2 girls in my class


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
This girl named M and this girl named P and im K so I Have known M since 4th Grade and we've hated each other. P i have known since last year. This year there both in my class. So anyways they hate me like you would never believe. Today M wrote me a note during class in her assignment book and my teacher was looking at it. I took the notebook and read it. Then when I gave it back the teacher called us both to the hallway and told her to bring her planner. If you think this is getting bad be prepard for the next parts. So my teacher took us to the hallways. Btw a week or two ago she told on me for saying something to her. M always yells at me in class. And i had to switch seats and i was sitting next to on the other side my friend. So anyways teacher saw the note and she wrote in M's planner that she was being bad. And then sent her in and talked to me and asked wat was going on between us. I just said she really hates me i've never done anything to her. She said I have to tell the teacher whenever she talks bad about me and be's mean. Its getting to the boiling point now keep reading. So we had a sub for our switch class today and he lets us have extra recess and we went to the tireswing. I am an awesome pusher. Well I just found out that M and P are bi's so i can hold that on her. Well i wanted to push her and she freaking kicked me in my stomach so hard i just about cried. Then started cussing at h=me and saying i was a ****t and a mental retard. I wanted to tell the teacher but if i do M has some stuff on me. I don't wanna be a tattletale but yet i wanna tell the teacher that she kicked me in the stomach and she pushed me and cussed at me and just is so mean and i have done anything to her ever! I've told her to shut up a bunch because she was being mean. BTW my stomach still hurts right now......

I need help pls! Just tell me what i should do and thanks for reading everything if you did. Plus i about vomited when she kicked me



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You have to tell the teacher. It won't make you a tattletale, it will get her in trouble. She could get in very serious trouble for hurting you. Tell the teacher fast

I reckon you should tell the teacher. If she does anything again than you can tell again. and if she keeps on doing stuff than she'll get in heaps of trouble, she may not be allowed near you at all!! SOr even better, you should tell your parent(s). They could tell the principal. And if you feel safer with that than you could do it. Anyways, good luck and hope i helped!!


Dude, your not tattling if she is physically hitting you. Tell someone, because if she's kicking you in the stomach.... not good.


P.S. You said you were gonna hold it against them that they were bis? Not cool man.

I might but I have gotten her trouble alot already. Now im freaking scared of her. i was at the high school football game last friday and last thursday i got her in big trouble and at the football game i convinced my dad to let me hang out will my bff's. and he said yes and M was there and i put my hoodie up and i got scared cause i thought she would beat the crap out of me. and 2 dudes got high their too. But she ain't scared of jack! she will beat me up and won't care if she gets in trouble. I can use self defense but i can get suspened. I dont know what to do i think i may tell the teacher tommorow but idk if i will.



Dude, your not tattling if she is physically hitting you. Tell someone, because if she's kicking you in the stomach.... not good.

P.S. You said you were gonna hold it against them that they were bis? Not cool man.
no one in my class likes bis

no one in my class likes bis
First off, holding someone against their sexual preference isn't a good idea, it's quite rude, in my opinion. So don't try to throw that back as a retort (e.g They say something and you come back with "Well at least I'm not bi!") Just because no one in your class likes bi's, doesn't give you a right to pick on them. You are just stooping down to their level.

Second, you wouldn't be a tattletale. If they are as mean as you say, I'm sure you aren't the only person being bullied by them. Help stand up for you, and for the other kids by telling on her, you could help save other people. I read a story about a girl once, who was being bullied so much, she committed suicide. Do you want to help stop that?

They could be the people that push someone to do that, it's not right. Stand up for yourself, and for others.

Besides, my teacher told us this year, Tattletales are not bad. If you have a serious reason (Not, "She broke my crayon") like her swearing at you, people will take you more seriously, as in taking action. Were there any witnesses? If there were have them come with you to tell the teacher, so you don't sound like you are making it up just to get her in trouble. If you don't, still go to the teacher, bullying isn't right, and should not be tolerated in school, or anywhere.

Best of Luck

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Go PeaceSign.

I think that it's mean to hold sexual differences against them. Just because no one you know likes bis doesn't mean that you can hold it against them. You could be the one getting in trouble for calling her bi in a little quarrel. If you get into the fight, try not to say anything mean because then you'll be able to say that she was the one being mean, not you. And it will be true. If you scream out, "Well, you're bi! That just wrong, man!" or something then, well, it's just not good to hold sexual differences against others...I mean, yes, you should still tell on them so they can really face the consequences that they earned for being mean but even though it would be good as revenge, fighting back brings you nowhere. It just gets both of you in trouble. She gets in trouble but so do you. So if I were you, I would just tell a teacher but that's all. Because I don't think you want to get in trouble yourself.

If she kicked you really hard in the stomach, that wouldn't be tattling. I mean, if she gave you a light flick in the nose, that would be tattling but this is serious.

I might but I have gotten her trouble alot already. Now im freaking scared of her. i was at the high school football game last friday and last thursday i got her in big trouble and at the football game i convinced my dad to let me hang out will my bff's. and he said yes and M was there and i put my hoodie up and i got scared cause i thought she would beat the crap out of me. and 2 dudes got high their too. But she ain't scared of jack! she will beat me up and won't care if she gets in trouble. I can use self defense but i can get suspened. I dont know what to do i think i may tell the teacher tommorow but idk if i will.

Well if she's being disruptive to your life, I suggest telling the teacher AND your parents and look into possibly getting the police involved. Harsh yes, but it works. Legally, if you're at least 12 years old you can be charged. If she's under that then she'll get talked to and her parents will need to do something about it all.

do u mean like stop trying to be nice and started playing back?
No, she means stop being near them. Ignore them. Make new friends. Move on with your life.

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