Sorry for not posting. It's due to them not being very exciting to log or anything. Everyday, they just do the same thing. Also, I broke my promise. I promised connection photos over the weekend, not on Wednesday. Sorry.
First, you press the down selection arrow and select the connection option. Then, you select A), Give, or

, Receive. For Mepple, I used give, and for Mipple, I used receive. When you select give, you get an option of communicate, present, and something I forgot.
At first, Mepple gave Mipple a weird sounding music box, and a ghost. The reason I couldn't take any pictures was because you needed to connect the ports on the side together between the two and that they only appear for a few seconds.
Then, I used my Queen Card [] (It looks just like this, but Japanese text is Korean, obviously.), swiped it upside down, and let them connect again. This time, a black heart appears on Mepple's screen while Mipple's screen has a white heart. Then, text scrolls with 'Dual Aurora Wave!' and that's it.