teh answer... Oh yea it's 2


1. I just drew a picture of a gurl called Rose

2. I'm writing a story about a gurl called Rose

3. Mah name is Rose.

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It's two. I luv breakfast pizza!

uh, one?


1. My brother plays guitar

2. My sister plays the flute

3. My other brother plays the trumpet

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1. I have a tamagotchi V4.5

2. I am Tottally Random.

3. I find it easy to tell lies.

Can you guess?

MOst of the answers are in my loggie ^3^


Your were correct rainbowbunny227.

1.I have a locker.

2.I just talked to my dad on the phone.

3.I hate my teacher.

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